艾媒报告| 2019中国现代社会阶层生活烦恼报告
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随着经济下行、社会关系变化、学业工作竞争加剧、婚恋等问题日益突出,现代人们生活面临的压力不断增加,来源更加多样化。艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统显示,网民对于生活负面情绪较大,网络口碑仅为32.2,且主题词云更多与精神压力、生活节奏、焦虑等词相关。面对生活中增多的烦恼压力,不同收入人群对其处理方式也不尽相同。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中等收入群体最愿意向他人倾诉烦恼,而经济收入越高,则越偏向于采取心理咨询的途径解决或减缓烦恼压力问题,20.2%的受访高收入网民遇到烦恼时愿意寻找心理咨询。在网民心理咨询需求提升的背景下,近年线上咨询平台得到快速发展,预计2019年中国精神类服务电商用户规模将超过4000万人。
With issues of the economic downturn, changes in social relations, intensified competition in academic and work, marriage disputes, etc. becoming increasingly prominent, modern people are facing increasing pressure in their lives and more diverse sources. As the iiMedia Big Data Public Opinion Monitoring System showed, the netizens have more negative emotions about life, with the Internet Reputation Index only reaching 32.2, and the keywords cloud is more related to mental stress, rhythm of life, anxiety, etc. Faced with the increasing stress in life, different income groups have different ways of dealing with it. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, middle-income groups are most willing to share their troubles with others. On the other hand, the higher the netizens’ income, the more inclined they are to adopt psychological counseling to solve or alleviate their troubles. 20.2% of the interviewed high-income netizens are willing to seek psychological counseling when they have troubles. In the context of increasing demand for online psychological counseling, online consulting platform has developed rapidly in recent years. It is expected that the scale of China Spiritual Service E-Commerce users will exceed 40 million in 2019.
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