2021年全社会求职人员数量将超过1000万人,新增用人单位招聘需求预计将超2000万人。网络招聘已成为新生代劳动力的主流选择,在用人单位与求职者双方市场需求的加持下,2021年中国第三方网络招聘行业迎来新的市场机遇与挑战。艾媒咨询分析师认为,提高平台反馈效率,将成为招聘未来发展的核心竞争力所在,同时网络招聘衍生服务市场也将成为产业拓展的新蓝海。 (《艾媒咨询|2021年中国第三方网络招聘行业发展报告》完整高清PDF版共36页,可点击文章底部报告下载按钮进行报告下载)
In 2021, the number of job seekers in the whole society will exceed 10 million, and the recruitment demand of new employers is expected to exceed 20 million. Online recruitment has become the mainstream choice of the new generation of labor force. With the support of the market needs of employers and job seekers, China's third-party online recruitment industry will usher in new market opportunities and challenges in 2021. AI media consulting analysts believe that improving the feedback efficiency of the platform will become the core competitiveness of the future development of recruitment. At the same time, the online recruitment derivative service market will also become a new blue ocean for industrial expansion.(“iiMedia Report | China's third-party online recruitment industry development in 2021”full version has 36 pages in total, please click the Browse HD Report button on the right side of the article to browse the report)艾媒报告|2020年中国就业创业市场现状与趋势发展分析报告
2020年3月20日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年中国就业创业市场现状与趋势发展分析报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对2020年中国就业创业环境进行分析。并且,本报告对1377名求职者和370名招聘方展开问卷调研,分析2020年中国就业创业市场以及对受新冠疫情影响程度进行预判。艾媒咨询分析师认为,2019年中国CIER指数低于去年水平,显示就业竞争较为激烈,就业信心较低。城镇新增就业人数、就业困难人员就业人数等数据都呈现同比下降趋势。与此同时,2019年裁员潮愈演愈烈。这是由于一方面,2019年大环境不景气,许多企业都减少了招聘的数量,开始进行不同规模的裁员,不少企业甚至倒闭。另一方面,高校毕业生等人数不断增加,适龄劳动力不断涌入就业市场。
The downturn in the big environment in 2019, many companies have reduced the number of hiring, began to lay off employees of different sizes, and many companies even closed down. The outbreak in 2020 further increased employment pressure, making the employment situation even more severe. Under the active guidance of government policies, it is believed that the subsequent economy will gradually recover, the entrepreneurial environment will improve, new business opportunities will be continuously explored, and the industry may enter a period of historical opportunities.艾媒报告 |2019中国互联网招聘行业市场研究
产业变革、技术升级、政策扶持以及90后用户人群的崛起,其对招聘体验提出了更高要求,驱动了互联网招聘行业的发展。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国互联网招聘用户规模接近2亿,近八成求职者偏好利用多个网络招聘平台来拓宽应聘渠道,但各个主流招聘平台呈现出差异化发展趋势。综合招聘平台依然是求职者的首选,成功率是求职者选择网络招聘平台的首要因素,而企业信息不真实成为求职者最介意因素。未来,互联网招聘平台将更趋向专业化、精细化,向技能培训延申, 盈利模式将加速向C端拓展,AI在其中将扮演重要角色。
The industry reform, technology upgrading, policy support and the rise of the post-90s user group put forward higher requirements for the recruitment experience, driving the development of the Internet recruitment industry. According to data from iiMedia Research, in 2018, the number of Internet recruitment users in China is nearly 200 million, and nearly 80% of job seekers prefer to use multiple online recruitment platforms to broaden the recruitment channels. However, each mainstream recruitment platform shows the trend of alienated business trip development. General recruitment platform is still the first choice for job seekers, the success rate is the first factor for job seekers to choose online recruitment platform, while the unreal enterprise information becomes the most important concern for job seekers. In the future, the Internet recruitment platform will be more professional and refined, extending to skill training, and the profit model will be accelerated to expand to the c-end, in which AI will play an important role.艾媒报告 |2019年猎聘同道APP产品分析及用户洞察研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)监测发现,猎聘同道的月活跃用户量为154.91万,在艾媒北极星求职招聘APP中排名第六,在垂直招聘类APP排名中继续稳坐首席,猎聘同道的成功,很大程度得益于其较为强大的猎头服务和较为精准的市场定位。然而,随着招聘行业逐渐进入成熟阶段,各大求职招聘类APP的用户渗透率总体平稳;新形势下,对于求职招聘类APP而言,深耕市场,提高服务或许才是唯一的出路。
The scale of China's bio-pharmaceutical industry continues to grow, and the proportion of bio-pharmaceutical output in the pharmaceutical industry continues to rise. In 2017, the total output value of the bio-pharmaceutical industry in China's park was about 1.5 trillion yuan. At present, China's biomedical industry has formed three major clusters, including the Bohai Rim region, the Yangtze River Delta region and the Pearl River Delta region, and the industrial agglomeration effect is outstanding. China's bio-pharmaceutical industry is in a stage of rapid development. In 2018, many head-to-head listed companies in biomedical related fields such as monoclonal antibodies, blood products and vaccines all exceeded 100 million yuan, achieving year-on-year growth. According to iiMedia Research, netizens in Shanghai are most concerned about the biomedical industry, and 40.9% of netizens surveyed support the application of transgenic technology in the pharmaceutical field. Among the heads of monoclonal antibodies, blood products and vaccines, Fuhong Hanlin as well as Weiguang Bio and Lidmanthe has the best online reputation,iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that in the future, the combination of artificial intelligence with new drug research and the fierce competition among head enterprises is an important trend in the development of China's biomedical industry.