艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国外卖行业市场消费行为分析报告
随着互联网技术的飞速发展和人们生活节奏的加快,外卖行业作为一种新兴的生活服务模式,在全球范围内迅速崛起。它不仅改变了人们的餐饮消费方式,还对餐饮行业的产业链和商业模式产生了深远影响。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025年中国外卖行业市场消费行为分析报告》数据显示,饿了么在竞争激烈的中国外卖市场一骑绝尘,以 62.92% 的占比远超其他平台,稳居主导地位,这充分展现出其强大的市场影响力与广泛的用户基础。而在消费者选择外卖平台的考量因素中,平台信誉拔得头筹,占比高达 51.15%,成为消费者决策时最为关键的因素。这表明,在当下的外卖市场,消费者在选择平台时,更倾向于信赖信誉良好的平台,这也为外卖平台的发展指明了方向,注重信誉建设、提升服务质量是吸引和留住用户的关键。艾媒咨询分析师认为,外卖行业随着技术的进步、市场的成熟,以及行业的规范发展,未来仍具有广阔的发展前景。外卖平台、餐饮商家和配送服务商等各方参与者应积极应对挑战,抓住发展机遇,通过技术创新、服务升级、加强合作等方式,共同推动外卖行业朝着更加健康、高效、可持续的方向发展。
With the rapid development of Internet technology and the acceleration of people's pace of life, the take-out industry, as a new life service model, has risen rapidly around the world. It has not only changed the way people consume food and beverage, but also had a profound impact on the industry chain and business model of the catering industry. According to the latest "Analysis report on market consumption behavior of China's take-out industry in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, Ele. me has taken a clean ride in the highly competitive Chinese takeout market, accounting for 62.92% far more than other platforms. It is firmly in a dominant position, which fully demonstrates its strong market influence and wide user base. Among the factors for consumers to choose takeaway platforms, the reputation of the platform won the first place, accounting for as much as 51.15%, which has become the most critical factor in consumer decision-making. This shows that in the current take-out market, consumers are more inclined to trust reputable platforms when choosing platforms, which also points out the direction for the development of take-out platforms, focusing on reputation construction and improving service quality is the key to attract and retain users. Imedia Consulting analysts believe that with the progress of technology, the maturity of the market and the standardized development of the industry, the takeaway industry still has broad development prospects in the future. Participants such as delivery platforms, catering businesses and delivery service providers should actively respond to challenges, seize development opportunities, and jointly promote the development of the food delivery industry towards a more healthy, efficient and sustainable direction through technological innovation, service upgrading, and strengthening cooperation.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国线上快递行业消费者调研报告
在当前便捷的生活方式下,线上快递已成为众多消费者的首选方式,他们普遍认为线上寄件具有节约时间和费用的双重优势。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国线上快递行业消费者调研报告》数据显示,众多快递品牌中,顺丰凭借其高效的服务质量和可靠的物流体系,备受广大消费者的青睐。纵观整个行业,超过九成的消费者对当前的快递寄件服务持正面评价。在寄件方式的选择上,消费者则最偏爱蜂巢/菜鸟驿站智能寄件(48.74%),其次是上门取件服务(33.02%)。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在线上快递蓬勃兴起的背景下,快递公司需优化服务流程,特别是在物流信息的实时更新、上门服务的准时性等方面,以提升消费者的整体体验。同时,为进一步抢占市场份额与促进行业协调发展,各快递公司应充分利用自身在大件、中小件以及文件运输中的专业优势,不断创新服务模式,以满足消费者日益多样化、个性化的需求。
In the current convenient lifestyle, online courier has become the preferred choice for many consumer, who generally believe that online parcel delivery has the dual advantages of saving time and money. The latest "2024 China online express industry consumer behavior survey report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution for the global new economy industry, shows that among many courier brands, SF Express has won the favor of a large number of consumers with its efficient service quality and reliable logistics system. Over 90% of consumers surveyed hold a positive view of the current courier delivery service. In terms of parcel delivery methods, consumers are most partial to smart parcel delivery via hive/AliExpress Station (48.74%), followed by home delivery service (33.02%). Analysts from iimedia Research believe that in the background of the booming online courier industry, courier companies need to optimize their service processes, especially in real-time updates of logistics information and punctuality of home delivery services, to enhance the overall consumer experience. At the same time, in order to further seize market share and promote coordinated development of the industry, courier companies should fully utilize their professional advantages in handling large, medium and small parcels and documents, and continuously innovate service models to meet the increasingly diverse and individualized needs of consumers.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国电商“双十一”消费大数据监测报告
