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中国新车销售量下降,而二手车交易处于增长趋势,市场潜力大。2019年第一季度中国汽车销量为637.2万辆,新车市场呈现同比负增长态势。2018年中国二手车交易量达1382.2万辆,同比增长11.5%,二手车的年销量目前还不到新车年销量的1/3。2019年二手车市场最多可以提供约6000万辆二手车,供给市场明显大于需求市场,发展二手车出口业务将有利于给整个汽车行业注入新的发展活力。发达国家已经形成了比较成熟的二手车交易市场,2016年,美国二手车销量为3851.4万辆,其中,汽车经销商4S店的市场份额最大占比 37.0%。2018年日本共出口952.5万辆汽车;2018欧洲新车登记数量1562.0万辆。而“一带一路”沿线国家二手车市场需求量大,是中国二手车业务的首要目标群体。缅甸、柬埔寨每年进口车辆90%为二手车。俄罗斯汽车以二手车为主,2018年中国汽车品牌在俄罗斯二手车市场的总销量达8.05万辆,同比增长了8.5%。其余国家的二手车市场尚未饱和,“一带一路”沿线国家二手车市场缺口大,有利于中国发展二手车出口业务。
The sales of new car in china fell but the second-hand car has been rising and keeps good potential.2019Q1 China automobile sold 6.3 million yuan and it shows a descend trend. However, the second-hand cars sold 1.3 billion yuan, with the growth of 11.5%. At present, the amount of second-hand car does not reach 1/3 of the new car. In 2019, the second-hand car market can provide about 6.0 billion cars, which means developing second-hand car market will benefit the whole car market. The developed country has formed mature second-hand car market. In USA, the amount of second-hand car reached 3.8 billion in 2016, and 4S dealer accounted for the most market share, which is 37.0%.Japan exported 9.5 million cars in 2018,and Europe had 1.5 billion registered cars. Some countries along “One Belt And One Road“ have a large amount of demand for automobiles, among which southeast Asian countries and Russia have the largest demand for imported second-hand cars. 90% of imported vehicles in Myanmar and Cambodia are used cars every year. In 2018, the total sales volume of Chinese car brands in Russia's second-hand car market reached 80,500, up 8.5% year-on-year. The second-hand car market in other countries is not yet saturated. Due to the large gap of second-hand car market in countries along “One Belt And One Road“, it is conducive to the development of second-hand car export business in China.
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