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艾媒报告 |2019全球及中国汽车动力电池行业研究与商业投资决策分析报告
受益于新能源汽车产业的发展,全球动力电池行业发展迅猛。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年全球动力电池装机量达到92.5GWh,同比增长45.8%。全球排名前十的动力电池企业市场占有率达到88.7%,宁德时代、松下、比亚迪连续两年抢占市场前三位。同时,中国动力电池行业进入快速发展阶段,2018年中国动力电池市场规模突破820亿元,中国动力电池市场集中度高,前十名企业的装机量达到整体的83.2%,宁德时代、比亚迪持续稳固行业龙头地位。作为动力电池产业衍生行业,中国电池回收行业处于起始阶段,目前已形成由生产者主导的回收和以专业第三方为主体的回收两种模式。总体而言,汽车动力电池行业呈现四大趋势:一是产销量持续快速增长,行业集中度在竞争中提升;二是动力电池系统销售价格有力下降,上游材料成为关键因素;三是动力电池发展利好,但负面事件频发仍引担忧;四是动力电池回收路线渐趋清晰,商业体系仍待健全。
Due to the development of new energy vehicle industry, the global power battery industry is developing rapidly. According to iiMedia Research, the global installed capacity of power batteries reached 92.5GWh in 2018, up 45.8% year on year. The market share of the world's top ten power battery enterprises reached 88.7%, and Ningde times, Panasonic and BYD have occupied the top three positions in the market for two consecutive years. Meanwhile, China's power battery industry has entered a stage of rapid development. In 2018, the scale of China's power battery market has exceeded 82 billion yuan, and China's power battery market is highly concentrated. The installed capacity of top ten enterprises has reached 83.2% of the total. As a derivative industry of the power battery industry, China's battery recycling industry is at the initial stage, and has formed two models of producer-led recycling and professional third-party recycling. In general, the automobile power battery industry presents four trends: first, the production and sales volume continue to grow rapidly, and the industry concentration increases in the competition; Second, the sales price of power battery system has been greatly reduced, and the upstream material has become a key factor; Third, the development of power battery is good, but the frequent occurrence of negative events is still worrying; Fourth, the recycling route of power batteries is becoming clearer, and the commercial system still needs to be improved.