“国补”政策与 “双十一”大促周期拉长,共同激发了2024年“双十一”消费热潮。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构 iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国电商“双十一”消费大数据监测报告》数据显示,2024年参与“双十一”活动的消费主力为26-29岁年轻群体,占比34.1%;“双十一”活动中购买量最多的TOP3商品类别为生活日化、服装鞋帽和美妆护肤,“悦己消费”、消费分层等需求趋势凸显;延时发货(44.0%)和假优惠(42.7%)是消费者“双十一”消费体验中的短板。2024年双十一周期提前,旨在抢占市场先机,但也导致消费者购物疲劳和商家物流压力的增加。电商平台竞争从价格战转向经营战,通过细分人群与购物场景,升级服务支持商家。未来,竞争态势和策略调整还将继续深化和演变。
The "National Subsidy" policy and the extended "Double Eleven" promotion period have jointly stimulated the consumer fervor for "Double Eleven" in 2024. According to the latest " China's e-commerce "Double Eleven" consumption big data monitoring report in 2024" released by iiMedia Research (a third-party data mining and analysis institution for the global new economy industry), the main consumers participating in the 2024 "Double Eleven" event were young people aged 26-29, accounting for 34.1%. The top three product categories purchased during the "Double Eleven" event were daily necessities, clothing and footwear, and beauty and skincare products, highlighting trends such as self-indulgent consumption and consumption segmentation. Delayed delivery (44.0%) and fake discounts (42.7%) were the weak links in consumers' "Double Eleven" shopping experience. The 2024 "Double Eleven" cycle started earlier to seize market opportunities, but it also led to increased shopping fatigue among consumers and logistical pressures on merchants. Competition among e-commerce platforms shifted from price wars to operational battles, upgrading services to support merchants through audience segmentation and shopping scenarios. In the future, the competitive landscape and strategic adjustments will continue to deepen and evolve.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国在线外卖平台市场发展状况与消费行为调研分析报告
随着互联网技术的飞速发展和智能手机的普及,中国在线外卖平台市场在过去几年中经历了爆炸式的增长。这一新兴行业不仅深刻改变了餐饮行业的格局,也极大地便利了消费者的日常生活。特别是在快节奏的城市生活中,外卖服务成为许多上班族和学生党的首选。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国在线外卖平台市场发展状况与消费行为调查数据》数据显示,中国消费者整体点外卖频率较高,其中每周点5-10次(平均每天1-2次)外卖的消费者占比最高,达到32.34%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,生活节奏的加快、外卖平台的多样化选择、消费者需求的变化、技术进步的推动以及社会因素的影响等共同作用,推动了消费者点外卖频率的提升和外卖行业的快速发展。With the rapid development of Internet technology and the popularity of smartphones, China's online food delivery platform market has experienced explosive growth in the past few years. This emerging industry has not only profoundly changed the pattern of the catering industry, but also greatly facilitated the daily life of consumers. Especially in the fast-paced city life, food delivery service has become the first choice for many office workers and students. According to the latest "2024 China online food delivery platform market development status and consumer behavior survey data" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, Chinese consumers as a whole order takeout more frequently. Among them, consumers who order takeout 5-10 times a week (an average of 1-2 times a day) account for the highest proportion, reaching 32.34%. Analysts from Imedia Consulting believe that the acceleration of the pace of life, the diversification of delivery platforms, changes in consumer demand, the promotion of technological progress and the impact of social factors have all contributed to the increase in the frequency of consumers ordering takeaway food and the rapid development of the takeaway industry.
