随着移动设备的普及、移动互联网用户的扩大,在线直播行业飞速发展,进入多维发展、多强并行的成熟阶段。网络直播行业在经历高速增长后经历了2018-2019年的行业沉淀阶段,而2020年在疫情期间“宅经济”的刺激行业又恢复了强势增长劲头。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计2020年用户规模将有望达到5.26亿。目前,在线直播行业在模式和内容上都有很大的创新。“直播+”模式以直播媒介输出社会价值,与传统产业相结合,模式重构传统场景、创新商业模式,促进在线直播向细分领域拓展,同时也激活了社会就业生态。在内容创新上,除了UGC内容,越来越多的直播平台已经开始涉足PGC内容。数据显示,直播+渗透至各个领域,但娱乐消遣仍为主流,趣味挑战成为泛娱乐平台直播用户的偏好创新形式。未来,在线直播将发挥下沉优势,为传统企业数字化转型起助推作用。
With the popularization of mobile devices and the expansion of mobile Internet users, the online streaming industry has developed rapidly and entered a mature stage of multi-dimensional development and multi-strong parallel. After experiencing rapid growth, the online streaming industry experienced a precipitation stage from 2018 to 2019, while in 2020, the industry stimulated by the "home economy" during the epidemic period regained strong growth momentum. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of users is expected to reach 526 million in 2020. At present, the online streaming industry has made great innovations in both mode and content. The “live streaming +” model outputs social value through live broadcast media, combines with traditional industries, reconstructs traditional scenes and innovates business models, promotes the expansion of online live broadcast to subdivided fields, and also activates the social employment ecology. In terms of content innovation, in addition to UGC content, more and more live-streaming platforms have begun to set their hands on PGC content. Data show that “live streaming +” has penetrated into all fields, but entertainment is still the mainstream, and fun challenge has become the preferred innovative form of live streaming users on pan-entertainment platforms. In the future, online streaming will give full play to its sinking advantage and play a facilitating role in the digital transformation of traditional enterprises. -
数据显示,2020年中国考生规模达到1071万人,较2019年增长40万人,人数规模创历史新高。考生竞争压力大,高考志愿填报难度高。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)调查数据显示,超四成中国高考关注者将专业选择作为填报时的首要考量因素。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着信息技术和交通设施的不断进步,异地工作、异地实习等都成为可能,因此专业本身的选择对学生未来的职业发展影响最大。
In 2020, the number of Chinese college entrance examination candidates reached 10.71 million, and the difficulty of applying for college entrance examinations has further increased. According to the survey data of iiMedia Research, over 40% interviewees regard professional choice as the primary consideration. iiMedia Research believes that with the continuous improvement of information technology and transportation facilities, off-site work and off-site internship are all possible, so the choice of major itself has the greatest impact on the future career development of students. -
APP违规索权仍比较普遍,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,97.0%的APP默认调用相机权限,35.0%的APP默认调用读取联系人权限。其中,移动社交类和短视频类APP调用联系人读取权限情况较为突出、移动理财读类APP调用拨打电话权限用情况较为严重。
The illegal claims of app are still common. According to the data of iiMedia Research, 97.0% of APP calls camera permission by default, and 35.0% of APP calls read contact permission by default. Among them, the access of mobile social and short video app to call contacts is more prominent, and the access of mobile financial reading app to call calls is more serious.Although the awareness of privacy protection of mobile Internet users in China has been improved,more than half of the mobile Internet users take the initiative to identify app permission calls, they are relatively passive in terms of APP privacy terms. iiMedia Research analysts believe that, while speeding up the implementation of the regulations, users need to pay attention to the management of mobile phone privacy rights and interests, timely maintain personal privacy rights and interests, and operators also need to pay attention to data security and user privacy management. -
