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- 地图导航
随着中国手机地图地图在出行领域的深耕,用户对手机地图APP的依赖程度不断加深,逐渐成为大众生活的刚需工具。iiMedia Research (艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年第一季度,手机地图头部APP高德地图和百度地图月活用户数量均超过3亿,双寡头格局稳定。预计2019年手机地图整体用户规模将达7.55亿。当前,中国居民的出行需求不断增加,由此衍生出的景区导览需求呈现出巨大的市场空间,吸引了行业玩家的目光,加剧了手机地图服务商对景区资源的争夺。除此之外,头部玩家也在加快布局自动驾驶领域,竞争不断升级。
With the in-depth exploration of Chinese mobile map manufacturers in the field of travel, users' dependence on mobile map APP is deepening, and it has gradually become a rigid tool for public life. According to iiMedia Research, in the first quarter of 2019, the number of monthly live users of App Gaud Map and Baidu Map in mobile map head exceeded 300 million, and the duopoly pattern was stable. It is estimated that the total number of mobile map users will reach 755 million in 2019. At present, the travel demand of Chinese residents is increasing, and the demand for scenic spot guides derived from this shows a huge market space, which attracts the attention of industry players, and intensifies the competition for scenic spot resources by mobile map service providers. In addition, head players are also accelerating the field of layout autopilot, and the competition is escalating.
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