艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国线上快递行业消费者调研报告
在当前便捷的生活方式下,线上快递已成为众多消费者的首选方式,他们普遍认为线上寄件具有节约时间和费用的双重优势。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国线上快递行业消费者调研报告》数据显示,众多快递品牌中,顺丰凭借其高效的服务质量和可靠的物流体系,备受广大消费者的青睐。纵观整个行业,超过九成的消费者对当前的快递寄件服务持正面评价。在寄件方式的选择上,消费者则最偏爱蜂巢/菜鸟驿站智能寄件(48.74%),其次是上门取件服务(33.02%)。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在线上快递蓬勃兴起的背景下,快递公司需优化服务流程,特别是在物流信息的实时更新、上门服务的准时性等方面,以提升消费者的整体体验。同时,为进一步抢占市场份额与促进行业协调发展,各快递公司应充分利用自身在大件、中小件以及文件运输中的专业优势,不断创新服务模式,以满足消费者日益多样化、个性化的需求。
In the current convenient lifestyle, online courier has become the preferred choice for many consumer, who generally believe that online parcel delivery has the dual advantages of saving time and money. The latest "2024 China online express industry consumer behavior survey report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution for the global new economy industry, shows that among many courier brands, SF Express has won the favor of a large number of consumers with its efficient service quality and reliable logistics system. Over 90% of consumers surveyed hold a positive view of the current courier delivery service. In terms of parcel delivery methods, consumers are most partial to smart parcel delivery via hive/AliExpress Station (48.74%), followed by home delivery service (33.02%). Analysts from iimedia Research believe that in the background of the booming online courier industry, courier companies need to optimize their service processes, especially in real-time updates of logistics information and punctuality of home delivery services, to enhance the overall consumer experience. At the same time, in order to further seize market share and promote coordinated development of the industry, courier companies should fully utilize their professional advantages in handling large, medium and small parcels and documents, and continuously innovate service models to meet the increasingly diverse and individualized needs of consumers.艾媒咨询 | 2025-2026年中国低空经济市场发展趋势洞察报告
低空经济是以低空空域为依托,以各种有人驾驶和无人驾驶航空器的各类低空飞行活动为牵引,辐射带动相关领域融合发展的综合性经济形态。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025-2026年中国低空经济市场发展趋势洞察报告》数据显示,2022-2024年中国低空经济市场规模数据呈现上升趋势,2025年中国低空经济市场规模预计达5615亿元,预测2035年有望突破3.5万亿元。艾媒咨询分析师认为,2024年是低空经济发展的元年,随着政策的落实和相关措施的不断落地,低空经济将在未来呈现爆发式增长。
Low-altitude economy is a comprehensive economic form that relies on low-altitude airspace and is towed by various low-altitude flight activities of manned and unmanned aircraft, and radiates the integrated development of related fields. The latest "China's low-altitude economic market development trend Insight report 2025-2026" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, shows that the market size data of China's low-altitude economy shows an upward trend in 2022-2024. The market size of China's low-altitude economy is expected to reach 561.5 billion yuan in 2025, and is expected to exceed 3.5 trillion yuan in 2035. Analysts from iMedia Consulting believe that 2024 is the first year of the development of low-altitude economy. With the implementation of policies and the continuous landing of relevant measures, low-altitude economy will show explosive growth in the future.艾媒咨询|2023年“董宇辉小作文事件”舆情监测分析报告
近日,“董宇辉小作文事件”相关话题热度不断,引发了大众对公司管理、企业文化和个人价值等方面的质疑和讨论,对此,本报告对“董宇辉小作文事件”进行了舆情监测分析。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,有关“董宇辉小作文事件”的话题讨论热度自12月11日开始不断上升,整体网络口碑偏向负面,社会大众对事件的看法各异,网友态度呈负面转向。同时,效率、价格与情感是消费者进行直播间购物的重要考量点,直播行业在精神和物质层面对社会具有双重影响。
Recently, the topic of "Dong Yuhui's small essay incident" has been heated up, triggering questions and discussions about the company's management, corporate culture, and personal values, etc. Therewith, this report monitors and analyses the public opinion on "Dong Yuhui's small essay incident". According to iiMedia Research, the topic of "Dong Yuhui's small essay incident" has been rising since December 11, and the overall Internet word-of-mouth is on the negative side, with the general public having different views on the incident, and netizens' attitudes taking a negative turn. At the same time, efficiency, price and emotion are the most important considerations for consumers to make purchases in live broadcasting, and the live broadcasting industry has a dual impact on society in both spiritual and material aspects.艾媒报告 |2019中国消费者线上快递寄件专题研究报告
