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本报告涉及企业/品牌包括:杭州士兰微电子股份有限公司,立锜科技,华大半导体,晶丰明源,TRINAMIC,ROHM(罗姆),Fuji Electric(富士电机),三垦电气株式会社,飞利浦,美国NS,SGS-THOMSON意法微电子公司,深圳富满电子集团股份有限公司,深圳市茂捷半导体有限公司,圣邦微电子(北京)股份有限公司,无锡华润矽科微电子有限公司,美国国家半导体公司,恩智浦半导体公司, Maxim Integrated (MAXIM,美信),美国无线电公司,富满电子集团股份有限公司,深圳市英锐芯电子科技有限公司,苏州坤元微电子有限公司,圣邦微电子股份有限公司,美国德州仪器公司,意法半导体公司(ST Microelectronics),安森美半导体(ON Semiconductor),亚德诺半导体公司(Analog Devices),北京时代民芯科技有限公司,苏州云芯微电子科技有限公司,润石科技,上海贝岭股份有限公司,微芯科技(Microchip Technology Incorporated),亚德诺半导体技术有限公司(ADI),思佳讯(Skyworks),成都振芯科技股份有限公司,芯海科技(深圳)股份有限公司,中科芯集成电路股份有限公司,国民技术股份有限公司,北京君正集成电路股份有限公司,赛灵思(Xilinx),ESS Technology, Inc.,旭化成微电子株式会社(AKM, Inc.)
In 2018, the global semiconductor industry is showing a good trend of development. Data show that the global integrated circuit market sales in 2018 totaled about 478.4 billion US dollars, an increase of more than 10% year-on-year. In addition, in recent years, China's electronic industry continues to grow at a high speed, and the integrated circuit industry has entered a period of rapid development. In 2018, sales in the mainland China market reached 158.4 billion US dollars, up 20% year on year. The Chinese market has become one of the main driving forces for the growth of the global integrated circuit market. Promoted by all parties, the performance of China's leading IC companies has been improving in recent years. In addition, emerging technologies will become the future core products of the integrated circuit industry, and core technologies and human resources will become the sustainable development of the integrated circuit industry.