在全球经济加速发展与科技飞速进步的当下,低空经济作为新兴的经济形态,其辐射带动作用强、产业链较长等特点对经济社会发展具有较强的带动作用。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025-2029年中国低空经济产业链全景图及区域竞争状况研究报告》数据显示,2022-2024年中国低空经济市场规模数据呈现上升趋势,2025年中国低空经济市场规模预计达5615亿元,2029年低空经济市场规模将达13904亿元,2035年有望突破3.5万亿元。艾媒咨询分析师认为,2024年是低空经济发展的元年,随着政策的落实和相关措施的不断落地,低空经济将在未来呈现爆发式增长。
At present, with the accelerated development of the global economy and the rapid progress of science and technology, the low-altitude economy, as an emerging economic form, has a strong radiation driving effect and a long industrial chain, which has a strong driving effect on economic and social development. iiMedia Research, a third party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, recently released the "Research report on China's low-altitude economic industrial chain panorama and regional competition status from 2025 to 2029", which shows that the market size data of China's low-altitude economy in 2022-2024 shows an upward trend. The market size of China's low-altitude economy is expected to reach 561.5 billion yuan in 2025, 1390.4 billion yuan in 2029, and 3.5 trillion yuan in 2035. Analysts from IIMedia Consulting believe that 2024 is the first year of low-altitude economic development, and with the implementation of policies and relevant measures, low-altitude economy will show explosive growth in the future.艾媒咨询 | 2024-2025年中国外卖行业下沉消费市场研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2024年中国在线餐饮外卖行业市场规模为16357亿元,预计2027年达19567亿元。随着一二线城市外卖市场的逐渐饱和,众多餐饮品牌开始将目光投向下沉市场,寻求新的增长点和发展机遇。外卖正在逐步融入下沉市场消费者的日常生活,超六成的下沉市场外卖消费者每周点外卖的频率在3次以上,工作日(38.4%)和节假日聚餐(34.6%)是外卖消费的主要场景。平台信誉(50.5%)和用户评价(45.7%)是下沉市场消费者选择外卖平台时最关注的因素,其次是外卖产品丰富度(42.5%)和配送费(38.7%)。随着互联网普及程度的提高和移动支付的便捷性提升,下沉市场的外卖用户数量呈现出快速增长的态势,下沉市场有望成为外卖行业规模增长的新动力源。
According to iiMedia Research, the market size of China's online food delivery industry in 2024 is 1,635.7 billion yuan, and it is expected to reach 1,956.7 billion yuan in 2027. With the gradual saturation of the take-out market in first - and second-tier cities, many catering brands have begun to look to the sinking market to seek new growth points and development opportunities. Take-out is gradually integrating into the daily life of consumers in the sinking market, and more than 60% of take-out consumers in the sinking market order take-out more than 3 times a week, and weekdays (38.4%) and holidays (34.6%) are the main scenes of take-out consumption. Platform reputation (50.5%) and user evaluation (45.7%) are the most concerned factors for consumers in sinking markets to choose delivery platforms, followed by delivery product richness (42.5%) and delivery costs (38.7%). With the improvement of the popularity of the Internet and the convenience of mobile payment, the number of take-out users in the sinking market has shown a rapid growth trend, and the sinking market is expected to become a new power source for the scale growth of the take-out industry.艾媒咨询 | 2025-2026年中国低空经济市场发展趋势洞察报告
低空经济是以低空空域为依托,以各种有人驾驶和无人驾驶航空器的各类低空飞行活动为牵引,辐射带动相关领域融合发展的综合性经济形态。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025-2026年中国低空经济市场发展趋势洞察报告》数据显示,2022-2024年中国低空经济市场规模数据呈现上升趋势,2025年中国低空经济市场规模预计达5615亿元,预测2035年有望突破3.5万亿元。艾媒咨询分析师认为,2024年是低空经济发展的元年,随着政策的落实和相关措施的不断落地,低空经济将在未来呈现爆发式增长。
Low-altitude economy is a comprehensive economic form that relies on low-altitude airspace and is towed by various low-altitude flight activities of manned and unmanned aircraft, and radiates the integrated development of related fields. The latest "China's low-altitude economic market development trend Insight report 2025-2026" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, shows that the market size data of China's low-altitude economy shows an upward trend in 2022-2024. The market size of China's low-altitude economy is expected to reach 561.5 billion yuan in 2025, and is expected to exceed 3.5 trillion yuan in 2035. Analysts from iMedia Consulting believe that 2024 is the first year of the development of low-altitude economy. With the implementation of policies and the continuous landing of relevant measures, low-altitude economy will show explosive growth in the future.艾媒咨询|2024年中国互联网家居售后服务市场发展白皮书
全球家居市场规模在2010年至2025年间整体呈上升趋势,2023年已达5192.9亿美元,预计2025年达5546.6亿美元。互联网技术的不断演进正引领家居售后服务行业的数字化升级,促进供需双方更高效精准匹配,并促进了线上线下服务融合的新模式。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国互联网家居售后服务市场发展白皮书》数据显示,随着企业采用轻资产运营策略并依托第三方服务平台增强服务效能,服务效率成为46.7%消费者选择互联网家居服务平台的首要考量。面对消费者日益多元且个性化的服务需求,互联网家居售后服务平台在继续提供优质传统服务的基础上,正积极拓展服务边界,旨在全方位满足消费者瞬息万变的一站式个性化定制服务诉求,构建起更加契合时代潮流的家居售后服务生态。
