随着社会物质生活日渐富裕,人民精神文化需求日益增长,消费群体迭代,消费领域兴起了“兴趣”引导消费的浪潮。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国兴趣消费趋势洞察白皮书》数据显示,超五成的新青年消费者在生活必需品外,会在一定支出范围内购买兴趣喜好相关品、愉悦自我的产品。在消费频次方面,超五成新青年消费者每月的兴趣消费频率达3-5次。
With the increasing material prosperity of society and the growing spiritual and cultural needs of the people, consumer groups are iterating, and a wave of "interest" guiding consumption has emerged in the consumption field.According to the latest "White Paper on Insights into China's Interest Consumption Trends from 2024 to 2025" released by iiMedia Research, More than 50% of new young consumers will purchase products related to their interests, preferences, and self pleasure within a certain expenditure range, in addition to daily necessities. In terms of consumption frequency, over 50% of new young consumers have a monthly interest consumption frequency of 3-5 times..
iiMedia Research analysts believe that In the environment where the scope of interest consumption industry is constantly expanding, more and more products are combined with interest consumption, and consumers' awareness and understanding of interest consumption will continue to deepen. The frequency and proportion of interest consumption are expected to continue to increase.艾媒咨询 | 2023年中国备孕人群互联网行为与消费洞察报告
中国“三孩”政策以及各类辅助生殖技术的快速发展,为中国备孕产业带来了良好的市场环境和发展机遇。基于人们对优生优育的重视,适育男女备孕已经成为一个新常态。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,备孕人群高度重视全面健康管理,其在备孕阶段普遍关注营养补充、作息调理及孕产知识等相关知识;在备孕信息信赖来源方面,备孕人群更倾向从专业人士处获取相关信息,医生和母婴专业媒体编辑高达77.0%和61.1%;在商品消费决策方面,62.5%的备孕人群消费支出超过备孕前,新增消费品中,孕前检查和备孕保健品占比前二,在品牌选择的决策影响上,75.7%的备孕人群聚焦在母婴APP上了解产品和品牌,而在单一品牌的搜索上表现较为分散,占比前二的分别是抖音和小红书。备孕需求下,用户会使用多个APP,81.4%的备孕用户使用母婴APP,核心需求是学习备孕知识和记录身体信息;38.8%的备孕用户使用女性健康APP来记录经期;38.4%的备孕用户会使用短视频平台,核心需求是搜索备孕品牌、购买备孕产品。26.8%的备孕用户使用内容社区平台搜索单一品牌口碑、交流备孕经历。
China's "three-child" policy and the rapid development of various types of assisted reproductive technologies have brought favorable market environment and development opportunities for China's pregnancy preparation industry. Based on people's emphasis on eugenics, it has become a new normal for fertile men and women to prepare for pregnancy. iiMedia Research's data shows that people who prepare for pregnancy attach great importance to comprehensive health management, and they generally pay attention to nutritional supplements, work and rest regimen, and pregnancy and childbirth knowledge during the stage of preparing for pregnancy; in terms of the trusted sources of information on preparing for pregnancy, people who prepare for pregnancy are more inclined to obtain relevant information from professionals, with doctors and editors of mother and baby professional media reaching 77.0% and 61.0% respectively. In terms of trusted sources of information on pregnancy preparation, pregnant people are more inclined to get relevant information from professionals, with doctors and editors of mother and baby professional media reaching 77.0% and 61.1% respectively; in terms of decision-making on consumption of commodities, 62.5% of pregnant people's consumption expenditures exceed those of the pre-pregnancy period, and pre-pregnancy checkups and pregnancy-pregnancy healthcare products account for the top two of the newly added consumer goods, and in terms of decision-making on brand choices, 75.7% of the pregnant people are focusing on mother and baby APPs to learn more about the products and brands, and in terms of searching for a single brand The performance is more decentralized, and the top two share are Jitterbug and Xiaohongshu respectively. Under the demand of pregnancy preparation, users will use multiple APPs. 81.4% of pregnant users use mother and baby APPs, and their core demand is to learn about pregnancy preparation and record body information; 38.8% of pregnant users use women's health APPs to record menstruation; 38.4% of pregnant users use short-video platforms, and their core demand is to search for pregnancy preparation brands and buy pregnancy preparation products.26.8% of pregnant users use content community platforms to search for single brand reputation and exchange pregnancy preparation experiences.艾媒咨询|2023-2024年全球及中国跨境电商运营数据及典型企业分析研究报告
At present, the global cross-border e-commerce has entered a new stage of rapid development. Data show that in the past five years, the import and export scale of China's cross-border e-commerce has shown a growth trend, rapid growth in 2019-2020, the growth rate in the past two years, but the overall scale is still increasing year by year, and the import and export scale of China's cross-border e-commerce reached 1.7 trillion yuan in the first three quarters of 2023. Global trade activity continues to rise and external demand shows signs of picking up. The signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement and the continuous promotion of the Belt and Road Initiative have made the cooperation between the railway, port, customs and other departments increasingly close, which has played an important role in further promoting the development of cross-border e-commerce, and the development of emerging markets is strong. With the formation of online shopping habits in countries or regions around the world, its cross-border e-commerce market has great potential for development, attracting a large number of Chinese e-commerce enterprises, and the development of e-commerce economy will also usher in a spurt of development.
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