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在中国居民可支配收入显著提高、全面放开二孩政策以及育儿观念转变的三重刺激下,近年来婴幼儿辅食行业年均增长率超过18%,2018年行业产量更是达到13.2万吨,但是行业仍处于供不应求的状态,供求仍存在巨大缺口。参考港澳欧美的消费模式,市场潜力还未完全释放。从市场表现来看,在细分市场中谷物类辅食最受青睐,而国产品牌亦积累良好的口碑。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,22.7%的受访网民主要出于安全原因选择自制婴幼儿辅食,但超过六成网民也抱怨自制耗时耗力的缺点。从消费情况来看, 安全性是婴幼儿辅食消费的首要因素,同时,消费者青睐更具信任度的线下渠道。总体来说,78.2%的受访网民对婴幼儿辅食产品表示满意,但是网民仍指出了产品价格高、品质不稳定等不足,并期待未来产品在安全、营养等方面的改进。
Driven by the significant increase in disposable income of Chinese residents, the universal two-child policy and the change in parenting concepts, the average annual growth rate of the infant supplementary food industry has exceeded 18% in recent years, and the industry output in 2018 reached 132,000 tons, but there is still a huge gap between supply and demand. Refer to the consumption patterns in Hong Kong, Macao and western countries, the market potential has not yet been fully released. From the perspective of market performance, cereal-based supplementary food are the most popular, and domestic brands have gained good reputation. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 22.7% of the netizens surveyed chose to make infant supplementary food by their own mainly for safety reasons, but more than 60% of netizens also complained about its shortcomings like time and labor consuming. In terms of consumption, safety is the primary factor in infant supplementary food consumption. At the same time, consumers prefer to purchase infant supplementary food in a physical store with greater trust. Overall, 78.2% of the surveyed netizens showed satisfaction with infant supplementary food industry, but netizens still pointed out that prices of some products were too expensive and the quality was unstable, and they looked forward to future improvements in products’ safety and nutrition.
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