艾媒报告 |2018-2019 中国奶茶行业品牌感知与消费群画像分析报告
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iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国新中式茶饮市场规模超900亿元,网红奶茶多次引起网络舆论关注,然而,奶茶行业竞争态势激烈,可持续经营超过一年的奶茶店仅为18.8%。并且,奶茶品牌同质化、新的奶茶品牌不断进入等情况,都令奶茶行业竞争更加激烈。
According to iiMedia Research, the number of existing beverage outlets in China has exceeded 450 thousand in 2018. On the other hand, in China, the new Chinese-style tea market in 2018 is over 90 billion yuan. The web sensation milky tea has become the focus of major public opinion. Among them, HEYTEA is the most concerned milk tea, and Yihetang ranks first in terms of reputation. The web sensation milky tea is popular. Nearly 70% of consumers can accept milky tea of more than 15 yuan, and the price of milky tea begins to stratify. According to iiMedia Research, 70.6% of consumers in China's drinking milky tea are women, 68.6% of consumers will choose more than 15 yuan of milky tea drinks, and 35.5% of consumers most often choose milky cap series milky tea. In the future, diversified consumer experience may become the key to improving milky tea brand differentiation and product premium.
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