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艾媒报告 |2019中国基因测序产业研究和商业应用分析报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:Thermo Fisher(美),Illuminate(美),(瑞士),Stem cells(加),R&D(瑞士),华大基因,贝瑞基因,金城检验,美吉生物,恒创基因,基研生物,谱元科技,景杰生物,燃石生物,基迪奥生物,谷和信息,圣庭生物,天昊生物,诺禾致源,百迈克生物,思博奥科,赛莱拉,赛贝、北昊干细胞,达安基因,燃石医学、泛生子基因、世和基因,臻和生物,鹍远基因,23魔方,瀚海基因,百奥赛图,克睿基因,药明明码,裕策生物
随着基因测序的技术推进,基因测序开始应用于生物、侦查、无创产前检测和肿瘤治疗等场景中。技术的市场化应用吸引了全球资本方关注,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年全球医疗健康领域资本市场中,生物技术领域获得309件投资案共138亿元美元,领跑所有细分领域。中国生物技术科研研发实力厚积薄发,特别是科创板推动了基因测序市场的进一步升温,越来越多的生物创业公司在创业初期已获得高额融资。目前,中国已经基本形成了完整的上中下游产业链,但除了华大基因、贝瑞基因等少数头部企业,中国基因测序企业多数分布于产业链中下游,并且开始出现产品同质化等问题。艾媒咨询分析师认为,第二代测序技术的普及以及第三代测序技术的加紧研发将使得基因测序作为一个更加普遍的技术手段应用到不同场景之中,但目前仍然存在监管体系不够完善、道德伦理风险等问题。企业方面应当专注研究核心技术专利,通过人才储备和差异化竞争获得市场优势;行业和相关部门应当尽快完善行业规范管理体系,推动产业健康发展。
With the advancement of gene sequencing technology, gene sequencing began to be used in biological, detection, noninvasive prenatal testing and tumor treatment and other scenarios. The market-oriented application of technology has attracted global capital attention, with iiMedia Research leading all segments of the world in 309 investments in the global healthcare capital markets in 2018, with 309 investments, according to iiMedia Research. China's biotechnology research and development strength thick and thin hair, especially the science and technology board to promote the gene sequencing market further heating up, more and more bio-startup companies in the early stage of the start-up has been high financing. At present, China has basically formed a complete upstream and downstream industrial chain, but in addition to Huada gene, Berry gene and a few other head enterprises, Most of China's gene sequencing enterprises are distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the industrial chain, and began to appear product homogenization and other issues. Ai media consulting analysts believe that the popularity of second-generation sequencing technology and the third generation of sequencing technology will make gene sequencing as a more common technical means to apply to different scenarios, but there are still problems such as inadequate regulatory system, ethical risks. Enterprises should focus on researching core technology patents and gain market advantages through talent pool and differentiated competition, and industries and related departments should improve the industry standard management system as soon as possible to promote the healthy development of the industry.