近年来,国内外形势均发生较大变化,中国经济正处于恢复期,高校专业会出现新一轮洗牌,就业前景好和就业稳定的院校和专业报考人数将出现大幅上涨。2024年,教育部在法学、工学、文学、农学、艺术学、教育学、管理学方向新增24种专业,高等教育逐步向市场发展情况靠拢。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)基于专业赛道空间与行业布局分析,推出《2024年中国高考志愿填报及就业前景大数据分析报告》,数据显示,49.15%中国高考生意向城市为一线或新一线。随着人工智能、大数据、云计算等成为主流,高技术行业出现大量职位空缺,相关专业将成报考热门。2023年中国高考志愿填报市场付费规模为9.5亿元,近九成高考生愿意选择高考志愿填报服务,随着高考志愿报考行业付费需求增多,其市场规模将持续增长。
In recent years, the situation at home and abroad has undergone great changes, China's economy is in a recovery period, there will be a new round of reshuffle of college majors, and colleges and majors with good employment prospects and stable employment will see a substantial increase in applicants. In 2024, the Ministry of Education will add 24 new majors in the fields of law, engineering, literature, agriculture, art, education and management, and gradually move closer to the market development of higher education. iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, based on the analysis of professional track space and industry layout, launched the "2024 Chinese College Entrance Examination voluntary filling and employment prospects Big data analysis report". 49.15% of China's college entrance examination business to the city for the first line or new line. As artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing become the mainstream, there are a large number of job vacancies in high-tech industries, and related majors will become popular candidates. The market payment scale of China's college entrance examination voluntary filling in 2023 will be 950 million yuan. Nearly 90% of college entrance examination candidates are willing to choose voluntary filling service. With the increase in the demand for fees paid by the industry for college entrance examination volunteers, its market size will continue to grow.