近年来,旅游市场强力复苏,居民出游意愿高涨。随着国民教育文化需求的提升、政府政策红利的释放以及家长教育观念的转变,研学游成为旅游市场重点发展方向。2023年中国研学游行业市场规模达1469亿元,预计2028年将突破3000亿元。中国研学游市场发展迅速,产业配套快速形成。产业链分布上,上游的资源提供方构成复杂,主体为高校、事业单位、研学基地和营地等。中游市场上,竞争格局较为分散,行业集中度较低,存在大量营收规模在千万元/人民币以下的中小机构。下游则对应用户层,如师生、学校、家长等。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国研学游经济市场运行监测报告》数据显示,在研学游目的地的选择上,57.7%的消费者偏爱省内的短途旅行,单次1000-6000元的研学游产品成为超半数消费者的选择。随着研学游市场发展逐步成熟,同质化的研学旅行服务将越来越难以满足消费者需求。科技、制造、能源、互联网等跨领域的佼佼者也已进入这个庞大的市场,不断拓展行业边界,开发出丰富多样的跨界融合研学产品。相关企业需根据研学旅行未来趋势制定分众细化的特色研学项目应对市场挑战。
In recent years, the tourism market has seen a robust recovery, with a surge in residents' desire to travel. As the national demand for education and culture increases, along with the release of government policy dividends and the transformation of parents' educational concepts, study tours have become a key direction for the development of the tourism market. In 2023, the market size of China's study tour industry reached 146.9 billion yuan, and it is expected to exceed 300 billion yuan by 2028. The development of China's study tour market is rapid, with industry support quickly taking shape. In terms of the industry chain distribution, the upstream resource providers are complex, mainly consisting of universities, public institutions, study bases, and camps. In the midstream market, the competitive landscape is relatively fragmented, with a low industry concentration, and there are many small and medium-sized institutions with a revenue scale of less than 10 million yuan/RMB. The downstream corresponds to the user layer, such as teachers, students, schools, and parents. The latest "China Study Tour economic Market Operation Monitoring report from 2024 to 2025" released by iiMedia Research shows that in the choice of study tour destinations, 57.7% of consumers prefer short-distance travel within the province, and study tour products priced between 1000-6000 yuan per trip have become the choice of more than half of the consumers. As the study tour market gradually matures, homogenized study travel services will increasingly fail to meet consumer needs. Leaders in cross-disciplinary fields such as technology, manufacturing, energy, and the internet have also entered this vast market, continuously expanding industry boundaries and developing a rich and diverse range of cross-disciplinary integrated study products. Relevant companies need to formulate targeted study projects based on future trends in study travel to meet market challenges. -
艾媒咨询 | 2025-2026年中国冰雪运动行业发展趋势报告
冰雪行业热度持续升温,产业迎政策利好,中国冰雪运动行业的市场规模有望持续扩容,前景广阔。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国冰雪运动带动市场规模已达10480.1亿元,预计2025年将进一步攀升至 11703.9亿元。随着“冰雪基建”的日益完善和消费者需求的多样化,冰雪经济已经突破了单纯满足基础滑雪需求的局限,逐步向多样化和高端化迈进。多元发展格局催生了多重盈利模式,为冰雪运动行业的高质量发展注入了强劲动力。
The heat of the ice and snow industry continues to heat up, and the industry welcomes favorable policies, and the market size of China's ice and snow sports industry is expected to continue to expand, with broad prospects. iiMedia Research data show that China's ice and snow sports driven market size has reached 1,048.01 billion yuan, is expected to further climb to 1,170.39 billion yuan in 2025. With the increasing improvement of "snow and ice infrastructure" and the diversification of consumer demand, the snow and ice economy has broken through the limitations of simply meeting the needs of basic skiing, and gradually moved toward diversification and high-end. The diversified development pattern has spawned multiple profit models, which has injected strong impetus into the high-quality development of the ice and snow sports industry. -
随着中国逐步迈入老龄化社会,老年人的衣食住行行业逐渐得到了社会广泛的关注和政府的扶持。发展银发经济是解决中国老年人衣食住行,提升其生活品质的重要途径之一,同时亦有助于带动中国经济发展。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国银发经济投资前景分析报告》数据显示,2023年中国养老产业市场规模为12.0万亿元,同比增长16.50%,预计2024年中国养老产业市场规模为13.9万亿元,2027年市场规模有望达20万亿元以上。
With China gradually entering the aging society, the clothing, food, housing and transportation industry of the elderly has gradually received extensive social attention and government support. Developing the silver economy is one of the important ways to solve the problem of clothing, food, housing and transportation of the elderly in China, improve their quality of life, and also help to promote China's economic development.According to the latest "Analysis Report on Investment Prospects of China's Silver Economy from 2024 to 2025" released by iiMedia Research, in 2023, the market size of China's pension industry will be 12.0 trillion yuan, an increase of 16.50%. It is expected that the market size of China's pension industry will be 13.9 trillion yuan in 2024, and the market size is expected to reach more than 20 trillion yuan in 2027.
