艾媒咨询 | 2023年第三季度中国预制菜行业运行监测数据分析报告
在行业政策的支持、冷链基础设施的逐步完善等多个因素影响下,中国预制菜行业正处于快速发展期。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023年第三季度中国预制菜行业运行监测数据分析报告》显示,预制菜行业已成为部分食品企业业绩增长的主要动力,2023年上半年,安井、千味央厨等多家企业实现了营收及净利的双增长。2023年9月,“预制菜进校园事件”引发广泛关注。这一事件反应了公众对校园食品安全问题的重视,同时也凸显出预制菜在个人消费者市场仍有待进一步发展。这对于推进预制菜行业走向标准化、规范化具有积极意义。
Under the influence of multiple factors such as industry policy support and gradual improvement of cold chain infrastructure, China's prefabricated dishes industry is in a period of rapid development. The latest "Analysis Report on Operational Monitoring Data of China's Prefabricated Dishes Industry in the Third Quarter of 2023" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis agency for the global new economy industry, shows that the prefabricated dishes industry has become the main driving force for the performance growth of some food enterprises. In the first half of 2023, multiple enterprises such as Anjing and Qianwei Central Kitchen achieved dual growth in revenue and net profit. In September 2023, the "Prefabricated Dishes on Campus Incident" attracted widespread attention. This incident reflects the public's attention to campus food safety issues, and also highlights the need for further development of prefabricated dishes in the individual consumer market. This has positive significance for promoting the standardization and normalization of the prefabricated dishes industry.艾媒咨询 | 2023-2024年中国方便食品行业发展研究报告
2023年9月4-6日,由中国食品科学技术学会主办的第二十三届中国方便食品大会暨方便食品展在北京召开。大会围绕“变局中的拓展与延伸”,探讨在内需不足的压力下,如何驱动行业向上提升。历经20余年的精心培育,方便食品大会已成为涵盖方便面(米粉、粉丝)、挂面、冷冻食品、调味面制品、自加热食品及方便休闲食品、咸味香精调味料、加工设备、冷链装备、产品包装等上下游全产业链的行业年度盛会,为中国方便食品产业的创新发展提供了强有力的科技支撑。会上,中国食品科学技术学会与iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)联合发布了《2023-2024年中国方便食品行业发展研究报告》。近年来方便食品购买场景不断扩宽,除了出差旅途、办公室、家庭等场景之外,外出露营、野餐等场景逐渐流行。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,近年来中国方便食品市场规模不断扩大,2022年中国方便食品市场规模已达5961亿元。
艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国预制鸡排消费行为调查数据
随着冷链物流技术的逐渐成熟,预制鸡排的储存和运输难题得到缓解,其市场范围开始从餐饮端向零售端拓展。在消费升级的大背景下,消费者对方便食品的品质、口味和营养要求不断提高,促使预制鸡排企业在产品研发、工艺优化和质量把控上持续投入,推动了预制鸡排市场的快速发展。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025年中国预制鸡排消费行为调查数据》数据显示,57.04% 的受访者将方便快捷置于首位,凸显出在快节奏生活模式下,消费者对预制食品便捷特性的高度依赖。在预制鸡排关注因素方面,安全因素以 58.88% 的高占比拔得头筹,远超其他选项,充分体现出消费者对食品安全问题的深切关注。在食品质量问题频发的当下,消费者对入口食品的安全性格外谨慎,预制鸡排作为加工食品,其原料来源、加工工艺、添加剂使用等安全相关方面,都直接影响消费者的购买决策。艾媒咨询分析师认为,虽然预制食品市场近年来发展迅速,但仍有部分消费者对预制鸡排的品质和营养存在疑虑,认为其不如新鲜制作的鸡肉健康。此外,一些消费者对预制食品的烹饪方式和口味不够熟悉,影响了他们的购买意愿。因此,提高消费者对预制鸡排的认知和接受度,是行业发展面临的一个重要挑战
With the gradual maturity of cold chain logistics technology, the storage and transportation problems of prefabricated chicken cutlet have been alleviated, and its market scope has begun to expand from the catering end to the retail end. In the context of consumption upgrading, consumers' requirements for the quality, taste and nutrition of convenience foods continue to improve, prompting prefabricated chicken cutlets enterprises to continue to invest in product research and development, process optimization and quality control, and promote the rapid development of the prefabricated