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疫情给家居建材市场的线下复工带来了一定的短期冲击,反向助力家装消费用户向线上迁移,也成为传统家装企业向线上转型升级的加速器。互联网模式成为装修市场新进入者的首选,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020Q1中国新增互联网装修企业同比增长率达18.8%,家居家装行业的刚需属性以及广阔的发展空间让其成为各资本热衷的市场。艾媒咨询分析师认为,电商巨头以及新进入者的不断涌入,会为家装市场带来更多新技术、新模式、新业态,行业发展迎来新契机的同时也将面临更大的挑战。
The epidemic has brought a certain short-term impact on the offline resumption of the home building materials market, which has reversed the promotion of home improvement consumer users to migrate online, and has also become an accelerator for traditional home improvement companies to transform and upgrade online. The Internet model has become the first choice for new entrants in the decoration market. According to the data of iiMedia Research, the growth rate of new Internet decoration companies in China in 2020Q1 is 18.8% year-on-year. The just-needed attributes of the home furnishing industry and the broad development space make it a market that all capitals are keen on. iiMedia consulting analysts believe that the continuous influx of e-commerce giants and new entrants will bring more new technologies, new models and new formats to the home improvement market. While the industry development ushers in new opportunities and will also face greater challenges.艾媒报告|2019上半年中国互联网家装专题研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国互联网家装市场规模已达到3441.9亿元,预计2020年将超过4000亿元。艾媒咨询分析师认为,受到房地产调控的宏观因素调整,整体市场增长速度受到比较大的影响,整体市场竞争也将越趋激烈。经过几年发展,互联网家装的弊端暴露出来,平台服务质量同样受到广泛关注。同时,VR、AR等新技术的出现,则为互联网家装的多个环节提供了更多的可能性,也会为行业内的营销赋能。另外,三四线城市的消费群体规模庞大,生活水平的提高使得他们对家装的要求越来越高,借助互联网的易得性,下沉市场将会成为家装的新的增长点。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of China Online Interior Decoration market in 2018 has reached 344.19 billion yuan, and it is expected to exceed 400 billion yuan in 2020. iiMedia Research Consulting Analysts believe that by adjusting the macro factors of real estate regulation, the overall market growth rate is greatly affected, and the overall market competition will become increasingly fierce. After several years of development, the drawbacks of Online Interior Decoration have been exposed, and the quality of service of the platform has also been widely concerned. At the same time, the emergence of new technologies such as VR and AR provides more possibilities for many links of Online Interior Decoration , and also gives marketing power to the industry. In addition, the consumption scale of the three or four tier cities is huge, and the improvement of living standards makes their demands for home decoration higher and higher. With the availability of the Internet, the sinking market will become a new growth point of Online Interior Decoration.