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According to the data, from 2016 to 2020, the five-year average growth rate of the market scale of China's medical and American industry was 12.8%. At the same time, the user scale of China's medical and American market increased by more than four times. Under the combined effect of the improvement of people's living standards, the improvement of the acceptance of medical beauty by the younger generation, the regulation of the medical beauty industry by the government regulators and the improvement of medical beauty consumer confidence, it is expected that the scale of China's medical beauty market will reach 223.2 billion yuan in 2022. With the improvement of the technical level of medical beauty products and instruments and the popularization of medical beauty knowledge, people's concept of plastic beauty is changing to a positive attitude. In the process of the expansion of the whole industry, light medical beauty has a wide audience, low threshold and high repurchase rate, which is more likely to improve the overall penetration rate of the market and become the main incremental market of China's medical beauty industry.
有您的支持,我们的分析师会做的更好 !
1. 中国医美机构市场发展政策背景
2. 中国医美机构市场发展经济背景
3. 中国医美机构市场发展社会背景
4. 中国医美机构市场发展技术背景
5. 中国医美机构市场发展市场背景
1. 中国医美服务机构分类
2. 中国医美合法机构约束规范
3. 中国医美合法机构合法类型分布
4. 2021年中国医美机构数量分析
5. 中国医疗美容服务市场规模分析
6. 公共机构医疗美容服务市场规模分析
7. 中国医美机构行业市场竞争格局分析(一)
8. 中国医美机构行业市场竞争格局分析(二)
9. 中国医美机构盈利能力分析:上市公司对比分析(一)
10. 中国医美机构盈利能力分析:上市公司对比分析(二)
11. 中国医美机构盈利能力分析:成本及费用构成分析
12. 中国医美机构医生资源供给分析
1. 中国医美机构销售费用占比
2. 中国医美机构营销模式概览
3. 中国医美机构营销模式分析一:传统广告模式
4. 中国医美机构营销模式分析二:互联网平台导流
5. 中国医美机构营销模式分析三:美容院合作模式
6. 中国医美机构营销模式分析四:社交媒体营销
7. 中国医美机构营销模式分析五:异业合作模式
8. 中国医疗机构营销模式分析六:终端体验获客
9. 中国医美机构营销模式分析七:顾客裂变获客
10. 中国医美机构营销模式总结
1. 典型企业案例一:华韩整形(一)
2. 典型企业案例一:华韩整形(二)
3. 典型企业案例一:华韩整形(三)
4. 典型企业案例二:瑞丽医美(一)
5. 典型企业案例二:瑞丽医美(二)
6. 典型企业案例二:瑞丽医美(三)
7. 典型企业案例三:美莱整形(一)
8. 典型企业案例三:美莱整形(二)
9. 典型企业案例四:医思健康(一)
10. 典型企业案例四:医思健康(二)
1. 中国医美机构消费用户画像
2. 中国消费者对医美产品的了解度分析
3. 中国消费者对医美产品的接受度分析
4. 中国消费者选择医美机构考虑因素调查
5. 中国消费者选择医美机构医生考虑因素调查
6. 中国消费者偏好消费医美机构类型调查
7. 中国消费者获取医美机构资讯渠道调查
8. 中国消费者到医美机构消费项目调查
9. 中国医美消费者消费金额调查(一)
10. 中国医美消费者消费金额调查(二)
11. 中国消费者对医美机构忠诚度调查
12. 中国消费者对医美机构服务满意度调查
13. 中国消费者对医美机构行业短板感知调查
1. 中国医美机构发展挑战一:行业乱象频发
2. 中国医美机构发展挑战二:一二线城市竞争同质化明显
3. 中国医美机构发展挑战三:小型医美发展面临窘境
1. 中国医美机构发展趋势一:规范化
2. 中国医美机构发展趋势二:行业持续增长
3. 中国医美机构发展趋势三:大体量医美机构脱颖而出
4. 中国医美机构发展趋势四:新项目不断涌现
5. 中国医美机构发展趋势五:营销模式转变
6. 中国医美机构发展趋势六:连锁化运营
图表1. 2020-2021年医美行业主要相关政策分析
图表2. 2015-2021年中国人均可支配收入与人均医疗保健消费支出
图表3. 2014-2019年全球部分国家医美产品渗透率对比
图表4. 2021年中国医美市场主要技术分类
图表5. 2016-2023年中国医美市场用户规模及预测
图表6. 2002年《医疗美容服务管理办法》的部分要点
图表7. 中国医美服务机构以及医美项目等级分类
图表8. 2016-2021年中国医美服务机构成立数量以及当前在业数量
图表9. 2016-2022年中国医美服务行业市场规模及增速数据与预测
图表10. 2016-2022年中国公立医美服务行业市场规模及增速数据与预测
图表11. 2017-2021H1中国部分医美上市公司医美营业收入与毛利率分析
图表12. 2017-2021H1中国部分医美上市公司医美净利润与净利率分析
图表13. 2019年医美上市公司销售费用占比
图表14. 2017-2021H1华韩整形营业收入构成分析(亿元)
图表15. 2021年瑞丽医美主营业务收入及增速
图表16. 2021年半年报瑞丽医美客户数据分析
图表17. 2017-2021年医思健康营业收入和净利润数据分析
图表18. 2021年中国医美消费受访者对医美产品的了解程度分析
图表19. 2021年中国医美消费受访者对医美产品的接受度分析
图表20. 2021年中国医美消费受访者选择医美服务机构的考虑因素
图表21. 2021年中国医美消费受访者选择医美服务机构医生的考虑因素
图表22. 2021年中国医美消费受访者获取医美资讯途径分析
图表23. 2021年中国医美消费受访者获取医美消费项目调查
图表24. 2021年中国不同性别的医美消费者过去一年医美消费金额分析
图表25. 2021年中国不同年龄段的医美消费者过去一年医美消费金额分析
图表26. 2021年中国医美消费受访者体验的医美机构数量
图表27. 2021年中国医美消费受访者忠诚度分析
图表28. 2021年中国医美消费受访者消费过程各方面的体验度分析
图表29. 2021年中国医美消费受访者消费认为医美机构还能改善的地方分析
