近年来,国内外形势均发生较大变化,中国经济正处于恢复期,高校专业会出现新一轮洗牌,就业前景好和就业稳定的院校和专业报考人数将出现大幅上涨。2024年,教育部在法学、工学、文学、农学、艺术学、教育学、管理学方向新增24种专业,高等教育逐步向市场发展情况靠拢。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)基于专业赛道空间与行业布局分析,推出《2024年中国高考志愿填报及就业前景大数据分析报告》,数据显示,49.15%中国高考生意向城市为一线或新一线。随着人工智能、大数据、云计算等成为主流,高技术行业出现大量职位空缺,相关专业将成报考热门。2023年中国高考志愿填报市场付费规模为9.5亿元,近九成高考生愿意选择高考志愿填报服务,随着高考志愿报考行业付费需求增多,其市场规模将持续增长。<br/>In recent years, the situation at home and abroad has undergone great changes, China's economy is in a recovery period, there will be a new round of reshuffle of college majors, and colleges and majors with good employment prospects and stable employment will see a substantial increase in applicants. In 2024, the Ministry of Education will add 24 new majors in the fields of law, engineering, literature, agriculture, art, education and management, and gradually move closer to the market development of higher education. iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, based on the analysis of professional track space and industry layout, launched the "2024 Chinese College Entrance Examination voluntary filling and employment prospects Big data analysis report". 49.15% of China's college entrance examination business to the city for the first line or new line. As artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing become the mainstream, there are a large number of job vacancies in high-tech industries, and related majors will become popular candidates. The market payment scale of China's college entrance examination voluntary filling in 2023 will be 950 million yuan. Nearly 90% of college entrance examination candidates are willing to choose voluntary filling service. With the increase in the demand for fees paid by the industry for college entrance examination volunteers, its market size will continue to grow.
随着AI技术的日益成熟与广泛应用,虚拟数字人从一个遥远的概念逐渐走进了现实世界的舞台,在技术融合与产业升级中扮演至关重要的桥梁与驱动者。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国虚拟数字人产业发展白皮书》数据显示,2023年中国虚拟人带动产业市场规模和核心市场规模分别为3334.7亿元和205.2亿元,预计2025年分别达到6402.7亿元和480.6亿元,呈现强劲的增长态势。<br/>艾媒咨询分析师认为,虚拟人技术具有为用户提供高度智能化和个性化服务的潜力,为B端企业降本增效,其市场需求前景广阔。<br/>With the increasing maturity and widespread application of AI technology, virtual digital humans have gradually entered the real world stage from a distant concept, playing a crucial bridge and driver in technology integration and industrial upgrading. According to the latest "White Paper on the Development of China's Virtual Digital Human Industry in 2024" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis firm in the global new economy industry, the market size and core market size driven by virtual humans in China were 333.47 billion yuan and 20.52 billion yuan respectively in 2023. It is expected to reach 640.27 billion yuan and 48.06 billion yuan respectively in 2025, showing a strong growth trend.<br/>Analysts from iMedia Consulting believe that virtual human technology has the potential to provide users with highly intelligent and personalized services, reducing costs and increasing efficiency for B2B enterprises. Its market demand prospects are broad.
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,随着科技的发展和燃油车成本的上升,新能源汽车的消费需求逐渐增加,推动了厂商产品力提升和新能源汽车销量的快速增长。数据显示,2023年中国新能源汽车市场规模为115000亿元,同比增长16.2%,2025年有望达到231000亿元。艾媒咨询分析师认为,消费者对新能源汽车的续航历程和安全性能有更高期望,长续航、快充功率和动力系统保护措施成为消费者在购车时重点考虑的方面。随着新能源汽车配套设施逐步完善和一线市场增速放缓,下沉市场成为新能源车新发展机遇。<br/>Data from iiMedia Research shows that with the development of technology and the rising cost of fuel vehicles, the consumer demand for new energy vehicles is gradually increasing. This has driven manufacturers to improve their product power and the rapid growth of new energy vehicle sales. According to the data, Chinese new energy vehicle market will be 11,500 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year growth of 65.0%, and is expected to reach 2,311 billion yuan in 2025. Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that consumers have higher expectations for the range course and safety performance of new energy vehicles. Long range, fast charging power and power system protection measures have become key aspects for consumers to consider when purchasing a car. With the gradual improvement of supporting facilities for new energy vehicles and the slowdown of growth in the first-tier market, the sinking market has become a new development opportunity for new energy vehicles.
