在汽车市场快速增长的背景下,二手车市场作为其附属市场,其市场规模不断扩大。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国二手车行业消费者调研报告》数据显示,中国基本型二手乘用车交易量显著增长,从2011年的低点逐年攀升至2019年98.19万辆。2016-2024年间,中国二手车转籍比例数据整体呈现波动上升趋势。
In the context of the rapid growth of the automobile market, the second-hand car market as its subsidiary market, its market scale continues to expand. According to the latest "Consumer Research Report on China's Second-hand Car Industry in 2024" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the transaction volume of basic second-hand passenger cars in China has increased significantly, climbing year by year from a low point in 2011 to 981,900 in 2019. From 2016 to 2024, China's second-hand car registration ratio data showed a fluctuating upward trend as a whole.
Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that With the continuous expansion of the scale of China's automobile market and the strengthening of policy support and other favorable trends, China's used car market has broad prospects for future development.艾媒咨询|赵一鸣零食店消费行为洞察及行业趋势报告(2024)
2023年中国零食集合店市场规模为809亿元,预计2027年有望达到1547亿元。其中,赵一鸣零食成为高知名度品牌,截至2024年6月,赵一鸣零食门店数量已超过6000家。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《赵一鸣零食店消费行为洞察及行业趋势报告(2024)》数据显示,商品品质好(56.6%)和商品种类多(49.2%)是消费者选择赵一鸣零食的主要原因;赵一鸣零食店的消费者在购买零食时展现出多样化的偏好,熟食特产以64.9%的购买率位居榜首,其次是调味面制品(46.5%);此外,消费者指出赵一鸣零食店存在店内知名品牌零食较少(60.8%)和店面分布过于集中(59.4%)的问题。通过直供模式与数智化仓配体系,赵一鸣零食能够快速响应市场变化。但面对品牌扎堆的市场环境,赵一鸣零食正面临同质化竞争和价格战等多重严峻挑战,需在激烈竞争中寻找差异化定位,加强品牌建设。
The market size of China's snack aggregator stores reached RMB 80.9 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach RMB 154.7 billion by 2027. Among them, Zhao Yiming Snack has emerged as a highly recognized brand, with over 6,000 stores as of June 2024. According to the latest "Insight into Zhao Yiming's Snack Shop Consumer Behavior and Industry Trends Report (2024) " released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, high-quality products (56.6%) and a diverse range of products (49.2%) are the primary reasons why consumers choose Zhao Yiming Snacks. Consumers at Zhao Yiming Snacks stores exhibit diverse preferences when purchasing snacks, with cooked food specialties topping the list at a purchase rate of 64.9%, followed by seasoned noodle products (46.5%). Additionally, consumers have pointed out issues such as a lack of well-known brand snacks in stores (60.8%) and overly concentrated store locations (59.4%) at Zhao Yiming Snacks.Through its direct supply model and digital-intelligent warehouse and distribution system, Zhao Yiming Snacks is able to respond swiftly to market changes. However, in the face of a crowded market with numerous brands, Zhao Yiming Snacks is confronted with formidable challenges such as homogenized competition and price wars. It needs to find a differentiated positioning amidst fierce competition and strengthen its brand building efforts.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国眼镜市场消费者需求洞察分析报告
随着电子产品在生活中的普及,消费者对眼镜的需求趋向多样化和个性化。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国眼镜市场消费者需求洞察分析报告》数据显示,近视眼镜以60.30%的占比位居第一,显示出近视人群对眼镜的高需求。中国消费者对暴龙(34.89%)品牌认知度最高,其次是海伦凯勒(29.66%)和雷朋(28.17%)。
With the popularization of electronic products in life, consumers' demand for glasses tends to be diversified and personalized. According to the latest "2024 China Eyewear market consumer demand insight analysis report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, myopic glasses occupy the first place with 60.30%, showing the high demand for glasses among myopic people. Chinese consumers have the highest brand awareness of Tyrannosaurus (34.89%), followed by Helen Keller (29.66%) and Ray-Ban (28.17%).
Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that the glasses market presents a diversified trend, including variety, material, function and diversification of sales channels, while consumers have higher expectations for the fashion and health of glasses.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国露营经济市场发展研究与消费行为分析报告
露营经济是多种因素共同助推下快速发展起来的产业,受到政治、经济、文化、社会和技术等影响。随着露营成为越来越多民众的日常户外休闲之选,露营行业市场空间将十分广阔。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国露营经济市场发展研究与消费行为分析报告》数据显示,中国露营营地市场规模整体呈现增长趋势,从2014年77.1亿元逐步增长至2023年的417.0亿元,增幅显著,预计2025年将达到562.1亿元。这一上升趋势反映了露营经济的快速发展和市场潜力。
Camping economy is a rapidly developing industry driven by a variety of factors, which is influenced by politics, economy, culture, society and technology. As camping becomes a daily outdoor leisure choice for more and more people, the market space of the camping industry will remain vast. The latest "2024 China Camping Economy Market Development Research and Consumer Behavior Analysis Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, shows that the overall scale of China's camping camp market shows a growth trend. It gradually increased from 7.71 billion yuan in 2014 to 41.70 billion yuan in 2023, with a significant increase. It is expected to reach 56.21 billion yuan by 2025. This upward trend reflects the rapid development of the camping economy and the market potential.
Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that China's camping market is in a stage of rapid development, with the gradual recovery of the economy and the support of relevant policies, the camping market will develop well in the future.艾媒咨询|2024年中国有机燕麦行业发展及消费需求洞察报告
随着经济的不断发展,消费者对食品安全和健康饮食的关注度日益提升,多元化的营养健康需求为中国有机燕麦行业的发展提供了巨大的机遇。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国有机燕麦行业发展及消费需求洞察报告》数据显示,2017-2021年中国有机食品行业市场规模稳步增长,2022年中国有机产品销售额达877.6亿元,境外生产加工的有机产品销售额为72.3亿元。2024年,有71.8%的燕麦消费者会专门购买经过有机认证的燕麦产品,超九成会购买品牌燕麦产品;66.0%的消费者在购买燕麦产品时会选择少量囤货,52.1%的消费者更愿意购买独立小包装类型的有机燕麦产品。随着互联网积极的快速发展与线下商超连锁化程度加深,有机燕麦产品的销售渠道全面拓宽,呈现线上为主、线下为辅、同步发力的趋势。未来,价高质优的“高端性价比”燕麦产品将逐渐提升其市场地位,以产品创新打造的“品牌差异化”将成为企业提高市场竞争力的强有力方式。
With the continuous development of the economy, consumers are increasingly concerned about food safety and healthy diet, and diversified nutrition and health needs provide great opportunities for the development of China's organic oats industry. According to the latest Research Report on the Development of China organic oat industry development and consumer Demand insight report in 2024 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, the market scale of China's organic food industry has grown steadily from 2017 to 2021. In 2022, the sales volume of organic products in China reached 87.76 billion yuan, and the sales volume of organic products produced and processed overseas reached 7.23 billion yuan. In 2024, 71.8% of oat consumers will exclusively buy organic certified oat products, and more than 90% will buy branded oat products. 66.0% of consumers will choose to stock up in small quantities when buying oat products, and 52.1% of consumers are more willing to buy organic oat products in small standalone packages. With the rapid development of the Internet and the deepening of the chain degree of offline business, the sales channels of organic oat products have been broadened comprehensively, showing a trend of mainly online, supplemented by offline, and synchronous power. In the future, the "high-end cost-effective" oat products with high price and high quality will gradually enhance its market position, and the "brand differentiation" created by product innovation will become a powerful way for enterprises to improve their market competitiveness.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国线上快递行业消费者调研报告
