随着置业成本增高和政府政策支持,在线租房行业发展进入高速发展新时期。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国在线短租用户规模达到1.47亿人,较2017年增长83.0%,2020年用户规模有望突破3亿人。但高速发展的租房市场因涉及多方利益,容易产生纠纷,仍存在大量问题。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of online short-term rental users has reached 147 million people, showing an increase of 83.0% over 2017, and the scale is expected to exceed 300 million in 2020. However, the rapid development of the house-rental market is prone to disputes as it involves multiple interests, and there are still a lot of problems. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, more than a half of the interviewed users had experienced long-term apartment rental disputes.自如长租公寓再现“隔断房”事件舆情监测报告
In the past year and a half after the “partition house“ renovation operation, some reporters through investigation and secret interviews found that the freely long-rented apartment platform is still “guerrilla“ and “lucky“, a large number of partition houses “return to earth“, and even said that freely housekeepers can continue to live without being reported, and can be interrupted if the investigation is not rigorous.