艾媒咨询 | 2023-2024年中国宠物行业运行状况及消费市场监测报告
近年来,宠物逐渐成为人们的精神寄托,在供需端以及资本的共同推动下,中国宠物经济产业增长迅速。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023-2024年中国宠物行业运行状况及消费市场监测报告》数据显示,2022年中国宠物经济产业规模达4936亿元,中国宠物市场发展空间巨大。
艾媒咨询 | 2023-2024年中国电影市场运行状况及发展趋势研究报告
传统院线电影发展正从“增量时代”向“存量时代”迈进。尽管银幕数量、影院数量不断增加,但平均电影的上座率仍在下降,显示出观众在市场里的话语权将前所未有地提升。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023-2024年中国电影市场运行状况及发展趋势研究报告》数据显示,2023年中国“十一”黄金周电影市场以总票房累计27.34亿收尾,超去年同期83%,总观影人次超6511.4万,同比增长80%。
艾媒咨询 | 2023-2024年中国特医食品产业运行大数据监测分析报告
近年来,中国特医食品行业市场规模持续扩大,特别是3年疫情使得提高免疫力的食品和功能性食品受到消费者欢迎,市场增速较为可观。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,未来在人口老龄化、下游需求不断加大及医院营养科建设发展等因素驱动下,特医食品凭借在临床营养支持中不可替代的作用,其市场规模将进一步增长,预计2027年中国特医食品市场规模将达234.2亿元。
目前,全球跨境电商已进入快速发展新阶段。数据显示,近五年中国跨境电商的进出口规模呈现增长态势,2019-2020年增长迅猛,近两年增长速度趋于平缓但总体规模仍逐年增加,2023年前三季度中国跨境电商进出口规模达1.7万亿元。全球贸易活跃度继续上升,外部需求呈现回暖迹象。《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》的签署、“一带一路”的持续推进使得国家间铁路、口岸、海关等部门的合作日趋密切,为进一步推动跨境电商发展起到重要作用,新兴市场开拓有力。随着全球国家或地区网购习惯形成,其跨境电商市场发展潜力巨大,吸引大量中国电商企业布局,电商经济发展也将迎来井喷发展。<br/>At present, the global cross-border e-commerce has entered a new stage of rapid development. Data show that in the past five years, the import and export scale of China's cross-border e-commerce has shown a growth trend, rapid growth in 2019-2020, the growth rate in the past two years, but the overall scale is still increasing year by year, and the import and export scale of China's cross-border e-commerce reached 1.7 trillion yuan in the first three quarters of 2023. Global trade activity continues to rise and external demand shows signs of picking up. The signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement and the continuous promotion of the Belt and Road Initiative have made the cooperation between the railway, port, customs and other departments increasingly close, which has played an important role in further promoting the development of cross-border e-commerce, and the development of emerging markets is strong. With the formation of online shopping habits in countries or regions around the world, its cross-border e-commerce market has great potential for development, attracting a large number of Chinese e-commerce enterprises, and the development of e-commerce economy will also usher in a spurt of development.
艾媒咨询 | 2023-2024年中国保健品行业研究及消费者洞察报告
中国保健品市场规模近五年来一直保持稳步增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2023年有望达到3282亿元,预计2027年有望达到4237亿元。随着消费者健康意识的提升,“银发一族”和“年轻一代”将是行业增长的主要驱动人群。科技进步驱动产品和服务升级,保健品行业未来可期。
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:爱美客,华熙生物,奇致激光,华韩整形,新氧,兰州生物<br/><br/>数据显示,2020年中国轻医美用户市场规模达到1520万人,预计到2021年将增至1813万人。在消费意识觉醒和消费需求驱动下,机构、医生在供给端强势助推轻医美行业更快速发展,预计2021年中国轻医美市场将达到798亿元,同比增长46.4%。在行业快速增长的同时,轻医美产业链各环节企业由于集中度不同导致利润分配不均,具体来看,上游原料耗材企业由于高技术壁垒,市场集中度较高,毛利率高于中下游企业,如知名玻尿酸、肉毒素产品制造企业爱美客、华熙生物等,而中下游由于竞争分散,单体获利参差不齐,更容易产生乱象。但总体来说,在行业监管加强、机构自律、平台监督等多方力量共同作用下,轻医美行业将会向线上化、品牌化、规范化发展。<br/>According to the data, the market size of China's light medical beauty users will reach 15.2 million in 2020, and it is expected to increase to 18.13 million by 2021. Driven by the awakening of consumer awareness and consumer demand, institutions and doctors strongly boost the rapid development of light medical beauty industry in the supply side. It is estimated that China's light medical beauty market will reach 79.8 billion yuan in 2021, with a year-on-year growth of 46.4%. With the rapid growth of the industry, the profit distribution of enterprises in each link of the light medical beauty industry chain is uneven due to different concentration. Specifically, due to high technical barriers, the upstream raw materials and consumables enterprises have higher market concentration and higher gross profit rate than the middle and downstream enterprises, such as the well-known hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxin product manufacturing enterprises aimekke, Huaxi biology, etc., while the middle and downstream enterprises have higher gross profit rate due to scattered competition, Individual profit is uneven, more likely to produce chaos. But on the whole, under the joint action of industry supervision, institutional self-discipline, platform supervision and other forces, the light medical beauty industry will develop to online, brand and standardization.
数据说|从衣食住行 看消费变迁