Globally, among the world's top 500 companies in 2018, logistics companies occupy four seats. For Deutsche Post DHL, annual revenue in 2018 was 61.55 billion euros, up 1.8% year-on-year; but pre-tax profit (EBIT) was 3.16 billion euros, down 15.5% year-on-year. In China, the volume of China's express delivery business reached 50 billion in 2018. Among them, Guangzhou express business has a maximum of 5.06 billion pieces, and Shanghai Express has the highest revenue, exceeding 100 billion yuan. Overall, the overall satisfaction of users in the express delivery industry increased in 2018, but the delay is still the most dissatisfied factor for users. For a specific company, SF Express has the highest punctuality rate, accounting for 61.4% of China's total express delivery business. In 2019, China's express delivery industry has the following development trends: technology development will help intelligent logistics upgrade, the concentration of express delivery industry will be further enhanced, and the express delivery industry will develop to high quality.