chicken cutlets market. According to the latest "Consumption behavior survey data of prepared chicken steak in China in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, 57.04% of the respondents put convenience and convenience in the first place, highlighting that under the fast-paced life mode, Consumers rely heavily on the convenience of prepared foods. In terms of concern factors, safety factors topped the list with a high proportion of 58.88%, far exceeding other options, fully reflecting consumers' deep concern about food safety issues. In the frequent occurrence of food quality problems, consumers are extremely cautious about the safety of imported food, prepared chicken steak as a processed food, its raw material source, processing technology, additive use and other safety-related aspects directly affect consumers' purchasing decisions. Analysts from Imedia Consulting believe that although the prepared food market has developed rapidly in recent years, there are still some consumers who have doubts about the quality and nutrition of prepared chicken chops, believing that it is not as healthy as fresh chicken. In addition, some consumers are not familiar enough with the cooking methods and tastes of prepared foods, affecting their purchase intentions. Therefore, improving consumer awareness and acceptance of prepared chicken chops is an important challenge for the development of the industry.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国在线外卖平台市场发展状况与消费行为调研分析报告
随着互联网技术的飞速发展和智能手机的普及,中国在线外卖平台市场在过去几年中经历了爆炸式的增长。这一新兴行业不仅深刻改变了餐饮行业的格局,也极大地便利了消费者的日常生活。特别是在快节奏的城市生活中,外卖服务成为许多上班族和学生党的首选。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国在线外卖平台市场发展状况与消费行为调查数据》数据显示,中国消费者整体点外卖频率较高,其中每周点5-10次(平均每天1-2次)外卖的消费者占比最高,达到32.34%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,生活节奏的加快、外卖平台的多样化选择、消费者需求的变化、技术进步的推动以及社会因素的影响等共同作用,推动了消费者点外卖频率的提升和外卖行业的快速发展。With the rapid development of Internet technology and the popularity of smartphones, China's online food delivery platform market has experienced explosive growth in the past few years. This emerging industry has not only profoundly changed the pattern of the catering industry, but also greatly facilitated the daily life of consumers. Especially in the fast-paced city life, food delivery service has become the first choice for many office workers and students. According to the latest "2024 China online food delivery platform market development status and consumer behavior survey data" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, Chinese consumers as a whole order takeout more frequently. Among them, consumers who order takeout 5-10 times a week (an average of 1-2 times a day) account for the highest proportion, reaching 32.34%. Analysts from Imedia Consulting believe that the acceleration of the pace of life, the diversification of delivery platforms, changes in consumer demand, the promotion of technological progress and the impact of social factors have all contributed to the increase in the frequency of consumers ordering takeaway food and the rapid development of the takeaway industry.
艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国速冻食品行业市场消费行为洞察报告
速冻食品作为一种经过急速低温冻结处理的预包装食品,凭借其方便快捷、易于储存、品类丰富等特点,在全球食品市场中占据着重要地位。随着生活节奏的加快、消费观念的转变,以及冷链物流技术的发展,速冻食品市场近年来呈现出快速增长的态势。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025年中国速冻食品行业市场消费行为洞察报告》数据显示,在消费者行为方面,高达 60.99% 的消费者经常购买速冻食品,这一比例表明速冻食品已深度融入中国消费者的日常生活,有着较高的接受度和频繁的消费频次,其方便快捷的特性契合了大众快节奏的生活方式。从产品品类偏好来看,其他速冻米面制品独占鳌头,占比达 43.24% ,其中速冻水饺、煎饺这类传统米面制品深受消费者喜爱,这既体现出传统美食的强大吸引力,也反映出消费者对熟悉口味和品类的依赖。这对速冻食品行业而言,在持续扩大市场份额时,一方面要巩固传统米面制品的优势,不断优化品质和口味;另一方面,可基于消费者对速冻食品的高接受度,拓展更多创新品类。艾媒咨询分析师认为,速冻食品市场作为食品行业的重要细分领域,具有广阔的发展前景和巨大的市场潜力。尽管目前面临着一些挑战,但随着技术的进步、市场的成熟,以及行业的规范发展,速冻食品市场将迎来新的发展机遇。速冻食品企业应抓住机遇,积极应对挑战,通过不断创新产品、提升品质、优化渠道、加强品牌建设等方式,提高企业的市场竞争力,实现可持续发展。
Quick-frozen food, as a kind of pre-packaged food that has undergone rapid cryogenic freezing treatment, occupies an important position in the global food market by virtue of its convenience, easy storage and rich categories. With the acceleration of the pace of life, the change of consumption concept and the development of cold chain logistics technology, the frozen food market has shown a rapid growth trend in recent years. According to the latest "Insight report on China frozen food industry market consumer behavior in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, as high as 60.99% of consumers often buy frozen food in terms of consumer behavior. This proportion indicates that frozen food has been deeply integrated into the daily life of Chinese consumers, with high acceptance and frequent consumption frequency, and its convenient and fast characteristics fit the fast-paced lifestyle of the public. In terms of product category preference, other frozen rice and noodle products take the lead, accounting for 43.24%, among which frozen dumplings and fried dumplings such traditional rice and noodle products are favored by consumers, which not only reflects the strong appeal of traditional food, but also reflects consumers' dependence on familiar tastes and categories. This for the frozen food industry, in the continuous expansion of market share, on the one hand to consolidate the advantages of traditional rice products, constantly optimize the quality and taste; On the other hand, more innovative categories can be expanded based on consumers' high acceptance of frozen foods. Imedia Consulting analysts believe that the frozen food market, as an important segment of the food industry, has broad development prospects and huge market potential. Although it is currently facing some challenges, with the progress of technology, the maturity of the market and the standardized development of the industry, the frozen food market will usher in new development opportunities. Frozen food enterprises should seize opportunities, actively respond to challenges, through continuous product innovation, improve quality, optimize channels, strengthen brand building and other ways to improve the market competitiveness of enterprises, to achieve sustainable development.艾媒咨询|2024年中国新春年菜消费市场研究报告
2023年中国年菜行业市场规模为1291.3亿元,同比增长81.0%。企业通过开发年菜新产品体系,营造新消费场景,市场呈现高速增长势头, 预计2024年中国年菜行业市场规模为1708.1亿元,2026年市场规模有望达2626.4亿元。随着现代化技术的发展及消费观念的改变,年菜演变成新兴零售商品,能节省制作时间,让消费者能够便捷食用。在保证食品安全、营养、美味的同时,年菜也注入时尚元素和创新思维,巧妙结合不同地域的菜式特色,紧随时代潮流推陈出新。“年菜经济”全产业链的互联互通,促进农产品稳产保供,利于引领春节消费“新食尚”,促成新消费欲望。目前,年菜市场仍处于蓝海阶段,行业有很大的扩容空间。市场整体呈现出快速扩张、需求旺盛的态势。未来,烹饪加工技术和冷链物流技术应用逐渐成熟,将带动年菜行业向标准化、规范化迈进。
