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随着《健康中国2030规划纲要》、“互联网+医疗健康”的国家倡导和执行方针落实,中国互联网医院的数量在2015-2020年五年间增长近1000家,2021年进入稳定上升期。iMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,自2018年起,中国互联网医院行业进入以医院主导的互联网医院占多数的发展状态。医院主导和企业主导的互联网医院各有不同竞争优势,面对国家的规范政策和市场需求增长,通过差异化定位和院企合作能有效提升各方效益。
With the implementation of the national plan for health China 2030 and Internet plus medical health, the number of China's Internet hospitals increased by nearly 1000 in 2015-2020 years and five years, and entered a stable rise in 2021. According to the data of imedia research, since 2018, China's Internet hospital industry has entered a development state in which hospital led Internet hospitals account for the majority. Hospital led and enterprise led Internet hospitals have different competitive advantages. In the face of national normative policies and market demand growth, the benefits of all parties can be effectively improved through differentiated positioning and hospital enterprise cooperation.艾媒咨询|2021全球与中国医药电商市场与发展趋势研究报告
Driven by favorable policies, Internet technology and other factors, the scale of China's pharmaceutical e-commerce industry continues to develop rapidly, with the transaction scale of China's pharmaceutical e-commerce market reaching 1956 billion yuan in 2020. At present, the business models of traditional Chinese medicine e-commerce are mainly B2B, B2C, o2o and DTP. In 2020, the B2C model of pharmaceutical e-commerce accounts for nearly 6% and the market scale is 11.6 billion yuan; the B2C model of pharmaceutical e-commerce accounts for nearly 84% and the market scale is 164 billion yuan, which has become the current mainstream. In addition, the o2o mode, which has sprung up in recent years, mainly achieves profits through "drainage transformation consumption feedback". In the DTP pharmacy mode, after patients get prescriptions in the hospital, the pharmacy delivers drugs to the door at the time and place designated by the patients or their families according to the prescriptions, which is known as the high value new special drugs direct delivery platform.艾媒咨询|2020-2021中国互联网医疗行业发展白皮书
2021年中国移动医疗市场规模预计将达到635.5亿元,用户规模将扩大至6.87亿人。医疗器械设备与电商行业的发展,推动中国互联网医疗行业市场迎来新的发展机遇。首先是中国政策环境的利好,同时互联网医疗服务行业在2020年迎来重大普及发展的历史机遇,行业经济前景可观。医疗硬件设备的提升与专业数字化医疗网络的搭建同样为互联网医疗提供更长远技术支持。2019年中国移动医疗行业投资交易规模急剧增长至162亿元,资本市场密切关注中国移动医疗产业发展。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,受访用户对于当前互联网医疗行业服务表示“比较认可”占比46.0%,“非常认可”占比22.2%。其中,在诊前、诊中以及诊后环节中,最受认可的因素分别为服务时间地点灵活、就诊过程快捷以及在线支付方便,互联网医疗在效率上的提升得到用户普遍认可。未来中国医疗器械将在产品功耗、专业性、安全性等方面有更高的要求,走向更具创新性、人性化、精细化将成必然。
In 2021, China's mobile medical market is expected to reach 63.55 billion yuan, and the number of users will expand to 687 million. The development of the medical equipment and e-commerce industry has promoted China's Internet medical industry market to usher in new development opportunities. First of all, China's favorable policy environment. The Internet medical service industry had a major historical opportunity for popularization and development in 2020, and therefore the industry's economic prospects are considerable. The improvement of medical hardware equipment and the construction of professional digital medical networks also provide longer-term technical support for Internet medical treatment. In 2019, the scale of investment transactions in China's mobile medical industry increased sharply to 16.2 billion yuan, and the capital market paid close attention to the development of China's mobile medical industry. According to data from iiMedia Research, 46.0% of the interviewed users expressed "relatively recognized" and "very recognized" accounted for 22.2% of the current Internet medical industry services. Among them, the most recognized factors in the pre-diagnosis, in-diagnosis, and post-diagnosis links are flexible service time and location, fast medical treatment process, and convenient online payment. The efficiency improvement of Internet medical treatment is generally recognized by users. In the future, China's medical equipment will have higher requirements in terms of product power consumption, professionalism, and safety, and it will be inevitable to move toward more innovative, humane, and refined products.