艾媒报告 |2019全球ETC行业现状与中国产业链商业布局研究报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:金溢科技,距离科技,万集科技,博通集成,E-ZPass, I-Pass, Fastrak, E-Pass, SunPass,工商银行,建设银行,农业银行,中国银行,交通银行,邮政储蓄,银联云闪付,支付宝,微信,中远海科,达华智能,星帅尔,数字政通,华铭智能,华信新材,楚天高速,环球网,新财富,时代周报
As car ownership has increasingly grown in China, problems, such as high-speed and urban road congestion and exhaust pollution, have become more and more apparent, and the government departments have promoted the development of ETC industry. The ETC system in developed countries, such as Portugal and Japan, started earlier and is currently in a stable period, while the Chinese ETC industry is relatively in a rapid development stage. In 2019, Chinese car ownership is expected to exceed 246 million, and the government aims to achieve 90% vehicle ETC loading by the end of 2019. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that 2019 to 2020 will be a period for the concentrated outbreak of ETC industry in China, which will drive the development of related companies and the upstream and downstream businesses of industry chains. Due to the potential quality users behind ETC industry and ETC’s being a new entry point for the Internet of Vehicles, banks and third-party payment platforms are actively competing for this user market. However, it is worth noting that potential users still have doubts about ETC's information security and convenience, so it is necessary to improve their product acceptance. Besides, it is necessary to avoid improper competition that may be induced by the major financial institutions in the short term.