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本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:星客多,完美日记,新氧医美;其他提及企业/品牌:海飞丝,阿道夫,沙宣,清扬,潘婷,飘柔,吕,多芬,施华蔻,资生堂,霸王,章光101,欧倍青,卡诗,滋源,丰添,馥绿德雅,索芙特,欧莱雅,花王,美源,爱茉莉,韩金靓,三橡树,利尻昆布,宣若,自然堂,百雀羚,珀莱雅,隆力奇,佰草集,丸美,相宜本草,薇诺娜,毛戈平,雅诗兰黛,兰蔻,SK-II,兰芝,佰草集,高丝,玉兰油、欧莱雅,欧泊莱,旁氏,大宝,郁美净,隆力奇,丁家宜,佳雪,In Style 造型,OnHair Salon,SWANK Salon,My Hair Salon,AUTHOR TNT ATELIER,藤野造型,木北造型,3AM Hair Salon,Amo la Diva 造型,bymiga,OnHair Salon,In Style 造型,藤野造型,P.STYLE 派斯造型,Hair Code 芭曲造型,MG Style Salon,Kraemer Paris 苏豪发廊,TL Hair 造型,3AM Hair Salon,IMPRES 印象美学,In Style 造型,Paya Hair,My Hair Salon,T SPACE 韩式发型,至 ACME STUDIOS,MJ Hair Style,On Star Salon,简发 HAIR 造型,L’Fashion 美发沙龙,AD Hair Salon,DL VOGUE,Cola-Pie 美发沙龙,原宿 Salon,Nice Salon,In Style 造型,OnHair Salon,Mirror Salon,3AM Hair Salon,COO Salon,MIG Salon等

2020年1月21日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020-2021年中国美容美发行业细分领域及总体趋势研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对中国美容美发行业的发展现状、用户行为和产业链细分领域进行深度分析,并且以新氧等上市公司作为典型案例进行商情分析,深入研究中国美容美发行业运行模式和发展趋势。2019年,中国的美容美发机构约有95%为民营资本,美容美发行业就业人口达2700万人;总体来说,中国美容美发业整体属于小投资、大市场型的服务行业。随着中国美容美发行业竞争愈发激烈,美容美发机构的经营模式正由单一走向综合,形式也日趋多样化,品牌机构趋向连锁加盟、互联网+实体店融合的经营模式发展。
The report conducts an in-depth analysis of the development status, user behavior and industry chain segmentation of China's beauty and hairdressing industry. Listed companies analyze business conditions as a typical case, and study in-depth the operation mode and development trend of China's beauty and hairdressing industry. In 2019, about 95% of China's beauty and hairdressing institutions are private capital, and the beauty and hairdressing industry employs 27 million people. In general, China's beauty and hairdressing industry as a whole is a small investment and large market-oriented service industry. As the competition in the Chinese beauty and hairdressing industry becomes more intense, the business model of the beauty and hairdressing organization is moving from a single to a comprehensive, and the form is becoming more and more diversified.


iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2012年至2018年,中国化妆品市场规模呈稳定增长态势,年复合增长率达8.0%。特别是“颜值经济”的崛起进一步激发了中国网民对化妆品的消费热情。从网民关注度看,广东地区的网民最关注化妆品相关的资讯,其次是浙江、山东、湖北等地。总体来看中国消费者对于日常必备的化妆品需求量较大、购买频次高、发展潜力大,但面临着高端市场被国际品牌主导、同质化竞争激烈、企业溢价困难等问题。化妆品企业需要进一步了解消费者市场,抓住颜值经济、他经济的趋势,开拓社交电商的转化渠道,进行更精细化的产品销售。

IiMedia Research data show that from 2012 to 2018, the scale of China's cosmetics market showed a stable growth trend, with an annual compound growth rate of 8.0%. In particular, the rise of “Yan-value economy“ has further stimulated the enthusiasm of Chinese netizens for cosmetics consumption. Judging from the attention of netizens, netizens in Guangdong pay most attention to cosmetics-related information, followed by Zhejiang, Shandong, Hubei and other places. Generally speaking, Chinese consumers have large demand, high purchase frequency and great development potential for daily essential cosmetics. However, they are faced with such problems as the high-end market being dominated by international brands, intense homogenization competition, and difficulty in premium payment for enterprises. Cosmetic companies need to further understand the consumer market, seize the trend of Yan-value economy and other economies, open up channels for social e-commerce transformation, and conduct more refined product sales.

