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With the popularity of "star detective" and other reasoning variety shows, screenplay game has also been successfully out of the circle, becoming one of the leisure and entertainment activities preferred by young consumers. At the same time, with the development of experience economy, people's acceptance of this new consumption format is relatively high, so as to promote its rapid development in China. In the process of continuous upgrading and development, script killing businesses in online Red cities such as Beijing, Chengdu and Changsha are making new attempts such as "theater + script killing" and "cultural tourism + script killing", and new businesses related to script killing are ready to develop. According to the data, in 2019, the scale of China's market will exceed 10 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 68.0%. In 2020, affected by the epidemic, the market scale will increase by 7% to 11.74 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 7%. Now the script has formed a complete industrial chain. The participation of script creators, publishers, actors, stores, vertical platforms and other main bodies will promote the continuous expansion of the industry scale.
有您的支持,我们的分析师会做的更好 !
1. 剧本杀的定义及分类
2. 国外剧本杀行业起源
3. 美国剧本杀行业介绍
4. 日本剧本杀行业发展现状
5. 中国剧本杀行业发展历程及特点分析
6. 2021年中国计划上线推理类综艺盘点
7. 2021上半年中国消费者偏好线下潮流娱乐方式分析
8. 2020年中国剧本杀行业市场规模数据分析
1. 中国剧本杀产业链分析
2. 中国剧本杀上游内容供给现状分析
3. 中国线上剧本杀剧本稿酬及投稿方式
4. 中国剧本杀行业剧本销售渠道分析
5. 2021年3月中国典型城市剧本杀门店数量
6. 中国剧本杀门店投资回报周期分析
7. 2020年中国年度剧本杀剧本TOP10
8. 2021年2月中国剧本杀票房TOP10
9. 中国剧本杀行业商情舆情监测分析
1. 2021H1中国玩家了解剧本杀渠道调查
2. 2021H1中国玩家玩剧本杀的原因调查分析
3. 2021H1中国剧本杀玩家基本画像
4. 2021H1中国玩家体验过的剧本杀类型分析
5. 2021H1中国玩家偏好的线上剧本杀平台
6. 2021H1中国玩家选择线下剧本杀商家时考虑因素
7. 2021H1中国玩家可接受的剧本杀消费单价(一)
8. 2021H1中国玩家可接受的剧本杀消费单价(二)
9. 2021年中国玩家偏好的剧本杀类型和题材调查
10. 2021中国男女性玩家偏好剧本杀类型对比
11. 2021中国男女性玩家偏好剧本杀题材对比
12. 2021年中国玩家偏好剧本杀组局对象调查分析
13. 2021年中国玩家对剧本杀游戏时长接受度调查
14. 2021年中国玩家对剧本杀游戏的满意度调研
15. 2021年中国玩家对剧本杀行业存在问题认知
1. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:北京(一)
2. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:北京(二)
3. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:北京(三)
4. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:北京(四)
5. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:北京(五)
6. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:重庆(一)
7. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:重庆(二)
8. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:重庆(三)
9. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:重庆(四)
10. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:重庆(五)
11. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:成都(一)
12. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:成都(二)
13. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:成都(三)
14. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:成都(四)
15. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:成都(五)
16. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:长沙(一)
17. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:长沙(二)
18. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:长沙(三)
19. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:长沙(四)
20. 典型城市剧本杀发展分析:长沙(五)
1. 中国剧本杀行业发展现状总结(一)
2. 中国剧本杀行业发展现状总结(二)
3. 中国剧本杀行业发展现状总结(三)
4. 中国剧本杀行业发展挑战总结
5. 中国剧本杀行业发展趋势分析(一)
6. 中国剧本杀行业发展趋势分析(二)
7. 中国剧本杀行业发展趋势分析(三)
图表1. 国外剧本杀行业发展起源
图表2. 美国剧本杀与其他推理游戏的关系
图表3. 2016年至今中国剧本杀行业发展历程
图表4. 2021年中国推理类综艺盘点
图表5. 2021H1中国消费者偏好线下潮流娱乐方式TOP5
图表6. 2018-2022年中国剧本杀行业市场规模及预测
图表7. 中国线下剧本杀行业剧本分类及售价
图表8. 中国线上剧本杀行业剧本投稿流程
图表9. 截至2021年3月中国典型城市线下剧本杀门店数量
图表10. 截至2021年2月中国线下剧本杀单店投资回报周期(测算)
图表11. 2020年中国剧本杀行业成交量TOP10剧本
图表12. 2021年2-3月中国“剧本杀”网络热度及主题词云
图表13. 2021H1中国玩家首次了解剧本杀渠道调查
图表14. 2021H1中国受访玩家玩剧本杀的目的调查
图表15. 2021H1中国受访玩家体验过的剧本杀类型调查
图表16. 2021H1中国受访玩家体验过的线上剧本杀平台
图表17. 2021H1中国玩家选择线下剧本杀商家时考虑因素调查
图表18. 2021H1中国受访玩家可接受的剧本杀单价调查
图表19. 2021H1中国受访玩家不同形式剧本杀价格接受度
图表20. 2021H1中国受访玩家对剧本杀类型和题材偏好度
图表21. 2021H1中国不同性别玩家对剧本杀类型偏好度
图表22. 2021H1中国不同性别受访网民对剧本杀题材偏好度
图表23. 2021H1中国受访玩家玩剧本杀时组局对象调查
图表24. 2021H1中国受访玩家对剧本杀游戏时长接受度
图表25. 2021H1中国受访玩家对剧本杀游戏的满意度
图表26. 2021H1中国受访玩家对剧本杀行业存在问题调查
图表27. 截至2021年3月北京剧本杀门店数量及主要行政区剧本杀门店数
图表28. 2021年3月北京典型剧本杀门店概览
图表29. 2021H1北京剧本杀玩家玩过的剧本杀类型
图表30. 2021H1北京玩家偏好的三大线上剧本杀应用
图表31. 2021H1北京玩家选择剧本杀时主要考虑因素
