2021年1月13日,《2020年中国网络文学作家影响力榜单解读报告》正式发布,其中男频影响力榜单中,猫腻凭借《大道朝天》登顶第一;天下归元则以《山河盛宴》问鼎女频榜单。本次上榜作家中,85后、90后作家是中坚力量。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,超过六成上榜男频作家影响力榜单的作家为85后及90后,女频榜单中该部分作家比例占比也达到54.0%。此外,多位95后作家也成功上榜。在新血液注入行业的同时,网络文学中生代和资历深厚的作家也仍旧保持强大影响力。三代作家共同贡献优质内容,促进网络文学行业更加繁荣发展。
On January 13, 2021, The Interpretation Report of 2020 China Internet Literature Writers Influence Ranking was officially released. Among the male channel ranking, Maoni topped the ranking by virtue of The Path Toward Heaven, while Tianxiaguiyuan won the ranking of female channel by virtue of Shan He Sheng Yan. Among the writers on the ranking, the post-85 and post-90 writers are the backbone. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, more than 60% of the writers on the male channel ranking are the post-85s and post-90s, and the one in female channel is 54.0%. In addition, a number of post-95 writers are also on the list. At the same time that new blood is injected into the industry, the Mesozoic and highly qualified Internet literature writers still maintain strong influence. The three generations of writers contribute high-quality content together to promote the prosperity and development of Internet literature industry.艾媒咨询|2020年中国移动阅读行业发展专题研究报告
经过多年发展,中国移动阅读行业积累大批优秀作品及头部作家,各平台也不断开发这类头部IP的商业价值,推动行业规模增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国移动阅读市场规模达到372.1亿元,未来将继续保持良好增长势头。目前移动阅读用户更偏好作品IP衍生类型为影视化作品,占比60.1%。针对于此,大量优秀网络文学作品近年也得到影视改编,并凭借社交媒体规模扩大而得到更好的传播,覆盖更多年轻用户群体。而移动视频、有声书等平台用户规模的扩大使头部IP数字文娱作品引发的关注热度提升,也同时促进了头部IP影响力的提升。
After years of development, China mobile reading industry has accumulated a large number of excellent works and head writers, and various platforms have continuously developed the commercial value of such head IP, promoting the growth of the industry scale. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of China's mobile reading market will reach 37.21 billion yuan in 2020, and it will continue to maintain a good growth momentum in the future. At present, mobile reading users prefer screen-adaption derived from IP, accounting for 60.1%. In view of this, a large number of excellent online literary works have been adapted from movies and TV in recent years, and have been better spread by virtue of the expansion of social media scale, covering more young user groups. The expansion of mobile video, audio book and other platform users makes the head IP digital entertainment works attract more attention, and also promotes the head IP influence.艾媒报告|2020年中国疫情影响下的“宅经济”发展及投资逻辑分析报告
2020年2月21日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年中国疫情影响下的“宅经济”发展及投资逻辑分析报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对2020年新冠病毒影响下的中国经济发展投资逻辑进行分析,特别对疫情利好的“宅经济”以及利空行业进行深度分析,以快递行业、在线娱乐、生鲜电商、在线教育、在线医疗、在线办公等行业案例,深入探究运行模式和发展趋势。2019年,21.3%宅家网民线上消费占总消费的比例在61%以上,宅家网民对线上消费依赖程度较高;77.1%宅家网民主要通过线上渠道进行娱乐,其中最受欢迎的是影视音乐,占比48.2%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,中国“宅经济”业态早已形成,但在2020年新春新冠状病毒疫情影响下,居民防疫隔离增加了宅在家里的时间,线上消费、线上娱乐需求增加,使得“宅经济”成为当前重要的经济发展模式。
In 2019, 21.3% of home netizens' online consumption accounted for more than 61% of total consumption, and home netizens rely heavily on online consumption; 77.1% of home netizens mainly used online channels for entertainment, the most popular of which Film and television music accounted for 48.2%. iiMedia Researchh analysts believe that China's "House Economy" format has long been formed, but under the influence of the New Year coronavirus epidemic in 2020, the quarantine of residents will increase the time spent at home, and online consumption and online entertainment demand will increase "House economy" has become an important economic development model.艾媒报告|2018上半年中国二次元市场监测与发展趋势专题研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国二次元用户预计将达2.76亿人,2019年有望增至3.28亿人。艾媒咨询分析师认为,近年互联网企业注重对日本动漫正版版权收购,同时加强国产动漫IP创作,而二次元IP结合手机游戏、电影等产业发展也进入快速发展期,推动中国泛二次元用户群体扩大,二次元用户规模稳定增长。