在当前便捷的生活方式下,线上快递已成为众多消费者的首选方式,他们普遍认为线上寄件具有节约时间和费用的双重优势。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国线上快递行业消费者调研报告》数据显示,众多快递品牌中,顺丰凭借其高效的服务质量和可靠的物流体系,备受广大消费者的青睐。纵观整个行业,超过九成的消费者对当前的快递寄件服务持正面评价。在寄件方式的选择上,消费者则最偏爱蜂巢/菜鸟驿站智能寄件(48.74%),其次是上门取件服务(33.02%)。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在线上快递蓬勃兴起的背景下,快递公司需优化服务流程,特别是在物流信息的实时更新、上门服务的准时性等方面,以提升消费者的整体体验。同时,为进一步抢占市场份额与促进行业协调发展,各快递公司应充分利用自身在大件、中小件以及文件运输中的专业优势,不断创新服务模式,以满足消费者日益多样化、个性化的需求。
In the current convenient lifestyle, online courier has become the preferred choice for many consumer, who generally believe that online parcel delivery has the dual advantages of saving time and money. The latest "2024 China online express industry consumer behavior survey report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution for the global new economy industry, shows that among many courier brands, SF Express has won the favor of a large number of consumers with its efficient service quality and reliable logistics system. Over 90% of consumers surveyed hold a positive view of the current courier delivery service. In terms of parcel delivery methods, consumers are most partial to smart parcel delivery via hive/AliExpress Station (48.74%), followed by home delivery service (33.02%). Analysts from iimedia Research believe that in the background of the booming online courier industry, courier companies need to optimize their service processes, especially in real-time updates of logistics information and punctuality of home delivery services, to enhance the overall consumer experience. At the same time, in order to further seize market share and promote coordinated development of the industry, courier companies should fully utilize their professional advantages in handling large, medium and small parcels and documents, and continuously innovate service models to meet the increasingly diverse and individualized needs of consumers.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国月子中心产业运行状况与消费者行为数据分析报告
在“她经济”崛起以及健康生育观念逐步普及的大背景下,月子中心产业的网络关注度保持较高水平,月子中心产业将在一定时期内保持稳定发展。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国月子中心产业运行状况与消费者行为数据分析报告》数据显示,2013年至2023年间中国月子中心数量显著增长,从2013年的550家起步,至2023年达到峰值5454家,增长了近10倍。这一增长趋势反映出中国月子中心行业的蓬勃发展和市场需求的持续扩大,显示出月子中心服务在中国家庭中的日益普及和重要性。
Under the background of the rise of "her economy" and the gradual popularization of the concept of healthy fertility, the network attention of the maternity center industry has maintained a high level, and the maternity center industry will maintain stable development in a certain period of time. According to the latest "2024 China Maternity Center Industry Operation Status and Consumer Behavior Data Analysis Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the number of maternity centers in China has increased significantly from 2013 to 2023. From 550 in 2013 to a peak of 5,454 in 2023, an increase of nearly 10 times. This growth trend reflects the booming development of China's maternity center industry and the continued expansion of market demand, showing the growing popularity and importance of maternity center services in Chinese families.艾媒咨询|2024年中国肉类市场现状及消费需求数据分析报告
随着国家对畜牧产业的持续投入和养殖科技的进步,中国肉类产量稳步增长,品种产品结构不断优化,消费者对肉类产品的品质和安全性要求也在不断提高。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国肉类市场现状及消费需求数据分析报告》数据显示,2024年中国消费者购买的畜肉类产品以79.72%的占比位居榜首,显示出消费者对猪肉、牛肉、羊肉等畜肉类的强烈需求。
With the continuous investment of the country in the livestock industry and the progress of breeding science and technology, China's meat production has steadily increased, the structure of varieties and products has been optimized, and consumers' requirements for the quality and safety of meat products have also been continuously improved. According to the latest data Analysis Report on the Status Quo of China's Meat Market and Consumer Demand in 2024 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the number of animal meat products purchased by Chinese consumers in 2024 ranked first with 79.72%. It shows that consumers have a strong demand for pork, beef, lamb and other animal meats.
