From July to August of 2021, the maternal and infant industry will perform well. With the benefits of the three-child policy and the e-commerce economy, the demand for related products and services in the maternal and infant industry is expected to increase in the second half of the year. From a policy point of view, the State Council and various local governments have promulgated relevant policies to promote childbirth, starting from parental leave, tax credits, childcare subsidies, etc., to protect the food, clothing, housing and transportation of newborn families to promote the improvement of the fertility status of Chinese residents. , The Chinese government's long-term policy of promoting the increase in fertility rate will become the general direction. The data shows that in the past year, the growth rate of the online market of maternal and child fast-moving consumer goods is 13.9%, while the growth rate of the offline market is only 4.4%. In the Douyin 818 e-commerce shopping festival in 2021, maternal and child products are live broadcast. One of the three most popular commodities with goods, the online channel of maternal and child consumer goods has obvious advantages. IiMedia Consulting analysts believe that the Double Eleven e-commerce shopping festival is coming soon, and merchants in the maternal and infant industry can start to strengthen online channel sales, join the Double Eleven pre-sale camp, and improve the sales of goods.艾媒咨询|2021年中国特医食品产业运行大数据监测分析报告
According to the data, the market scale of China's special medical food industry has increased from 2.59 billion yuan in 2016 to 7.72 billion yuan in 2020, an increase of about three times, and is expected to increase to 10.01 billion yuan in 2021. In the future, driven by the aging population, increasing downstream demand and the construction and development of hospital nutrition department, the market scale of special medical food will continue to grow with its irreplaceable role in clinical nutrition support. AI media consulting analysts believe that with the improvement of residents' income level, the public's demand for nutrition and health increases, but the lack of popular science and nutrition education are important factors hindering the development of special medical food. Therefore, accelerating the popularization of special medical food in clinic and the public will be an urgent problem to be solved by all parties in the industry.艾媒咨询|2021年5-6月中国母婴行业运行双月报
In the first half of 2021, the mother infant industry continued to attract capital, with more than 10 investment projects of more than 1.2 billion yuan. At the same time, the implementation of the three child policy has further promoted the development of mother and child industry and further benefited mother and child platforms such as mother network. However, judging from the consumption of mother and child groups, Chinese families still relatively believe in overseas products, especially food products such as milk powder.艾媒咨询|2020年5-6月中国母婴行业运行状况及企业商情动态双月度报告
In 2019, China imported 345,500 tons of infant formula milk powder, a year-on-year increase of 6.5%. IiMedia Research believes that infant milk powder and complementary foods are basically rigid demands. Especially under the popularization of e-commerce, cross-border e-commerce and live streaming, China's infant milk powder and complementary food industries are not affected by the epidemic.艾媒报告|2019年12月中国母婴行业运行状况及头部企业月度监测报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:巴拉巴拉,全棉时代,帮宝适,NIKE,DAVE&BELLA,好孩子,可优比,Moony,贝因美,辉山乳业,阿里云,蒙牛,浙江一鸣,Gerber/嘉宝,Little Freddie/小皮,Heinz/亨氏,Earth’s best/爱思贝,Happy baby/禧贝,Engnice/英氏,Bellamy’s/贝拉米,方广,Eastwes/伊威,RIVSEA/禾泱泱,bio island,Childlife/童年时光,Nemans/纽曼思,Baby Ddrops,BIOSTIME/合生元,Nature’s Way,Eric Favre,CULTURELLE/康萃乐,Autili/澳特力,Ostelin,佳贝艾特,卡洛塔妮,可瑞康,御宝,蓝河,百跃谱恩,圣元圣特拉慕朵拉小羊,羊羊100,和氏,爱他美,启赋,a2,美素佳儿,飞鹤,美赞臣,雅培,惠氏,诺优能,君乐宝,雅培菁智有机,惠氏启赋蕴萃,Healthy times 爱斯时光,飞鹤臻稚,Alra宝贝与我,Neolac悠蓝,蒙牛瑞哺恩,Hipp喜宝,澳优淳璀
随着二孩政策的全面开放、消费升级和她经济崛起,母婴产业发展势头迅猛。本报告主要通过月子中心、婴儿食品、母婴购物、亲子教育四方面对母婴产业进行热点监测及数据分析。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年,中国月子中心数量可达4439家,但母婴电商获得投融资金额和数量均为近四年最低值。分析师认为,母婴各细分行业负面新闻不断,需要进一步加强行业规范和监管力度,以提升产业竞争力。
With the full opening of the two-child policy, the upgrading of consumption and the rise of her economy, the mother and infant industry is developing rapidly. This report mainly conducts hot spot monitoring and data analysis on the mother and infant industry through four aspects: the confinement center, baby food, mother and baby shopping, and parent-child education. According to iiMedia Research, in 2019, the number of monthly child centers in China can reach 4,439, but the amount and number of investment and financing for mother and baby e-commerce are the lowest in nearly four years. Analysts believe that the negative news in the various mother and infant sub-sectors continues, and it is necessary to further strengthen industry norms and supervision in order to enhance industrial competitiveness.艾媒报告|2019年中国婴幼儿奶粉市场研究与消费者洞察报告
2018年中国婴幼儿奶粉市场销售额达到2221.0亿元,同比增长18.6%。预计至2020年,中国婴幼儿奶粉市场规模将继续扩张至2955.1亿元。随着中国婴幼儿奶粉市场的进一步规范,在漫长的十年恢复期后,飞鹤、伊利和贝因美等国产奶粉品牌都取得了一定的市场份额。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)调研数据显示,目前有19.7%中国消费者更倾向于购买国产奶粉,并且三四线城市消费者对于国产奶粉信心更强,购买国产奶粉意愿比例分别为28.1%和28.9%。在购买婴幼儿奶粉购买过程中,奶粉的品牌声誉对于消费者的购买决策的影响最大,超过四成消费者会通过网络传播获取奶粉信息。近八成消费者购买奶粉的价格在200-400元之间,四成消费者最关心婴幼儿奶粉的营养功能。奶粉配方注册制施行后,大量杂牌、贴牌被清出市场,同时许多进口奶粉品牌因无配方注册资格而无法进行线下销售,在三四线城市将有120-140亿元的市场空间。艾媒咨询分析师认为,未来三四线城市的奶粉市场将成为国产品牌打好翻身仗的关键。
In 2018, Chinese infant milk powder market reached 222.1 billion RMB and the growth rate is 18.6%. It is expected that Chinese infant milk powder market will continue to expand to 295.51 billion RMB by 2020. With the further standardization of Chinese infant milk powder market, after a long recovery period of ten years, domestic milk powder brands such as Firmus, Yili and Beingmate have gained a great market share. According to iiMedia Research, 19.7% of Chinese consumers are more inclined to purchase domestic milk powder brands and consumers in third-tier and fourth-tier cities have stronger confidence in domestic milk powder, with 28.1% and 28.9% purchase intention respectively. In the process of infant milk powder purchase, brand reputation of milk powder has the greatest influence on the purchase decision. More than 40% of consumers search information about milk powder through the Internet. Nearly 80% of consumers buy milk powder at a price between 200 and 400 yuan and 40% of consumers are most concerned about the nutritional function of infant milk powder. After the implementation of the registration system of milk formula, a large number of unregistered and labeled milk powder brands have been removed from the market. Meanwhile, many imported milk powder brands are unable to carry out offline sales due to their lack of qualification for registration of formula. Therefore, there will be a market space of 12 to 14 billion RMB in third-tier and fourth-tier cities. iiMedia consulting analyst believes that milk powder market of three or four tier cities is the key for domestic brands fighting a turnaround in the future.