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随着中国虚拟行业发展战略发布实施和自主可控的发展指引,虚拟化软件行业逐渐步入了高质量发展之路。在虚拟化领域,国产软件厂商不断加大自主创新投入,虚拟化软件及相关技术的突破和产品的优化迭代,使中国软件厂商完成了对国外虚拟技术上的“超车”,核心竞争力持续增强。中国市场的虚拟化软件产品从“能用”逐渐过渡到“好用”的阶段,国外虚拟化产品不再是唯一选择。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国虚拟化软件行业研究报告》数据显示,2023年中国云计算市场规模约为3097.3亿元,预计2025年将突破4000亿元,反映出中国云计算发展取得了良好的成效,云计算行业规模呈现强劲的增长态势。而虚拟化软件作为云基础设施的核心,预计2030年市场规模将突破200亿元。
With the release and implementation of China's virtual industry development strategy and independent and controllable development guidelines, the virtualization software industry has gradually stepped into the road of high-quality development. In the field of virtualization, domestic software manufacturers continue to increase their investment in independent innovation, breakthroughs in virtualization software and related technologies and product optimization iterations, so that Chinese software manufacturers have completed the "overtaking" of foreign virtual technology, the core competitiveness continues to strengthen. The virtualization software products in the Chinese market gradually transition from "usable" to "easy to use" stage. Foreign virtualization products are no longer the only option. According to the latest "2024 China's virtualization software industry research report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the size of China's cloud computing market in 2023 is about 309.73 billion yuan, and it is expected to exceed 400 billion yuan in 2025. It reflects that the development of cloud computing in China has achieved good results, and the scale of cloud computing industry has shown a strong growth trend. As the core of cloud infrastructure, virtualization software is expected to exceed 20 billion yuan in 2030.
Analysts from iMedia Consulting believe that the support of the national innovation policy, the awareness of copyright awareness of Chinese users and the demand for digital transformation of Chinese enterprises provide fertile soil for the development of the server virtualization market.