Analysts from IMedia Consulting believe that livestock and poultry meat occupy a dominant position in China's meat consumption market, and consumers' requirements for the quality and safety of meat products are also increasing.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国网约车产业运行状况与用户消费行为调研报告
随着网约车平台的普及和低门槛的就业因素,网约车越来越成为获取灵活就业收入的重要途径。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国网约车产业运行状况与用户消费行为调研报告》数据显示,中国共享经济市场规模经历了显著的增长,至2023年达到113123亿元。这一增长趋势反映了共享经济在中国的快速发展和市场潜力的释放。随着网约车等创新模式的涌现和市场环境的优化,共享经济将继续为中国经济贡献新的增长点。
With the popularity of online car-hailing platforms and the low threshold of employment factors, online car-hailing has increasingly become an important way to obtain flexible employment income. According to the latest "China Ride-hailing Industry Operation Status and User Consumption Behavior Survey Report 2024" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the market scale of China's sharing economy has experienced significant growth, reaching 1,1312.3 billion yuan in 2023. This growth trend reflects the rapid development of the sharing economy in China and the release of market potential. With the emergence of innovative models such as ride-hailing and the optimization of the market environment, the sharing economy will continue to contribute new growth points to the Chinese economy.
Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that with the rapid popularization of online car hailing services in the Chinese market and the improvement of user acceptance, the scale of China's online car hailing market is expected to continue to grow.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国香水行业研究及消费者洞察报告
国民消费水平的提升、消费场景的拓宽以及“他经济”的崛起都有力促进了中国香水市场空间的扩容,香水赛道迅猛发展。2023年中国香水市场规模已达207亿元,预计2029年有望达到515亿元。产业链分布上,上游的全球香料香精市场仍处于国外寡头垄断的格局,市场呈现高度集中化。而中游市场上,国际知名品牌仍占主流地位,中国本土品牌也不断涌现。下游渠道上,香水电商渠道销量表现强势,线下体验店将为未来品牌重要布局。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国香水行业研究及消费者洞察报告》数据显示,中国近七成香水消费者为女性,50毫升与30毫升规格的香水产品最受市场欢迎,选择占比分别为36.3与20.0%。目前,香水的消费场景正在拓宽,香水的使用不再囿于社交与工作的场合,而是更多地被视为一种情绪上的“悦己体验”。相关品牌应紧跟消费热点,开发具有情绪疗愈功能的香水产品,增加产品使用的仪式感和悦己价值,从而满足消费者对情绪体验与生活品质的追求。
The improvement of people's living standards, the expansion of consumption scenarios, and the rise of the "him economy" have all contributed to the expansion of China's perfume market, driving the perfume industry to grow rapidly. In 2023, the scale of China's perfume market reached 20.7 billion yuan, and is expected to reach 51.5 billion yuan by 2029.In terms of the industrial chain distribution, the upstream global fragrance and flavor market is still dominated by foreign oligopolies, with a highly concentrated market. In the middle stream market, international well-known brands still occupy the mainstream position, while Chinese domestic brands are also emerging. In the downstream channel, the online perfume channel has strong sales performance, and offline experience stores will be an important layout for future brands. According to the latest report on the 2024-2025 China Perfume Industry Research and Consumer Insights released by iiMedia Research (iiMedia Research), a global new economy industry third-party data mining and analysis institution, nearly 70% of Chinese perfume consumers are women, and the 50ml and 30ml specifications of perfume products are the most popular in the market, with a choice ratio of 36.3% and 20.0%, respectively. Currently, the consumption scenarios of perfume are expanding, and the use of perfume is no longer limited to social and work occasions, but is increasingly seen as a "self-indulgent experience" in terms of emotions. Relevant brands should follow consumer trends and develop fragrances with emotional healing functions to increase the sense of ritual and self-indulgence in product use, thereby meeting consumers' pursuit of emotional experiences and quality of life.
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