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From July to August of 2021, the maternal and infant industry will perform well. With the benefits of the three-child policy and the e-commerce economy, the demand for related products and services in the maternal and infant industry is expected to increase in the second half of the year. From a policy point of view, the State Council and various local governments have promulgated relevant policies to promote childbirth, starting from parental leave, tax credits, childcare subsidies, etc., to protect the food, clothing, housing and transportation of newborn families to promote the improvement of the fertility status of Chinese residents. , The Chinese government's long-term policy of promoting the increase in fertility rate will become the general direction. The data shows that in the past year, the growth rate of the online market of maternal and child fast-moving consumer goods is 13.9%, while the growth rate of the offline market is only 4.4%. In the Douyin 818 e-commerce shopping festival in 2021, maternal and child products are live broadcast. One of the three most popular commodities with goods, the online channel of maternal and child consumer goods has obvious advantages. IiMedia Consulting analysts believe that the Double Eleven e-commerce shopping festival is coming soon, and merchants in the maternal and infant industry can start to strengthen online channel sales, join the Double Eleven pre-sale camp, and improve the sales of goods.
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1. 2021年7-8月中国母婴行业政策动态
2. 2021年7-8月母婴行业热点事件(一)
3. 2021年7-8月母婴行业热点事件(二)
4. 2021年7-8月母婴行业热点事件(三)
5. 2021年7-8月中国母婴行业融资趋势分析
1. 2021年7月国际市场奶粉价格分析(一)
2. 2021年1-6月中国奶粉产量分析
3. 2021年1-6月中国奶粉产地分析
4. 2021年1-7月中国奶粉进口数量及进口金额分析
5. 2021年1-7月中国内销与进口奶粉市场分析
6. 上半年中国上市奶粉企业运营分析(一):飞鹤
7. 上半年中国上市奶粉企业运营分析(一):飞鹤
8. 上半年中国上市奶粉企业运营分析(二):伊利
9. 上半年中国上市奶粉企业运营分析(二):伊利
10. 上半年中国上市奶粉企业运营分析(三):澳优
11. 上半年中国上市奶粉企业运营分析(四):贝因美
12. 上半年中国上市奶粉企业运营分析(四):贝因美
1. 2021年孕妈肌肤处理行为调查
2. 2021年1-8月护肤品行业融资情况:护肤品
3. 2021年1-8月护肤品行业融资情况:美妆
4. 2021年孕妈护肤品品牌分析
5. 2021年孕妈护肤品品牌天猫渠道销售分析
6. 2021年中国孕妈护肤品渗透率分析
7. 2021年中国孕妈护肤品市场规模分析
8. 2021年中国孕妈护肤品企业分析:袋鼠妈妈(一)
9. 2021年中国孕妈护肤品企业分析:袋鼠妈妈(二)
10. 2021年中国孕妈护肤品企业分析:袋鼠妈妈(三)
11. 2021年中国孕妈护肤品企业分析:红色小象(一)
12. 2021年中国孕妈护肤品企业分析:红色小象(二)
1. 母婴行业在政策以及国民消费升级的大背景下不悲观
2. 母婴产品线上销售模式已基本成熟
3. 2021下半年母婴产品线上销售潜力分析
图表1. 2021年7-8月中国母婴行业政策汇总
图表2. 2020.9-2021.8中国母婴行业融资走势
图表3. 2021年1-6月中国奶粉产量
图表4. 2021年1-6月各地区中国奶粉产量
图表5. 2016-2021年7月中国奶粉进口数量和进口金额
图表6. 2021年1-7月国际奶粉价格
图表7. 2016-2021年上半年飞鹤财务数据分析
图表8. 2016-2021年上半年伊利奶粉及其奶制品财务数据分析
图表9. 2016-2021年上半年澳优奶粉财务数据分析
图表10. 2016-2021年上半年贝因美奶粉财务数据分析
图表11. 2021年中国孕妈担心的肌肤问题调查分析
图表12. 2021年中国孕妈妊娠纹处理时产品选择
图表13. 2021年1-8月中国护肤品行业投融资分析
图表14. 2021年1-8月中国化妆品行业投融资分析
图表15. 2021年孕妈护肤品品牌百度指数分析
图表16. 近30日红色小象与多个母婴护肤品品牌天猫官方旗舰店数据统计
图表17. 2018-2023年孕妈孕期使用孕妈护肤品人均金额数据与预测
图表18. 2018-2023年孕妈护肤品市场数据与预测
图表19. 2000-2020年中国人均可支配收入与出生人口
图表20. 2019年4月-2021年5月母婴快消品市场不同销售渠道增速
图表21. 2020年线上购物节对母婴快消品销售渠道影响
figure1. Summary of China's maternal and infant industry policies from July to August 2021
figure2. Financing trend of China's maternal and infant industry from 2020.7-2021.6
figure3. China's milk powder output from January to May 2021
figure4. China's milk powder production by region from January to June 2021
figure5. Quantity and value of China's milk powder imports from 2016 to July 2021
figure6. International milk powder price from January to July 2021
figure7. Financial data analysis of Feihe from 2016 to the first half of 2021
figure8. Analysis on financial data of Yili milk powder and its dairy products in the first half of 2016-2021
figure9. Financial data analysis of Aoyou milk powder in the first half of 2016-2021
figure10. Analysis of financial data of bainmei milk powder in the first half of 2016-2021
figure11. Investigation and analysis of skin problems worried by pregnant mothers in China in 2021
figure12. Selection of products for treatment of pregnant lines of pregnant mothers in China in 2021
figure13. Investment and financing analysis of China's skin care industry from January to August 2021
figure14. Investment and financing analysis of China's cosmetics industry from January to August 2021
figure15. Baidu Index Analysis of pregnant women's skin care brands in 2021
figure16. Statistics of official flagship stores of red elephant and several mother and baby skin care brands tmall in recent 30 days
figure17. Data and forecast of per capita amount of maternal skin care products used by pregnant women during pregnancy from 2018 to 2023
figure18. Market data and forecast of maternal skin care products from 2018 to 2023
figure19. Per capita disposable income and birth population in China from 2000 to 2020
figure20. Growth rate of different sales channels in maternal and infant FMCG market from April 2019 to may 2021
figure21. Influence of online shopping festival in 2020 on sales channels of maternal and infant FMCG
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