iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)监测数据显示,2024年全球智能眼镜销售量为298.3万副,预计2029年全球销量有望达13396.7万副,将成为AI赋能移动终端产品的新一轮科技创新潮。AI大模型技术的突破加速端侧部署,推动产品向轻量化、多模态交互演进,华为、小米、Meta等科技巨头与Rokid、雷鸟等创新企业竞逐赛道,产业链各环节(芯片、光学、ODM)持续受益,A股相关概念股近期集体走强,资本关注度显著提升。
iiMedia Research monitoring data show that the global sales of smart glasses in 2024 is 2.983 million pairs, and global sales are expected to reach 133.967 million pairs in 2029, which will become a new wave of technological innovation in AI-enabled mobile terminal products. The breakthrough of AI large model technology accelerates the end-side deployment, promotes the evolution of products to lightweight and multi-mode interaction, Huawei, Xiaomi, Meta and other technology giants compete with innovative enterprises such as Rokid and Thunderbird, all links of the industrial chain (chip, optical, ODM) continue to benefit, A-share related concept stocks have recently been collectively strong, and capital attention has increased significantly.
"Research report on the development trend of China's smart glasses market from 2025 to 2027" (tentative name) aims to promote the application of AI technology in terminals and the innovation of human-computer interaction, explore hardware innovation, expand application scenarios in healthcare, industry, education, etc., and build a collaborative path between scenarios and ecosystems. It will also facilitate the coordinated development of the industrial chain, cultivate new engines for economic growth, and bring new opportunities and changes to the development of society and the economy.艾媒报告 |2019中国与发达国家企业科技创新发展水平与经验模式研究报告
全球范围的研发投入主要集中在健康、汽车以及通信技术三个细分行业领域。美国企业亚马逊成为2018年全球研发投入最高的上市公司;欧盟国家中Volkswagen(大众汽车)的研发投入金额超过100亿欧元;日本方面,2018年丰田公司成为日本研发投入最多的企业。中国方面,中国上市企业研发在全球范围内的竞争力不断增强,截至2018年,中国上市企业中有145家企业入选全球创新企业1000强。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,汽车制造业成为诞生最多知识产权竞争力的行业,而软件服务行业则是研发强度最高的领域。未来中国科创的继续发展需要更完成的知识产权保护措施。具体企业方面,以华为、小米集团等为代表的中国百强企业对科技创新能力越来越重视,申请的专利达到38.8万件。但也要注意,目前中国企业研发投入领域过于集中,可能出现同质化倾向;同时,中国科创投入大门槛高,或将形成马太效应。
Global investment in research and development is focused on three sub-sectors: health, automotive and communications technology. Amazon, the Us., became the world's largest listed company in 2018; Volkswagen, the European Union' one, spent more than 10 billion euros; and Japan, Toyota, became the largest company in Japan in 2018. On the Chinese side, the research and development of Chinese listed companies is becoming more competitive globally, and by 2018, 145 of the Chinese listed companies were among the top 1000 global innovators. According to iiMedia Research, the automotive industry is the industry that has been the most competitive in intellectual property, while the software services industry is the most research and development sector. The continued development of China Science and Technology in the future requires more complete intellectual property protection measures. In terms of specific enterprises, China's top 100 enterprises, represented by Huawei and Xiaomi Group, have paid more and more attention to their technological innovation capabilities, with 388,000 patents filed. However, it should be noted that at present, Chinese enterprises are too concentrated in the field of research and development investment, there may be homogenization tendency, at the same time, China Science and Technology investment high threshold, or will form the Matthew effect.