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艾媒报告| 2019~2020年中国婴幼儿托育产业发展白皮书
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:金睿家,纽诺教育,多乐小熊,馨心教育,袋鼠麻麻,圣顿教育,Urjoy school ,和菀投资,安赐资本,广州创玺企业,广东文化产业,新东方,合力资本,光速中国,双湖资本,睦米,优贝乐,YOKID,抱抱熊,爱乐祺
随着全面放开二胎政策的落实、育儿观念的改变及育儿需求的提升,中国0-3岁婴幼儿托育服务市场迎来更广阔的发展空间和机会。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年中国婴幼儿数量预计超5000万,48%的家长对托育服务有需求。预计在2020年,中国婴幼儿托育市场规模将突破两千亿元。现阶段幼儿家庭主力人群以80、90后为主,双薪家庭下隔代教育普遍存在。随着家庭照料人力问题的矛盾激化及幼儿成长需求的日益提升,专业、品质、安全的婴幼儿托育服务开始受到更多幼儿家庭的关注。艾媒咨询分析师认为,幼儿家庭对婴幼儿托育服务专业性需求较高,综合资质或成托育服务机构提升竞争优势的关键所在。此外,随着政府相关指导意见的发布,中国婴幼儿托育市场有望从基础设施、从业人员、课程品质等全方位构建服务新业态,社区托育服务将进一步普及。
With the implementation of the two-child policy, the change of child-rearing concept and the improvement of child-rearing demand, China's child-care service market for 0-3-year-old infants has ushered in broader space and opportunities for development. According to iiMedia Research, the number of infants in China is expected to exceed 50 million in 2019, with 48% of parents demanding childcare services. It is estimated that in 2020, China's infant care market will exceed 200 billion yuan. At present, the majority of children in the family are born in the 1980s and 1990s, and the second-generation education in double-income families is common. With the intensification of the problem of family care manpower and the increasing growth of children's needs, professional, quality and safety infant care services have begun to receive more attention from children's families. Imedia consulting analysts believe that infant families have a high demand for professional infant care services, and the key to enhancing the competitive advantage lies in the comprehensive qualification or the chengcheng child care service institutions. In addition, with the release of relevant government guidelines, China's infant care market is expected to build a new type of service from infrastructure, practitioners, curriculum quality and other aspects, and community care services will be further popularized. -
艾媒报告 | 2019中国婴幼早教市场现状与投资趋势价值分析报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:常青藤爸爸、鲨鱼公园、妈妈网、小伴龙、童学部落、宝宝树、叽里呱啦、宝宝巴士、凯叔讲故事、酷学多纳、悟空识字、步步高、巧虎、幼师口袋、联帮在线、红黄蓝、亿童、东方爱婴、智慧树、贝聊、美吉姆、新爱婴、纽诺教育、金宝贝、悦宝园、运动宝贝、亿婴天使、爱乐祺、袋鼠麻麻、多乐小熊、奇卡国际早教、美思欧、全优加、Momyhome Daycare、积木宝贝
The infants early education market is on the rise. Since 2012, the government has repeatedly mentioned the development of early education in relevant policies and regulations. In particular, on May 10, 2019, the State Council issued guidance on the nurturing industry, making early education a hot spot for investment. At present, the development of China's infant early education industry has problems such as low success rate, difficulty in content research and development, difficulty in scale expansion, lack of teachers and management talents. Although China's economically developed regions such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong pay more attention to early childhood education, the infant enrollment rate in China is only 4.3%, which is still far from the average enrollment rate of 33.2% in OECD countries. There is great potential for development in the future. -
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:华润万家、Ekoala、美国费雪公司、长春长生生物科技股份有限公司、拉克塔利斯集团、帮宝适、好奇、妙而舒、大王、MOONY、妈咪宝贝、安儿乐、雀氏、茵茵、爹地宝贝、露安适、DODIE、凯儿得乐、倍康、米菲、吉氏、一朵、纽诺教育、馨心教育、圣顿教育、袋鼠麻麻、多乐小熊、Urjoy school
China's infant and children care industry mainly includes infant food, supplies, medical care, and childcare. In the field of infant food, in 2019, the penetration rate of complementary food for infants and young children in China was only about 25.0%. Meanwhile, the ratio of food supplement and milk powder consumption for infants and toddlers in mainland China is 1:7, while in developed countries (Europe and the United States, etc.), the ratio is 1:1, and that in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan is 1:4. In the field of baby products, the size of China's baby stroller market reached 13.21 billion yuan in 2018, a year-on-year increase of 6.3%. 63.9% of consumers plan to increase consumer spending in 2019, with 22.0% of them expecting a 30% increase in consumer spending. In the field of infant and child medical care, in 2018, a total of 28 kinds of medicines were required to modify the instructions, including some Chinese medicine injections and large varieties of proprietary Chinese medicines. In the field of infant care, in May 2019, the State Council of China issued the “Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting the Development of Infant and Child Care Services Under 3 Years Old”, proposing to vigorously promote the development of infant care industry. China’s infants and young children have a 4.1% enrollment rate in various types of care institutions, far lower than the enrollment rate of 25%-55% in developed countries. -
本月报涉及企业/品牌/案例包括:纽诺教育、KinderCare、多乐小熊、馨心教育、袋鼠麻麻、圣顿教育、Urjoy school、朋恩日托、Bright Horizons Family Solutions、Learning Care Group、Goddard Systems、Primrose Schools、Childcare Network、Nobel Learning Communities、The Learning Experience、Kiddie Academy、Kids 'R' Learning Academies、孩盟国际、MoreCare茂楷、嗨妈宝贝Harborbabe
Infant care market is on the rise. The development of infant care industry in some contries such as the United States, Britain, France and Japan is relatively mature. A series of policies and regulations have been introduced to guide its development. In 2018, the number of children receiving nursery services in the UK exceeded 32,000. Japan is going to provide public care services free of charge in October 2019. In the Chinese market, starting from 2016, the government has repeatedly mentioned the development of childcare in relevant policies and regulations. In particular, on May 10, 2019, the State Council issued guidance on the infant care industry, making it a hot spot for investment. At present, the development of China's infant and child care industry has problems such as immature operating system, lack of standardized supervision, and lack of professional teachers. Although China's economically developed regions such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong Province pay more attention to infant care, the infant enrollment rate in China is only 4.3%, which is still far from the average enrollment rate of 33.2% in OECD countries. Infant care industry still need standardization, and there is great potential for development in the future. -
艾媒报告 |2018-2019中国幼教机构行业研究与商业投资决策分析报告
According to iiMedia Research, the number of kindergartens in China has increased year by year. It is expected to exceed 270 thousand in 2018. At the same time, the kindergarten market will reach 230 billion yuan. At present, the fees for kindergartens run by the citizens are expensive. According to the requirements of the generally beneficial goal, it is estimated that by 2020, the admission rate of generally beneficial kindergartens will reach 80.0%. Private kindergartens will be developed in the direction of high-end, with a view to bringing sustained and stable revenue.