figure1. Analysis on main relevant policies of medical and American industry from 2020 to 2021
figure2. China's per capita disposable income and per capita health care consumption expenditure from 2015 to 2021H1
figure3. Comparison of penetration rate of medical and American products in some countries in the world from 2014 to 2019
figure4. Main technical categories of Chinese medical and American market in 2021
figure5. User scale and forecast of Chinese medical and American market from 2016 to 2023
figure6. Some key points of the administrative measures for medical beauty services in 2002
figure7. Classification of medical and aesthetic service institutions and medical and aesthetic projects in China
figure8. Number of medical and aesthetic service institutions established in China from 2016 to 2021 and current number in the industry
figure9. Market scale and growth data and forecast of China's medical and aesthetic service industry from 2016 to 2022
figure10. Market scale and growth data and forecast of China's public medical and beauty service industry from 2016 to 2022
figure11. Analysis on the operating revenue and gross profit margin of some Chinese medical and American listed companies in 2017-2021h1
figure12. Analysis on net profit and net interest rate of some Chinese medical and American listed companies in 2017-2021h1
figure13. Proportion of sales expenses of medical and American listed companies in 2019
figure14. Analysis on the composition of business income of plastic surgery in China and South Korea from 2017 to 2021h1
figure15. Main business income and growth rate of Ruili medical beauty company in 2021
figure16. Customer data analysis of Ruili medical America in the semi annual report of 2021
figure17. Analysis of operating revenue and net profit data of Yisi health from 2017 to 2021
figure18. Analysis of Chinese medical and American consumption respondents' understanding of medical and American products in 2021
figure19. Analysis on the acceptance of Chinese medical beauty consumption respondents to medical beauty products in 2021
figure20. Considerations of Chinese medical and beauty consumption respondents choosing medical and beauty service institutions in 2021
figure21. Considerations of Chinese medical and beauty consumption respondents choosing doctors from medical and beauty service institutions in 2021
figure22. Analysis on the access of Chinese medical beauty consumption respondents to medical beauty information in 2021
figure23. Survey on medical and American consumption items obtained by Chinese medical and American consumption respondents in 2021
figure24. Analysis of medical beauty consumption amount of Chinese medical beauty consumers of different genders in the past year in 2021
figure25. Analysis of medical beauty consumption amount of medical beauty consumers of different ages in China in the past year in 2021
figure26. Number of medical beauty institutions experienced by Chinese medical beauty consumption respondents in 2021
figure27. Loyalty Analysis of Chinese medical and American consumers in 2021
figure28. Analysis on the experience of Chinese medical beauty consumption respondents in all aspects of the consumption process in 2021
figure29. Analysis on the areas that respondents of Chinese medical and beauty consumption think can be improved by medical and beauty institutions in 2021
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