随着中国经济持续增长和城市化进程的加速,机动车已成为人们出行的主要方式之一。人们交通安全意识提高,机动车头盔作为机动车驾驶者及乘客安全的重要保障日益受到关注,相关政策亦加强对头盔佩戴的宣传和规定。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023-2024年中国机动车头盔行业商业前景分析报告》数据显示,2023年7月1日落实《摩托车、电动自行车乘员头盔》政策以来,中国头盔行业需求量急剧增长,2023年中国摩托车头盔市场规模达202.4亿元,并将保持稳定增长,预计到2025年,中国摩托车头盔市场规模将突破250亿元。消费者方面,超七成摩托车或电动车使用者表示经常或一直戴头盔,超八成被访者对《摩托车、电动自行车乘员头盔》政策有所了解。
With the continuous growth of the Chinese economy and the acceleration of urbanization, motor vehicles have become one of the main ways for people to travel. People's awareness of traffic safety has increased, and motor vehicle helmets, as an important guarantee for the safety of motor vehicle drivers and passengers, are receiving increasing attention. Relevant policies have also strengthened the promotion and regulation of helmet wearing. According to the latest "2023-2024 Business Outlook Analysis Report on China's Motor Vehicle Helmet Industry" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis agency in the global new economy industry, since the implementation of the "Motorcycle and Electric Bicycle Passenger Helmets" policy on July 1, 2023, the demand for China's helmet industry has increased sharply. In 2023, the size of China's motorcycle helmet market reached 20.24 billion yuan and will continue to grow steadily. It is expected that by 2025, the size of China's motorcycle helmet market will exceed 25 billion yuan. On the consumer side, over 70% of motorcycle or electric bike users reported frequently or consistently wearing helmets, and over 80% of respondents had some understanding of the policy on motorcycle and electric bicycle passenger helmets.
iiMedia Research analysts believe that with the continuous progress of modern helmet manufacturing technology and the increasing attention of consumers to driving safety, the motor vehicle helmet industry will usher in a new round of development. -
2020年6月18日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年中国机动车头盔行业商业前景分析报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,并且通过草莓派数据调查与计算系统调研对中国机动车头盔行业进行分析,着重分析头盔市场、头盔上游产业链、头盔消费者等领域,并提出了头盔行业发展问题,预判了行业发展趋势。“一盔一带”政策发布以来,中国头盔行业需求量急剧增长,中国头盔需求量缺口高达2.5亿个,市场需求价值高达375亿元。但是中国头盔行业起步晚,市场集中度不高,应积极发展头盔行业。
Since the release of the "One Helmet and One Belt" policy, the demand for the helmet industry in China has grown dramatically. The gap in the demand for helmets in China is as high as 250 million, and the market demand value is as high as 37.5 billion yuan. However, the Chinese helmet industry started late, the market concentration is not high, and the high-end helmet market is mostly foreign brands, it should take this opportunity to actively develop the helmet industry. -
2020年4月1日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年中国钢材市场运行大数据与市场发展趋势研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对2020年中国钢铁行业及其细分领域的粗钢、螺纹钢等进行分析。此外,报告探讨产业上下游的运营模式,结合对宝钢股份、华菱钢铁、河钢股份和沙钢股份四家典型企业的案例分析,对钢铁行业总体运行情况进行分析,并结合新冠疫情对2020-2021年钢铁产业发展进行趋势预判。数据显示,2019年钢材产销率基本稳定在99%以上。但是2018年,中国钢铁产业集中度仅为35.3%。产业集中度偏低成为中国钢铁行业进一步发展的巨大障碍,一定程度上限制了中国钢铁企业的国际竞争力。艾媒咨询分析师认为。2019年中国钢材的国内需求增长强劲,特别是疫情影响下2020年新基建建设、智能汽车发展等需求将进一步拉动钢材的行业增长。
China's domestic demand for steel products has grown strongly in 2019, and rebar, as one of the essential raw materials for infrastructure construction, also occupies an important position in the financial market. Data show that in 2019, the average weekly rebar output in China was 3.49 million tons, an increase of 10.4% year-on-year. In addition, with the continuous improvement of the e-commerce platform and the logistics industry, the market share of steel e-commerce will continue to increase. It is expected that the growth rate of steel e-commerce will remain above 38% in the next three years. -
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:美的,格力,华帝,苏泊尔,格兰仕,志高;其他提及企业/品牌:苏宁易购,京东,天猫,京东,拼多多,淘宝,ME GO,五星,海尔,万和,万家乐,统帅,法迪欧,松下电器,奥克斯,TCL,海信,长虹,索尼,康佳,夏新,创维,奔腾,九阳,伊莱特,三洋,威力
2020年4月13日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年H1中国家电细分行业发展现状及典型企业案例分析报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对2020年中国家电行业以及客厅、厨房、卫浴和个人用品等细分领域进行分析。此外,报告探讨产业上下游的运营模式,结合对美的、格力、华帝、苏泊尔、格兰仕和志高等典型企业的案例分析,对家电行业总体运行情况进行分析,并结合新冠疫情对2020-2021年中国家电产业发展进行趋势预判。2019年中国经济总量不断扩大,并且居民的消费支出中居住消费占比较高,这都为家电行业发展奠定了基础,并且推动家电向智能化、专业化发展,预计到2020年,中国智能家居市场规模将接近1820亿元。
In 2019, the cumulative main business income of China's household appliances increased by 4.3% year-on-year to 1.6 trillion yuan, and the cumulative total profit increased by 11.9% to 133.86 billion yuan from the previous year. From the perspective of sales channels, home appliances began to shift to online sales channels; from the perspective of sales categories, the share of smart home appliances in various sub-sectors has gradually increased; from the perspective of sales models, especially during the epidemic period, home appliance companies have increased the promotion of live broadcast e-commerce Marketing model.