The rapid development of the entertainment industry has won the favor of the capital market. From the perspective of segmentation, in 2019, the media sector received 30.2% of financing, ranking first in the segment of the entertainment industry, followed by film and television (19.0%), animation (16.8%), and short video (12.3%). Rank third and fourth. iiMedia Research analysts believe that the entertainment industry has obvious advantages in the help of digital technology in film, television, and animation. In the mobile Internet era, new formats and models of short video and live broadcast are favored by the investment market; and large Internet companies rely on their own businesses to carry out the ecological layout of the entertainment industry has a certain first-mover advantage. -
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年,中国数字经济规模已达31.3万亿元,占GDP比重34.8%,数字经济已成为当前产业发展增量引擎。新中国成立70周年,回望中国经济发展历程,互联网的发展谱写了瞩目的篇章。中国互联网经历了探索成长期、快速发展期、成熟繁荣期,由PC互联网走向移动互联网,由2G走向5G。1999年中华网赴美上市,向全球宣告了中国互联网行业的崛起,同时以网易、搜狐、新浪为代表的中国门户网站模式的萌芽,也预示着中国互联网真正站起来了。2009年中国3G商用开启移动互联时代,互联网步入快速发展期。2013年中国移动互联网开始迈向4G时代。“互联网+”理念代表着一种新的经济形态,互联网技术+创新思维成中国经济社会创新的驱动力量。中国互联网激烈的竞争角逐中产生了一批如腾讯视频、知乎、酷我音乐、京东、淘宝、携程、支付宝、百度搜索、腾讯云、旷视科技等标杆企业。经过了20年的发展,中国互联网产业将不断扩展,包括智能终端、工业机器人、自动驾驶、企业服务等产业顺势不断升级。随着5G网络的推行,新经济产业运转也将重新迎来创新潮流。
Data from iiMedia Research shows that in 2018, China's digital economy has reached 31.3 trillion yuan, accounting for 34.8% of GDP. Digital economy has become an engine for industrial development. During the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, looking back at the course of China's economic development, the Internet has written a remarkable chapter. China's Internet has experienced a period of exploration, rapid development, and maturity and prosperity, from PC Internet to mobile Internet and from 2G to 5G. In 1999, china.com went public in the United States, which announced the rise of China's Internet industry to the world. Meanwhile, the budding of China's portal website model represented by NetEase,SoHu and Sina also indicated that China's Internet really stood up. In 2009, China's 3G started the era of mobile Internet in commercial use, which means the Internet entered a period of rapid development. In 2013, China's mobile Internet began to move towards 4G era. The concept of “Internet plus“ represents a new economic form. Internet technology and innovative thinking has become the driving force of China's economic and social innovation. In the fierce competition of China's Internet, a number of outstanding enterprises have emerged, such as Tencent Video, Zhihu, Kuwo Music,JD, taobao, Ctrip, Alipay, Baidu Search, Tencent cloud, KuangShi technology and so on. After 20 years of development, China's Internet industry will continue to expand, including smart terminals, industrial robots, autonomous driving, enterprise services and other industries continue to upgrade. With the implementation of 5G network, the operation of new economy industry will also usher in a new trend of innovation. -
艾媒报告 |2019Q1中国手机新闻客户端市场监测报告
本报告涉及企业/品牌包括:百度新闻、腾讯新闻、搜狐新闻、新浪新闻、一点资讯、天天快报、网易新闻、今日头条、人民日报、新华社、央视新闻、趣头条、凤凰新闻、ZAKER、UC头条、东方头条、Flipboard 红板报、澎湃新闻、天天头条
随着移动互联网渗透率不断提升,手机新闻客户端逐渐成为中国居民获取资讯的主要途径。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计2019年中国手机新闻客户端用户规模达6.93亿,市场潜力巨大。在新闻客户端平台方面,2019Q1中国手机新闻客户端市场格局保持稳定,腾讯新闻、今日头条月活用户数量均超2亿,以绝对领先优势位居行业前列。在客户端用户方面,新闻客户端用户中男性普遍占六成,高收入群体偏爱传统媒体类新闻客户端。在网络监管严格化的背景下,新闻客户端将回归真实本质,开启品质提升。同时,下沉市场开始觉醒,新闻资讯平台将以更贴近大众生活的新闻来获取三、四线城市用户,行业竞争加剧。
With the increasing penetration of Internet, mobile news App has gradually become the main source of information for Chinese. According to iiMedia Research, the scale of mobile news App users in China is expected to reach 693 million in 2019, which indicates huge market potential. In terms of news App, in 2019Q1, the pattern of China's mobile phone news App market remained stable. The monthly active users of Tencent news and Toutiao news both exceeded 200 million, which is at the leading position of the industry. In terms of users, male accounts for 60% of the news App users, whereas high-income groups prefer traditional media news App. Under the background of strict network supervision, news App will stick to truth and start quality improvement. At the same time, the sinking market began to wake up, news App will to present news that is more close to the public life to obtain users in third and fourth tier cities, leading to the intensification of industry competition.
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