Analysts from iMedia Consulting believe that the new generation of middle-aged and elderly people generally have a higher education level, pay more attention to the quality of life and social needs after retirement, and are generally willing to pay for their interests and hobbies, which provides good conditions for the development of the silver economic market. -
随着人们生活水平提高、文化消费能力提升,大众对博物馆所承载的历史文化价值展现出更为浓厚的兴趣和更深的认同感,博物馆逐渐成为热门旅游目的地。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023-2024年中国博物馆旅游行业及典型地市发展研究报告》数据显示,2022年中国各地博物馆举办的活动数量众多,其中,线下展览共举办3.4万个、教育活动近23万场,接待观众5.78亿人次。近年来,各类以文物为创作灵感或节目主题的影视作品持续出圈,博物馆研学活动也广受师生喜爱,“博物馆+教育”、“博物馆+媒体”等多种模式的合作开发为用户带来了独特的体验,提升了文物资源的公众可及性。未来,博物馆将通过“博物馆+”模式与各个行业及领域的深度融合,为公众提供更加丰富、有趣的文化体验。
With the improvement of people's living standards and the improvement of cultural consumption ability, the public has shown a stronger interest and deeper identity for the historical and cultural values carried by museums, and museums have gradually become popular tourist destinations. According to the latest Research Report on the Development of China's Museum Tourism Industry and Typical Cities in 2023-2024 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, there will be a large number of activities held by museums across China in 2022, among which, A total of 34,000 offline exhibitions and nearly 230,000 educational activities were held, receiving 578 million visitors. In recent years, various kinds of film and television works with cultural relics as creative inspiration or program theme continue to appear in the circles, and museum research activities are also widely loved by teachers and students. The cooperative development of various modes such as "museum + education" and "museum + media" has brought unique experiences to users and improved the public accessibility of cultural relics resources. In the future, the museum will deeply integrate with various industries and fields through the "Museum +" model to provide the public with a richer and more interesting cultural experience. -
随着数字化转型和远程工作需求的推动,中国协同办公行业迅速发展,逐步发展为企业提升运营效率和团队协作方式的关键因素。在企业中通过协同办公行软件构建一套高效的服务框架,成为了企业日常运营中提升沟通效率、加强团队协作的重要工具。在行业竞争日趋激烈的环境下,中国协同办公行业不仅满足了国内企业对高效协作平台的需求,还逐渐将视野扩展到国际市场,成为全球企业服务市场的新动向。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国协同办公行业及标杆案例研究报告》数据显示,中国协同办公市场规模2023年已达330.1亿元,预计2025年规模将达414.8亿元。
Driven by digital transformation and the need for remote working, China's collaborative office industry has grown rapidly, gradually becoming a key factor for enterprises to improve operational efficiency and team collaboration. In the enterprise, a set of efficient service framework is built through collaborative office software, which has been becomed an important tool to improve communication efficiency and strengthen team cooperation in the daily operation of enterprises. In the increasingly competitive environment of the industry, China's collaborative office industry not only meets the needs of domestic enterprises for efficient collaboration platforms, but also gradually expands its vision to the international market, becoming a new trend in the global enterprise service market. According to the latest "2024-2025 China Collaborative Office Industry and Benchmarking Case Study Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the scale of China's collaborative office market has reached 33.01 billion yuan in 2023. It is expected that the scale will reach 41.48 billion yuan in 2025.
Analysts from IIMedia Consulting believe that in the context of globalization, Chinese collaborative office enterprises can more effectively establish cooperative relations with international enterprises and enhance brand competitiveness by integrating and applying innovative ideas and technological advantages with Chinese characteristics. -
近年来,中国水产行业正以稳健的步伐向前发展,其产业规模持续扩张,产量快速提升,展现出强劲的增长势头和广阔的发展前景。数据显示,2015-2023年中国水产品总产量逐年递增,2023年达7116.24万吨,水产品已成为居民膳食结构中的重要组成部分,水产消费从“温饱型”向“品质型”转变。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国水产行业现状及消费趋势洞察报告》数据显示,在水产品品类选择中,71.5%消费者常购买生鲜/冷冻水产品,生鲜/冷冻水产品品类仍在消费者选择中占据主导地位。即食零食类为消费者最常选购的深加工水产品品类,占比75.3%,在市场上占比中拥有一定的优势空间。如今,中国水产养殖企业多以分散的个体经营模式为主,大型企业较少,市场集中度低。与此同时,水产类预制菜已渐成水产品消费的新途径,行业品牌意识觉醒加速。企业应加快布局或跨界布局水产行业细分领域,朝品牌化、专业化方向发展;同时,进一步加快转型升级,推进智慧水产养殖,开展数字渔业示范,大力发展优质、特色、绿色、生态的水产品。
In recent years, China's fishery industry is developing at a steady pace, its industrial scale continues to expand, the output is rapidly increasing, showing a strong growth momentum and broad development prospects. Data show that the total output of aquatic products in China increased year by year from 2015 to 2023, reaching 71,162,400 tons in 2023, aquatic products have become an important part of the residents' dietary structure, and aquatic consumption has changed from "subsistence" to "quality". According to the latest Research Report 2024-2025 China's fishery industry status and consumption trend insight report released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, in the choice of aquatic products, 71.5% of consumers often buy fresh/frozen aquatic products, and fresh/frozen aquatic products still occupy a dominant position in consumer choice. Ready-to-eat snacks are the deep-processed aquatic products most frequently purchased by consumers, accounting for 75.3%, which has a certain advantage in the market. Nowadays, Chinese aquaculture enterprises are mainly based on decentralized individual business model, with fewer large enterprises and low market concentration. At the same time, aquatic prefabricated dishes have gradually become a new way of aquatic product consumption, and the awakening of industry brand awareness has accelerated. Enterprises should speed up the layout or cross-border layout of the aquatic industry segmentation field, towards the direction of branding and specialization. At the same time, further accelerate the transformation and upgrading, promote smart aquaculture, carry out digital fishery demonstration, and vigorously develop high-quality, unique, green and ecological aquatic products.
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