艾媒咨询 | 2023年中国辣条食品行业创新及消费需求洞察报告
在众多休闲食品中,辣条口味浓郁,具有独特的咬劲,为消费者带来愉悦和满足感,拥有一定的市场增量空间。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2023年中国辣条食品行业创新及消费需求洞察报告》数据显示,2022年中国辣条食品市场规模达517亿元,2026年有望达927亿元。对健康美味的休闲食品追求,使得中国辣条消费者在购买辣条时更注重挑选。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)调研数据显示,54.6%的辣条消费者偏好香辣口味的辣条;喜欢吃有嚼劲口感的辣条消费者占比达50.1%。
艾媒咨询 |2020-2021年中国家居行业大数据及标杆企业研究报告
近十年中国家具类商品零售额增速持续下降, 2020年中国家具类零售额达到1598亿元,同比下降18.9%。但由于海外疫情仍在蔓延,海外不少企业陆续实施在家“远程办公”计划,这就使得中国家居出口需求剧增。数据显示,2020年1-12月,中国家具及零件出口总额为4038.6亿元,同比增长11.8%,若以美元计价,则同比增长15.4%,家具出口市场快速增长。在国内家具出口订单火爆的同时,家居上游原材料价格也出现了波动,皮革、海绵、木头等原料都出现涨价潮。
In the past decade, the growth rate of China's furniture retail sales continued to decline. In 2020, China's furniture retail sales reached 159.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 18.9%. However, as the overseas epidemic is still spreading, many overseas enterprises have implemented the home "telecommuting" program one after another, which makes China's home export demand surge. According to the data, from January to December 2020, China's furniture and parts exports totaled 403.86 billion yuan, an increase of 11.8% over the same period of last year. If it is priced in US dollars, it will increase by 15.4% over the same period of last year, and the furniture export market will grow rapidly. In the domestic furniture export orders hot at the same time, the price of raw materials in the upper reaches of the home also fluctuated, leather, sponge, wood and other raw materials are rising. -
2020年全球经济因“新冠疫情”影响呈现萎靡状态,因此后疫情时期第一个双十一在拉动消费增长方面的作用备受期待。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,87.6%的受访网民表示愿意参与双十一大促活动,而在双十一前已经做好准备的受访网民占比更达到52.6%。今年双十一各电商平台的活动措施也纷纷回归简单优惠本质,但仍有29.5%的受访电商用户对于平台创新玩法的优惠力度表示质疑。而对于市场迅速增长的直播电商模式,在双十一期间也得到商家和平台广泛青睐,然而目前缺乏权威的第三方机构对直播电商带货数据进行监测,68.6%的受访直播电商用户认为其数据不实,因此商家仍要谨慎看待直播电商模式,避免造成市场虚假繁荣。
Due to COVID-19 in 2020, global economy is going through a downturn. Therefore, the role of the first 11.11 promotion in post COVID-19 era in stimulating consumption growth is expected. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 87.6% of the interviewed netizens is going to participate in the 11.11 promotion, while 52.6% of the interviewees were ready before it. However, 29.5% of the interviewed e-commerce users questioned the preferential margins of the innovative activities by platforms, even though e-commerce enterprises are expressing returning to the nature of preferential. Even though the live-streaming e-commerce market is developing rapidly and be favored by platforms and merchants this year. The lack of authoritative third-party organizations to monitor the data of live-streaming e-commerce causes 68.6% of the interviewed users believe the relative data is false. Therefore, merchants should be cautious about live-streaming e-commerce mode to avoid false prosperity. -
From the data of the first quarter of 2020, the domestic market scale of China's home appliance industry was 117.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 36.1%. At the same time, the cumulative export scale of home appliances in the first quarter was 73.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 12.7%. iiMedia Research believe that with the gradual weakening of the impact of the epidemic on China and the seasonal increase in demand for air-conditioning, refrigerators and other refrigeration equipment in summer, especially the gradual maturity of home appliance live broadcast e-commerce and other forms, it is expected that the appliance industry Of domestic sales will gradually pick up, but the export situation is still not optimistic. -
在传统小家电行业亟需转型以及消费者对智能化产品需求日益增长的双重推动下,小家电行业正朝着智能化方向发展。近年来,智能小家电市场增长势头强劲,2020年智能音箱、智能马桶、扫地机器人细分市场的产品销量有望分别达到5910万、821万以及882万台。虽然智能小家电行业在快速成长,但市场中往往存在重噱头轻品质的现象。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示, 42.9%的受访用户表示产品质量是他们最关心的因素,而57.1%的用户在购买时主要担忧产品功能未达预期。
Driven by the transformation of the traditional small home appliance industry and the growing consumer demand for smart products, the small home appliance industry is developing in the direction of intelligence. In recent years, the smart small home appliance market has grown strongly. In 2020, the sales volume of smart speaker, smart toilet, and sweeping robot market segments is expected to reach 59.1 million, 8.21 million and 8.82 million units, respectively. Although the smart small home appliance industry is growing rapidly, the situations that some manufacturers lie and exaggerate in their advertisements come up very often. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, 42.9% of the users surveyed said that product quality is the key factor that they care about most, while 57.1% of users mainly worry about the function of the product is not up to their expectations when purchasing. -
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:美的,格力,华帝,苏泊尔,格兰仕,志高;其他提及企业/品牌:苏宁易购,京东,天猫,京东,拼多多,淘宝,ME GO,五星,海尔,万和,万家乐,统帅,法迪欧,松下电器,奥克斯,TCL,海信,长虹,索尼,康佳,夏新,创维,奔腾,九阳,伊莱特,三洋,威力
2020年4月13日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020年H1中国家电细分行业发展现状及典型企业案例分析报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对2020年中国家电行业以及客厅、厨房、卫浴和个人用品等细分领域进行分析。此外,报告探讨产业上下游的运营模式,结合对美的、格力、华帝、苏泊尔、格兰仕和志高等典型企业的案例分析,对家电行业总体运行情况进行分析,并结合新冠疫情对2020-2021年中国家电产业发展进行趋势预判。2019年中国经济总量不断扩大,并且居民的消费支出中居住消费占比较高,这都为家电行业发展奠定了基础,并且推动家电向智能化、专业化发展,预计到2020年,中国智能家居市场规模将接近1820亿元。
In 2019, the cumulative main business income of China's household appliances increased by 4.3% year-on-year to 1.6 trillion yuan, and the cumulative total profit increased by 11.9% to 133.86 billion yuan from the previous year. From the perspective of sales channels, home appliances began to shift to online sales channels; from the perspective of sales categories, the share of smart home appliances in various sub-sectors has gradually increased; from the perspective of sales models, especially during the epidemic period, home appliance companies have increased the promotion of live broadcast e-commerce Marketing model.
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