全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国即食肉类代餐食品消费市场洞察报告》数据显示,2017-2023年中国代餐市场规模持续增长,2023年已达1750.0亿元,预计2027年将达3534.9亿元。在消费者对健康食品认知度提高、健康需求逐渐细化情况下,将不断推动即食肉类代餐食品的创新迭代。中国即食肉类市场还处于品牌多而散的阶段,产业集中度较低。未来,即食肉类市场有望形成寡头企业,品牌将愈发分散,新兴企业需加强品牌创新,从而提高消费者对于品牌的信任度。口感、工艺、营养、原料等是即食肉类行业的竞争点,能同时保证这些关键点或者某方面有所长的即食肉类品牌将有着巨大的成长空间。
According to the latest "China's Ready-to-eat Meat Meal Replacement Food Consumption Market Insight Report 2024" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the scale of China's meal replacement market continues to grow from 2017 to 2023, reaching 175.0.0 billion yuan in 2023. It is expected to reach 353.49 billion yuan in 2027. In the case of increasing consumer awareness of health food and gradually refining health needs, the innovation iteration of ready-to-eat meat meal replacement food will be continuously promoted. China's ready-to-eat meat market is still in the stage of more brands but scattered, and the industrial concentration is low. In the future, the ready-to-eat meat market is expected to form an oligopoly, brands will become more dispersed, and emerging companies need to strengthen brand innovation, so as to improve consumers' trust in the brand. Taste, process, nutrition, raw materials, etc. are the competition points of the ready-to-eat meat industry, which can ensure that these key points or some aspects of the ready-to-eat meat brand will have a huge room for growth.艾媒咨询|2021年中国数字健康管理行业发展研究报告
With the implementation of the "Healthy China 2030 Planning Outline", "Internet + Health", "Internet + Sports" and the national advocacy and implementation policy of whole-life cycle health management, the penetration rate of digital health management market is getting large. It is expected that the core market size of China's digital health management will reach 241.80 billion yuan in 2024,and its driving market size will be to exceed 1.2 trillion yuan. In addition, with the deepening integration of AI and traditional industries, the magnitude and complexity of data will also be greatly improved. In the future, the subdivision of digital health management will be able to form a sufficient soil for the development of vertical business and diversified business development through the blessing of technology.艾媒报告|2019-2020年中国移动社交行业年度研究报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:玩吧APP,Soul APP,积目APP;其他提及企业/品牌:微信,QQ,飞聊,微博,珍爱网,百度贴吧,豆瓣,知乎,小红书,陌陌,boss直聘,脉脉,钉钉,抖音,keep,绿洲,探探,糖豆,派派,多闪,我是谜
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019上半年中国即时通信应用使用率达到96.9%, 即时通信所代表的移动社交已成网民生活常态,随着国内移动社交生态的发展,预计到2020年用户规模将突破9亿。庞大的移动社交用户规模也意味着更多的市场可能性,而以95后、00后为主的年轻新世代逐渐成为中国移动社交市场的主力军。这部分年轻用户更青睐于轻松、趣味社交形式, 偏好新潮、有趣、多元的社交场景。当前5G、人工智能、VR等技术的发展与变迁驱动音频、视频、直播等新型社交载体加速落地。在技术升级和用户需求提升的背景下,传统移动社交厂商和新入局者纷纷瞄准泛娱乐类社交、校园社交等移动社交细分领域。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在技术变迁、需求细化、厂商积极布局等因素驱动下,中国移动社交行业将迎来新一轮的变革契机。
iiMedia Research data shows that in the first half of 2019, the usage rate of instant messaging apps in China reached 96.9%, and the mobile social network represented by instant messaging has become the normal life of netizens. With the development of mobile social ecology in China, the user scale is expected to exceed 900 million by 2020. The large scale of mobile social users also means more market possibilities, and the younger generation, mainly the post-1995 and post-2000 generations, is gradually becoming the main force in China's mobile social market. This group of young users are more interested in relaxing and interesting social forms, and prefer trendy, interesting and diverse social scenes. The development and changes of 5G, artificial intelligence, VR and other technologies are accelerating the landing of new social carriers such as audio, video and live broadcast. Under the background of technology upgrading and user demand improvement, traditional mobile social network manufacturers and new entrants have targeted the mobile social segments such as pan-entertainment social network and campus social network. iimedia consulting analysts believe that Chinese mobile social networking industry will usher in a new round of opportunities for change driven by technological changes, demand refinement, active layout of manufacturers and other factors.艾媒报告|2020年中国就业创业市场现状与趋势发展分析报告
2020年3月20日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年中国就业创业市场现状与趋势发展分析报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对2020年中国就业创业环境进行分析。并且,本报告对1377名求职者和370名招聘方展开问卷调研,分析2020年中国就业创业市场以及对受新冠疫情影响程度进行预判。艾媒咨询分析师认为,2019年中国CIER指数低于去年水平,显示就业竞争较为激烈,就业信心较低。城镇新增就业人数、就业困难人员就业人数等数据都呈现同比下降趋势。与此同时,2019年裁员潮愈演愈烈。这是由于一方面,2019年大环境不景气,许多企业都减少了招聘的数量,开始进行不同规模的裁员,不少企业甚至倒闭。另一方面,高校毕业生等人数不断增加,适龄劳动力不断涌入就业市场。
