艾媒报告 |2019中国餐饮行业大数据监测与商业新模式研究报告
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本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:新希望六和,书海供应链,宋小菜,链农,信良记,即刻联盟,食云集,熊猫星厨,屏芯科技,五芳斋,小龙坎,海底捞,九毛九,大龙燚,西贝筱面村,盒马生鲜,7 eleven ,FamilyMart,超级物种,小象生鲜,便利蜂,口碑,美团点评,饿了么,喜茶,泡面小食堂,华天饮食,凯瑞餐饮,广州酒家,外婆家,蓝海酒店,陶然居,木屋烧烤,丰茂烤串,阿拉提羊肉串大王,很久以前,柳叶刀烧烤,周黑鸭,全聚德,绝味食品股份有限公司,西安饮食股份有限公司,唐宫(中国)控股有限公司,上上谦,太二酸菜鱼
In 2018, the revenue of China's catering industry increased by 18.2% compared with 2017, breaking through 4 trillion yuan. There is still great prospect for the development of the catering industry in the future. At the same time, the development of the take-away industry has also provided a new market for catering. As of December 2018, the number of online take-out users in China reached 406 million, maintaining a relatively high growth rate. From the perspective of sub-categories, the number of dinner consumption is 12.9% higher than that of 2017. The pursuit of quality and diversification has become the mainstream choice; the hot pot industry continues to maintain a high growth rate, and Sichuan-style hot pot dominates the market; the barbecue industry is 26-35 years old. The segment became the main consumer group; the number of snack stores ranked first, and the quality upgrade trend was obvious; the new tea beverages grew rapidly, and the number of stores reached 410,000. According to the business data system of iiMedia Research, the concept of “smart restaurant” has a high degree of recognition in the consumer word of mouth, reflecting the trend of smart development of the catering industry in the future. In addition, the future combination of capital market and catering industry will be closer, and branding and scale will become an important development direction for China's catering industry in the future.
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