In 2023, the market size of China's New Year dish industry will be 129.13 billion yuan, an increase of 81.0%. Enterprises through the development of New Year dish new product system, create a new consumption scene, the market shows a rapid growth momentum, is expected in 2024, China's New Year dish industry market size of 170.81 billion yuan, 2026 market size is expected to reach 262.64 billion yuan. With the development of modern technology and the change of consumption concepts, New Year dishes have evolved into new retail goods, which can save production time and allow consumers to easily eat. While ensuring food safety, nutrition and taste, the New Year cuisine also infuses fashion elements and innovative thinking, cleverly combining the cuisine characteristics of different regions and following the trend of The Times. The interconnection of the whole industrial chain of the "New Year vegetable economy" and the promotion of stable production and supply of agricultural products are conducive to leading the "new food" consumption during the Spring Festival and promoting new consumption desire. At present, the New Year food market is still in the blue ocean stage, and the industry has great room for expansion. The market as a whole is showing a rapid expansion and strong demand. In the future, the application of cooking processing technology and cold chain logistics technology is gradually mature, which will drive the New Year dish industry to standardization and standardization.艾媒咨询|2023年中国预制菜产业发展蓝皮书
During the Spring Festival of 2024, catering enterprises welcomed their first "good start". As an important component of Chinese Spring Festival catering, New Year dishes are also showing a hot trend. Data shows that over half of consumers purchase pre made dishes as their family's New Year's Eve dinner; During the Taobao New Year Shopping Festival, the search volume for keywords such as "pre made dishes" and "semi-finished New Year's Eve dinner" increased by more than 20 times compared to the previous month. The topic of Guangdong's first promotion of pre made Spring Festival dishes on Weibo has received 11.18 million views. The popularity of the topic reflects that in current society, Chinese New Year dishes have become an important keyword in Chinese New Year cuisine.艾媒咨询|2024年中国鱼片行业消费洞察研究报告
随着酸菜鱼、水煮鱼等热销单品市场渗透率的稳步攀升,以及预制菜市场的蓬勃发展,鱼片全产业链正迎来前所未有的发展新机遇。日前,全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)发布了《2024年中国鱼片行业消费洞察研究报告》。报告数据显示,2023年中国鱼片加工市场规模已达122.4亿元,预计未来几年将以20%左右的速度持续增长,到2028年有望突破300亿元大关。中国鱼片加工行业企业数量众多,生产水平参差不齐,市场集中度偏低。随着行业的深入发展,鱼片加工行业将进入洗牌期,并朝着标准化、规模化、品牌化的方向不断迈进。具备出色的供应链能力和品牌优势的企业,未来竞争力将更加凸显。
随着人们对节日仪式感的愈加重视和送礼需求的不断赠长,中国新春礼盒行业正迎来新的发展机遇。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国新春礼盒消费者行为洞察报告》数据显示,2018-2023年中国礼物经济产业市场规模从8000亿元增至12998亿元,呈逐年递增趋势;预计2027年中国礼物经济市场规模将增至16197亿元。近年来,从零食坚果到服装配饰,从文创产品到老字号品牌,众多国货品牌纷纷披上国潮风、兔年生肖等元素的外衣,推出“国潮”系列商品,吸引了一众年轻消费者。随着国民文化自信的不断增强,消费市场国潮趋势将日益明显。从购买产品种类来看,消费者对健康与养生需求的增加,进一步促进了新春礼盒行业在产品健康化的创新与发展。
As people pay more attention to the sense of festival ceremony and the continuous demand for gifts, China's New Year gift box industry is ushering in new opportunities for development. According to the latest "2024 Chinese New Year Gift Box Consumer Behavior Insight Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the market size of China's gift economy industry from 2018 to 2023 increased from 800 billion yuan to 1,299.8 billion yuan, showing an increasing trend year by year; It is estimated that the market size of China's gift economy will increase to 1,619.7 billion yuan in 2027. In recent years, from snack nuts to clothing accessories, from cultural and creative products to time-honored brands, many domestic brands have been covered with the national tide wind, rabbit zodiac and other elements of the coat, launched the "national tide" series of goods, attracting a large number of young consumers. With the continuous enhancement of national cultural confidence, the trend of consumer market will become increasingly obvious. From the perspective of the types of products purchased, the increase in consumer demand for health and wellness has further promoted the innovation and development of the New Year gift box industry in product health.
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