图表32. 截至2021年3月重庆剧本杀门店数量
图表33. 2021年3月重庆典型剧本杀门店概览
图表34. 2021H1重庆玩家体验剧本杀的原因分布
图表35. 2021H1重庆剧本杀玩家偏好的剧本类型及游戏时长调查
图表36. 截至2021年3月成都剧本杀门店数量
图表37. 2021年3月成都典型剧本杀门店概览
图表38. 2021H1成都玩家可接受的最高剧本杀消费单价
图表39. 2021H1成都剧本杀玩家偏好队友数量及队友角色调查
图表40. 2021年3月长沙剧本杀门店数量及行政区域分布
图表41. 2021年3月长沙典型剧本杀门店概览
图表42. 2021H1长沙剧本杀玩家偏好剧本杀类型调查
图表43. 2020年3月1日-2021年3月25日中国“剧本杀”网络关注用户地域分布
figure1. The origin of the development of foreign script killing industry
figure2. The Relationship between Foreign Murder Mystery Game and Other Reasoning Games
figure3. The Development Process of Chinese Murder Mystery Industry from 2016 to now
figure4. Inventory of Chinese Reasoning Variety in 2021
figure5. 2021H1 , TOP5 offline entertainment mode that Internet users interviewed prefer in China
figure6. Market size and forecast of Chinese Murder Mystery Industry from 2018 to 2022
figure7. Chinese Offline Murder Mystery Industry Script Classification and Selling price
figure8. Chinese Online Murder Mystery Industry Script Submission Process
figure9. The Number of Murder Mystery Game Stores in China’s Typical Cities
figure10. China‘s offline script kills single store investment return cycle as of February 2021 (Estimated)
figure11. In 2020, the TOP10 Scripts of Murder Mystery Industry in China by Sales
figure12. China's " Murder Mystery " Network Hotness and Keyword Cloud from February to March 2021
figure13. 2021H1 the Channel through which Chinese Players First was Aware of the Murder Mystery Game
figure14. 2021H1 Intention of People Playing Murder Mystery Game in China
figure15. 2021H1 Survey on the Types of Murder Mystery Experienced by Chinese Players
figure16. 2021H1 Online Murder Mystery Platform Experienced by Chinese Players Interviewed
figure17. 2021H1 Survey on Factors Considering when Chinese Players Choose Offline Murder Mystery Store
figure18. 2021H1 Survey on the Acceptable Unit Price of Murder Mystery among Chinese Players
figure19. 2021H1 Survey on the Acceptable Price of Different Murder Mystery among Chinese Players
figure20. 2021H1 Survey on the Preference of Murder Mystery ’s Style and Theme among Chinese Players
figure21. 2021H1 Survey on the Preference of Murder Mystery ’s style in Different Sex among Chinese Players
figure22. 2021H1 Survey on the Preference of Murder Mystery ’s Theme in Different Sex among Chinese Players
figure23. 2021H1 Survey on the Partner that the Murder Mystery Game Player Choose to Play with in China
figure24. 2021H1 Survey on the Acceptable Duration of Murder Mystery among Chinese Players
figure25. 2021H1 Survey on the Satisfaction of Murder Mystery among Chinese Players
figure26. 2021H1 Survey on the Problem of Murder Mystery among Chinese Players
figure27. As of March 30th , 2021, the number of Murder Mystery Stores in Beijing and Geographical Distribution
figure28. Overview of Beijing Typical Murder Mystery Stores in March 2021
figure29. 2021H1 Beijing the Types of Murder Mystery that Users have Played
figure30. 2021H1 Three Online Murder Mystery Applications Preferred by Beijing Users
figure31. 2021H1 The Main Considerations when Beijing Players Choose Murder Mystery
figure32. Numbers of Chongqing Typical Murder Mystery Stores as of March 2021
figure33. Overview of ChongQing Typical Murder Mystery Stores in March 2021
figure34. 2021H1 the Reason why Chongqing Players Choose the Murder Mystery Game
figure35. 2021H1 the Types of Scripts and Game Duration that Chongqing Murder Mystery Players Prefers
figure36. Numbers of Chengdu Typical Murder Mystery Stores as of March 2021
figure37. Overview of ChengDu Typical Murder Mystery Stores in March 2021
figure38. 2021H1 the Highest Price of Murder Mystery that Chengdu Players can Accept
figure39. 2021H1 Number and Characters of the Partner of Chengdu Murder Mystery Players Prefers
figure40. Number and Regional Distribution of Changsha Murder Mystery Game Stores as of March 2021
figure41. Overview of ChangSha Typical Murder Mystery Stores in March 2021
figure42. 2021H1 Survey on Players ' Preference of Murder Mystery Types in Changsha
figure43. Geographical Distribution of Users who Paid Attention to the " Murder Mystery " in China from 1st Mar. 2020 to 25th Mar. 2021
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