In April 2020, the production and sales volume of China's auto industry exceeded 2 million units, slightly higher than the same period last year. Among them, the situation of strong commercial vehicles and weak passenger vehicles is still more obvious. iiMedia Research believe that a series of national macro-control policies have provided a strong guarantee for hedging the impact of the epidemic and stabilizing economic operation, especially active and stable monetary policies, which provide huge loan support and debt support for local enterprises Has a certain positive effect. -
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:上汽集团,广汽集团,北京汽车,吉利汽车,东风汽车,比亚迪,中国重汽,宇通客车,江铃汽车,一汽轿车,金龙汽车,江淮汽车,一汽夏利,一汽大众,上汽大众,东风日产,吉利汽车,上汽通用,上汽通用五菱,长安汽车,长城汽车,北京现代,东风本田,北汽EU系列,北汽EC系列,宝骏新能源,奔腾B30 EV,Aion S,奇瑞eQ,荣威Ei5,朗逸BEV,启辰D60 EV,宝马5系 PHEV,哈弗H6,CS75,博越,途观,探岳,比亚迪宋,荣威RX5,CR-V,哈弗M6,途岳,五菱宏光,别克GL8,宝骏730,宝骏RM-5,宝骏360,风行,ELYSION,奥德赛,G10,风光330,轩逸,朗逸,速腾,宝来,卡罗拉,帕萨特,桑特纳,英朗,雷凌,北汽EU系列
iiMedia Research found that, overall, although passenger car models in 2019 were lower than in previous years, in terms of December, China's passenger car output was higher than the same period last year. However, in December 2019, there were 1,400 data on China's automobile complaints, a year-on-year increase of 216% and a month-on-month increase of 67.4%. Among the complained cars, more than half were mid-range cars (52.94%); of which, the engine and drive train were the two most complained types. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that strengthening the quality of automobiles and their after-sales services is a necessary measure to promote automobile sales at present. -
As China's edible oil industry enters the stage of revitalization of healthy consumption, the development of China's edible oil industry has entered a new stage. However, the market situation of China's edible oil industry was not optimistic in 2018. According to iiMedia Research data, the price index of China's oil seeds and oils in general declined in 2018, and the wholesale price of edible oil fell more, while the amount of imported edible vegetable oil increased. According to yq.iimedia.cn data, the value of China's “edible oil“ in 2018 is only 28.1, and the overall public opinion is negative. With the official implementation of the new national standard policy for edible oil, edible oil leading enterprises have developed towards diversified and high-end layouts, such as Fulinmen's positioning of healthy blending oil, Xiwang Food's main focus on corn oil, and Mighty adopts refined sunflower oil marketing strategy. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that the competition in the edible oil industry will be more intense in the future, and the key to breaking down the category or becoming the key of a small and medium-sized enterprise to break the edible oil industry.