The downturn in the big environment in 2019, many companies have reduced the number of hiring, began to lay off employees of different sizes, and many companies even closed down. The outbreak in 2020 further increased employment pressure, making the employment situation even more severe. Under the active guidance of government policies, it is believed that the subsequent economy will gradually recover, the entrepreneurial environment will improve, new business opportunities will be continuously explored, and the industry may enter a period of historical opportunities.艾媒报告 |2019全球及中国体育消费产业现状及发展趋势分析报告
从全球体育产业增长率情况看,美洲和欧洲体育产业2019-2021年平均增长率分别为6.0%和7.1%,未来体育产业趋于稳定; 2019-2021年亚洲地区平均增长率为7.9%,未来市场发展潜力大。美国方面,2017美国体育消费增加值占据体育产业总增加值75.6%,成为推动体育产业发展的动力来源;欧洲方面,体育产业跻身国民经济支柱产业前十,体育旅游成为欧洲体育消费增长最快的领域之一。从中国体育产业发展看,不断增长和参加锻炼的人群促使体育消费市场规模稳步增长,预计到2020年中国体育消费市场将达到1.5万亿元。数据显示,2017年中国体育用品和相关产品制造总产出占据体育产业总产出的61.4%,超过一半的体育产业产出由体育用品和相关产品制造带动。2018年阿里双十一体育消费总额达60亿元,同比增长17.6%。以安踏、李宁等中国本土运动品牌营收业绩看,得益于线上线下业务发展,2018安踏营业收入达到241.0亿元,相较2017增长44.4%;李宁集团电商业务收入营收占比约为21.0%,同时虎扑识货、KEEP等内容电商也逐渐崛起。艾媒北极星互联网产品分析系统数据显示,2019年3月KEEP APP月活用户数量超过1500万人,环比增幅4.9%;识货APP月活用户数量超100万人,环比增幅6.3%,中国体育消费新型业态发展迅猛。此外,场馆服务、体育培训、体育赛事总体规模不断扩大,“体育+”工程促进体育与传统旅游、文化产业的跨界融合都开始成为体育消费的新兴发力点。
From the growth rate of the global sports industry, the average growth rate of the sports industry in the Americas and Europe is 6.0% and 7.1% respectively in 2019-2021. The future sports industry tends to be stable; the average growth rate in Asia in the period of 2019-2021 is 7.9%. The market has great potential for development. In the United States, the added value of sports consumption in the United States in 2017 accounted for 75.6% of the total added value of the sports industry, and became the driving force for the development of the sports industry. In Europe, the sports industry ranks among the top ten pillar industries of the national economy, and sports tourism has become the fastest growing sports consumption in Europe. One of the areas. From the perspective of the development of China's sports industry, the growing and participating population has promoted the steady growth of the sports consumer market. It is estimated that by 2020, China's sports consumption market will reach 1.5 trillion yuan. Data show that in 2017, China's total output of sporting goods and related products accounted for 61.4% of the total output of the sports industry. More than half of the output of the sports industry was driven by the manufacture of sporting goods and related products. In 2018, the total consumption of Ali Shuangyi Sports reached 6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17.6%. According to the performance of China's local sports brands such as Anta and Li Ning, thanks to the development of online and offline business, 2018 Anta's operating income reached 24.10 billion yuan, an increase of 44.4% compared with 2017; Li Ning Group's e-commerce business revenue accounted for approximately At 21.0%, the e-commerce business such as Tigers and KEEP has gradually emerged. Ai Media Polaris Internet product analysis system data shows that in March 2019, the number of KEEP APP monthly users exceeded 15 million, an increase of 4.9% from the previous month; the number of monthly users of the APP APP exceeded 1 million, an increase of 6.3% from the previous month. The business has developed rapidly. In addition, the overall scale of venue services, sports training, and sports events has continued to expand. The “Sports+” project promotes the cross-border integration of sports and traditional tourism and cultural industries, and has begun to become an emerging force for sports consumption.艾媒报告|2019年中国健身器材产业研究与发展趋势预测报告
Under the guidance and support of government policies, benefiting from the improvement of residents' income level and the continuous cultivation of the national fitness atmosphere, China fitness industry will continue to develop rapidly in the future, and it is expected that the number of people taking part in physical exercise will reach 440 million by 2020. China fitness equipment industry has a broad space for development and market potential. It is estimated that the sales volume of fitness equipment will reach 47.0 billion yuan by 2020. According to the data from the e-commerce platform, the sales volume of light fitness equipment is rising, and the household fitness equipment is growing rapidly. Wearable devices such as smart bracelets are expected to reach 47 million worldwide by 2022. In the future, the family scene will become an important scene for the use of fitness equipment, while the household equipment will be subdivided. At present, in the Chinese fitness equipment market, domestic brands are facing the dilemma of lacking brand competitiveness. In 2017, the global fitness equipment market reached nearly $10.8 billion, with Chinese manufacturers accounting for about 53%. However, most sports equipment manufacturers participate in the international market competition mainly through OEM for internationally renowned brands. iiMedia consulting analyst believes that In the competitive fitness equipment market, brand will be an important means to improve the competitiveness of domestic brands.