The global home furnishing market has shown an overall upward trend from 2010 to 2025, reaching $519.29 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $554.66 billion by 2025. The continuous evolution of Internet technology is leading the digital upgrading of the home after-sales service industry, promoting more efficient and accurate matching between supply and demand, and promoting a new model of online and offline service integration. According to the latest Research Report 2024 White Paper on the Development of China's Internet home after-sales service market Market released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry,as enterprises adopt asset light operation strategies and rely on third-party service platforms to enhance service efficiency, service efficiency has become the primary consideration for 46.7% of consumers to choose Internet home service platforms. In the face of consumers' increasingly diversified and personalized service needs, the Internet home after-sales service platform is actively expanding its service boundaries on the basis of continuing to provide high-quality traditional services, aiming to meet consumers' ever-changing demands for one-stop personalized customization services in an all-round way, and build a more responsive home after-sales service ecosystem.艾媒咨询|2024年中国AI电商行业研究报告
中国人工智能产业在各方的共同推动下进入爆发式增长阶段。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国AI电商行业研究报告》数据显示,2020年中国人工智能核心产业规模就已达1500亿元,预计2030年将达10000亿元。中国人工智能核心产业细分领域规模不断扩大,为电商行业的发展提供新的增长极,进一步推动AI电商行业的快速发展。2023年,中国电子商务的高质量发展取得积极成效,AI相关应用快速落地,且效果较为显著,多家电商平台已对智能化选品功能进行应用,AI电商在为商家降低运营成本,提升销售额方面发挥积极作用。电商产业已经成为AIGC核心商业应用场景之一,其中,数字人成为各方布局AI电商的重点方向,AI电商产业将实现从电商运营端、供应链端、消费者端全方位智能化转变,以高新技术为电商强势赋能。
China's artificial intelligence industry has entered a stage of explosive growth under the joint promotion of all parties. According to the latest "2024 China AI e-commerce industry Research report" released by iiMedia Research, the scale of China's artificial intelligence core industry has reached 150 billion yuan in 2020, and it is expected to reach 1 trillion yuan in 2030. The scale of China's artificial intelligence core industry segments continues to expand, providing new growth poles for the development of the e-commerce industry and further promoting the rapid development of the AI e-commerce industry. In 2023, the high-quality development of China's e-commerce has achieved positive results, and AI-related applications have landed quickly, and the effect is more significant, many e-commerce platforms have applied intelligent product selection functions, AI e-commerce has played an active role in reducing operating costs for merchants and improving sales. The e-commerce industry has become one of the core business application scenarios of AIGC, among which, digital people have become the key direction of the layout of AI e-commerce, AI e-commerce industry will realize an all-round intelligent transformation from the operation end of e-commerce, the supply chain end, and the consumer end, and it will strongly empower e-commerce with high-tech.艾媒咨询 | 2023-2024年中国迷你仓行业发展现状及标杆企业案例分析报告
目前,迷你仓概念已逐渐被国人接受,在用户多场景使用需求的推动下,迷你仓行业发展的成熟度、整体规模、智能化与市场渗透率等方面都实现了质的提升。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023-2024年中国迷你仓行业发展现状及标杆企业案例分析报告》数据显示,2023年中国迷你仓行业市场规模为19.0亿元,同比增长15%,呈逐年递增趋势。未来,随着迷你仓行业需求和观念上两大难点的逐步解决,中国迷你仓行业的红利将逐步释放,预计2028年市场规模有望增至34.0亿元。
At present, the concept of mini warehouse has been gradually accepted by the people, driven by the needs of users in multiple scenarios, the maturity, overall scale, intelligence and market penetration of the mini warehouse industry have achieved qualitative improvement.According to the latest "2023-2024 China Mini Warehouse Industry Development Status and Benchmarking Enterprise Case Analysis Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the market size of China's mini warehouse industry in 2023 is 1.90 billion yuan, an increase of 15% year-on-year. It shows an increasing trend year by year. In the future, with the gradual solution of the two major difficulties in the demand and concept of the mini warehouse industry, the dividend of China's mini warehouse industry will be gradually released, and the market size is expected to increase to 3.40 billion yuan in 2028.
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