2020年3月9日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020-2021年中国医疗电商行业发展趋势及标杆企业分析报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对2020年中国医疗电商产业发展进行分析。本报告主要通过医药电商和家用医疗器械两方面,对医疗电商产业上下游深入探究运行模式,并对鱼跃集团、平安好医生、爱康多等典型企业进行案例分析,以此对中国医疗电商行业发展进行趋势预判。2019年中国医药电商行业发展规模继续增大,涌现出许多新型零售方式。越来越多医药企业涌入B2B主流市场,B2C市场规模也随着消费者健康意识的提升以及网购消费习惯的固定而得到较大发展;越来越多药企也开始开展O2O业务。以药到医、“医+药”发展的模式也受到普遍认可。特别在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情影响下,医疗电商以其独特的互联网优势在抗击疫情中发挥了重要作用。在此契机下,医疗电商行业将在2020年迎来重大普及发展的历史机遇期。
In 2019, the scale of China's pharmaceutical e-commerce industry continues to increase, and many new retail methods have emerged. More and more pharmaceutical companies have entered the mainstream B2B market, and the scale of the B2C market has also grown significantly with the improvement of consumers' health awareness and the fixation of online shopping consumption habits; more and more pharmaceutical companies have begun to develop O2O business. The development model from medicine to medicine and "medicine + medicine" has also been widely recognized. Especially under the influence of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, medical e-commerce has played an important role in fighting the epidemic with its unique Internet advantage. With this opportunity, the medical e-commerce industry will usher in a period of historical opportunities for significant popularization in 2020. -
2020年4月21日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020H1后疫时代全球呼吸机等医疗器械产品监测及企业案例报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对全球范围内的医疗器械产品进行全面分析,并且报告聚焦于疫情问题下的呼吸机、额温枪等医疗器械,具体针对美敦力、GE医疗、迈瑞医疗、万孚生物、鱼跃医疗和乐普医疗等典型案例分析,对2020-2021年医疗器械行业发展进行趋势预判。特别在全球新冠肺炎疫情的严峻情势下,呼吸机、额温枪等医疗器械需求猛增,飞利浦、美敦力等西方医疗器械企业快速提高产量,以支持抗疫工作的迫切需求;同时,中国呼吸机等医疗器械企业的海外业务量有明显增长。艾媒咨询分析师认为,全球疫情势必带动医疗器械行业发展,但中国企业应当在保证自身产品质量的基础上抓住机遇,实现业务出海。
According to the data, the global medical device market has continued to increase in size since 2016, and the global medical device market is expected to reach USD 477.4 billion in 2020. Especially under the influence of the New Crown epidemic, the global demand for medical equipment such as ventilators and oxygen concentrators has increased dramatically. Overseas orders for Chinese medical device companies have skyrocketed. Within a certain period, the concept stocks of ventilator in the A-share market have risen. -
Compared with the global medical device market, the structure of China's medical device market has been optimized in the past three years, but the structure is still seriously unbalanced. In the early Chinese medical device market, low-end products accounted for nearly 70% of the proportion, while high-end products accounted for only about 30%, while the international medical device market accounted for 55% of high-end products and 45% of low-end products. Such as Xinhua Medical, Dean Diagnostics, Lepu Medical, Yuyue Medical, etc. actively explore the high-end market and seek to develop. iiMedia Research analysts believe that high-end, intelligent and family-oriented are the three most significant trends in the development of China's medical device industry due to the impact of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, 5G and other technologies. In particular, medical big data, high-end medical imaging equipment, home medical equipment, smart portable medical equipment and other fields will be of great concern.