相关企业:欧莱雅、Cosmax、娇兰、强生、丝芙兰、雅诗兰黛、如涵、千色店、丽人丽妆、诺米家居、美图公司、玉兰油、自然堂、百雀羚、一叶子、SK-Ⅱ、韩束、兰芝、佰草集、美迪惠尔、肌肤之钥、兰蔻、科颜氏、海蓝之谜、丸美、欧珀莱、迪奥、MAC、YSL、TOM FORD、香奈儿、纪梵希、美宝莲、阿玛尼、古驰、宝格丽、博柏利、祖玛珑、联合利华、资生堂、上海家化、珀莱雅、伽蓝集团、抹茶美妆、唯品会、小红书、豌豆公主

利好政策和市场需求驱动下,全球化妆品行业高速发展,中国成为全球第二大化妆品消费国。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)分析认为,目前中国化妆品行业有四大趋势:(1)“他经济”时代的到来,男士化妆品成为新兴蓝海市场;(2)社交电商的兴起将进一步带动化妆品消费的增长,61.0%的消费者表明社交媒体平台成为他们“种草”化妆品的重要阵地,其中95/00后受到“种草”的概率为76.6%;(3)跨境电商的发展成为化妆品消费的增长动力,在海淘购买商品品类调查中,洗护用品和美容彩妆分别占比50.6%、45.3%,持续受到用户欢迎,小红书、豌豆公主等跨境电商为化妆品消费提供动力支持;(4)高端化妆品市场发展前景良好,iiMedia Ranking(艾媒金榜)数据显示,雅诗兰黛是最受消费者青睐的面膜品牌和眼霜品牌,迪奥则是口红和女士香水品牌中最受消费者欢迎的。

Driven by favorable policies and market demand, the global cosmetics industry is developing at a high speed, and China has become the second largest consumer of cosmetics in the world. iiMedia Research analysis believes that China's cosmetics industry has four major trends: (1) the arrival of the “He Economy“ era, men's cosmetics become the emerging blue ocean market; (2) the rise of social e-commerce will further drive the growth of cosmetics consumption, 61.0% of consumers indicates that the social media platform has become an important position for their “grass” cosmetics, and the probability of being “grassed” after 95/00 is 76.6%; (3) the development of cross-border e-commerce has become the growth engine of cosmetics consumption. In the survey of the consumption of goods purchased by cross-border online shopping, toiletries and beauty cosmetics accounted for 50.6% and 45.3% respectively, which continued to be welcomed by users. Cross-border e-commerce companies such as Xiaohongshu and Wandougongzhu provided support for cosmetics consumption. (4) The high-end cosmetics market has good development prospects. iiMedia Ranking data shows that Estee Lauder is the most popular mask brand and eye cream brand, and Dior is the most popular among lipstick and women's perfume brands.


在中国居民收入不断提高和消费升级的推动下,中国男性颜值经济规模不断扩大。同时,为解决男性客户群中的诸多痛点,男性颜值企业通过跨界融合、技术加持等手段实现转型,男性美容零售规模预计在2020年将突破167亿元。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,65.1%的受访男性对提升颜值持积极态度,男性颜值消费具有精致化、低龄化、消费升级等特点。同时, 男性在选购颜值产品时具有“务实”的特点,对产品不了解是阻碍部分男士购买颜值产品的主要原因。除此之外,女性也是男性颜值经济爆发的助推器。艾媒咨询分析师认为,中国男性颜值经济市场可挖掘空间巨大,目前部分产品个性化特征仍不明显,未来将继续深化细分领域发展。同时,男性颜值产品设计需紧跟潮流,市场竞争重点仍在于产品质量和认可度。因此,男性颜值产品应当继续与其他产业深度融合,实现优势互补。

Driven by the rising income of Chinese residents and the upgrading of consumption, the scale of China male appearance economy has been expanding. At the same time, in order to solve the pain points of male customer base, male appearance companies have achieved transformation through cross-border integration and technology blessing. The scale of Male Grooming Retail Sales is expected to exceed 16.7 billion yuan in 2020. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 65.1% of the men surveyed have a positive attitude towards improving their appearance, and male appearance consumption has the characteristics of refinement, aging, and consumption upgrading. Apart from this, men have a ‘pragmatic’ feature when buying male appearance products, and ignorance of the products is the main reason that prevents amount of men customer from buying appearance products. In addition, women are also the boosters of the economic explosion of male appearance. Analyst of iiMedia believes that China male appearance economy has huge room to explore. At present, the personalized characteristics of some products are still not obvious. In the future, this industry will continue to deepen the development of subdivided fields. What’s more, the design of male appearance products needs to keep up with the trend, and the focus of market competition is still on product quality and recognition. Therefore, male appearance economy should continue to be deeply integrated with other industries to achieve complementary advantages.