在快递业基础设施和服务水平持续改善的推动下,中国寄件市场规模不断扩大,2019年第一季度快递订单规模达121.5亿件,同比增长了22.5%。同时,为解决寄件行业中的诸多痛点,快递行业通过数字化转型,积极开展线上寄件业务。线上寄件市场呈爆发式增长,其用户规模也在不断扩大,预计在2019年将突破1.6亿人。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,54.1%的受访网民认为线上寄件为他们节省了超过10分钟,同时, 61.7%的受访网民认为通过线上寄件的形式节省了超10%的费用。通过线上寄件平台体验测评和对比,结果显示,菜鸟裹裹综合体验领先各平台,成高性价比快递业务首选。线上寄件通过标准化的服务,不仅为消费者带来了更高性价比、效率和服务体验的寄件业务,同时推动快递行业服务价值体系的进一步完善。
Driven by the improvement of express infrastructure and service level, the scale of the delivery market has enlarged continually. The amount of express orders in the first quarter of 2019 was 12.15 billion, increased by 22.5% from the same period of last year. Meanwhile, to solve the existing problems of the delivery industry, the express industry starts to focus on the online express delivery business. The scale of the online delivery market has increased dramatically and it is estimated that the user scale will exceed 160 million in 2019. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 54.1% of the interviewed users believed that the online delivery service helps them save more than 10 minutes, and 61.7 % interviewed users considered that the service helps them save more than 10% of the costs. According to the comparison of different online delivery platforms, Cainiao Post becomes the first choice of cost-effective express business. With the standardized service, online delivery business not only brings the higher cost performance, more effective and better experience service to the customers but also motivates the improvement of the whole industry value.艾媒报告|2018-2019年全球及中国快递行业运行状况与商业决策调查分析报告
Globally, among the world's top 500 companies in 2018, logistics companies occupy four seats. For Deutsche Post DHL, annual revenue in 2018 was 61.55 billion euros, up 1.8% year-on-year; but pre-tax profit (EBIT) was 3.16 billion euros, down 15.5% year-on-year. In China, the volume of China's express delivery business reached 50 billion in 2018. Among them, Guangzhou express business has a maximum of 5.06 billion pieces, and Shanghai Express has the highest revenue, exceeding 100 billion yuan. Overall, the overall satisfaction of users in the express delivery industry increased in 2018, but the delay is still the most dissatisfied factor for users. For a specific company, SF Express has the highest punctuality rate, accounting for 61.4% of China's total express delivery business. In 2019, China's express delivery industry has the following development trends: technology development will help intelligent logistics upgrade, the concentration of express delivery industry will be further enhanced, and the express delivery industry will develop to high quality.艾媒报告|2018Q3中国即时配送市场季度监测报告
随着新零售模式的快速推进和人们对配送速度要求提升,即时配送服务对于企业和消费者来说已成标配。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年第三季度中国即时配送行业订单规模已经增至55.93亿。目前即时配送行业订单仍集中于发达城市,46.0%的订单来自于一线城市,但随着物流效率的进一步提升,未来非一线城市市场的重要性将愈加凸显。
With the rapid development of the New Retail Industry and the increasing demand for the speed of distribution, the Immediate Distribution services has become a standard service for the enterprises and the consumers. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of orders in China’s Immediate Distribution Industry has increased to 5.593 billion. At present, the orders in Immediate Distribution Industry are still concentrated in developed cities, 46.0% of the orders are from first-tier cities. But with the further development of the logistics efficiency, the importance of the market in non-first-tier cities will become increasingly prominent in the future.
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