艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国咖啡市场消费行为调研报告
当前,随着生活节奏的加快与消费习惯的变化,咖啡已逐渐成为了备受欢迎的休闲饮品,广泛融入人们的休闲时光、日常学习及工作间隙。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国咖啡市场消费行为调研报告》数据显示,超过七成的咖啡爱好者每周至少享用一杯咖啡,将其视为日常生活不可或缺的一部分。在此背景下,咖啡市场迎来了众多参与者,各类咖啡产品层出不穷,其中最受消费者青睐的是星巴克、瑞幸等咖啡店现制现饮咖啡(51.93%),其次是速溶咖啡粉(41.18%)。就咖啡的功能而言,目前消费者最希望其能有效解乏解困(48.88%)、促进新陈代谢(45.23%)等。艾媒咨询分析师认为,尽管咖啡市场前景广阔,但竞争同样异常激烈。企业要想在这个市场中脱颖而出,需持续深入地洞察消费者需求,不断创新研发,推出更多符合消费者期待的咖啡产品。
At present, with the acceleration of the pace of life and the change of consumption habits, coffee has gradually become a popular leisure drink, widely integrated into people's leisure time, daily study and work. According to the latest "2024 China coffee market consumer behavior survey report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, more than 70% of coffee lovers enjoy at least one cup of coffee every week, and regard it as an indispensable part of daily life. In this context, the coffee market has ushered in a large number of participants, various types of coffee products emerge in an endless flow, of which the most favored by consumers is Starbucks, Luckin and other coffee shops made and drunk coffee (51.93%), followed by instant coffee powder (41.18%). In terms of the function of coffee, consumers most want it to effectively relieve fatigue (48.88%) and promote metabolism (45.23%). Imedia Consulting analysts believe that although the coffee market has broad prospects, the competition is also extremely fierce. In order to stand out in this market, enterprises need to continue to have in-depth insight into consumer needs, continuous innovation and research and development, and launch more coffee products that meet consumer expectations.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国无糖饮料行业研究及消费者洞察报告
随着国民消费观念和消费方式不断升级,追求健康生活方式已是大势所趋。无糖化、低糖化渐成全球健康饮食新标准,无糖饮料行业得到快速发展。2023年中国无糖饮料市场规模已达401.6亿元,预计2028年有望达815.6亿元。产业链分布上,上游的茶叶、咖啡豆等原料需求激增,消费旺盛。中游市场上头部企业竞争优势突出。下游渠道上,即时零售业态风起,成为无糖饮料品牌商的新增长渠道。健康属性成为无糖饮料受消费者青睐的主要原因,全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国无糖饮料行业研究及消费者洞察报告》数据显示,45.5%的消费者在购买无糖饮料时注重其健康、减脂效果。目前,线上商超、电商平台为无糖饮料主要购买渠道,即时零售成全渠道发展新增量。未来,无糖饮料市场将朝着“大健康化”的消费方向发展。相关品牌应建立自身技术壁垒,突出产品的差异化和功能化优势,从而满足消费者日趋多元的需求。
As the national consumption concept and methods continue to upgrade, the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle has become an irresistible trend. Sugar-free and low-sugar diets are gradually becoming the new global standard for healthy eating, and the sugar-free beverage industry is developing rapidly. In 2023, the market size of sugar-free beverages in China has reached 40.16 billion yuan, and it is expected to reach 81.56 billion yuan by 2028. In terms of industry chain distribution, the demand for raw materials such as tea leaves and coffee beans in the upstream has surged, and consumption is vigorous. In the midstream market, leading companies have a prominent competitive advantage. In the downstream channels, instant retail formats are emerging, becoming a new growth channel for sugar-free beverage brands. Health attributes have become the main reason for sugar-free beverages to be favored by consumers. The latest "2024-2025 China Sugar-Free Beverage Industry Research and Consumer Insight Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economic industry, shows that 45.5% of consumers pay attention to the health and fat reduction effects when purchasing sugar-free beverages. At present, online supermarkets and e-commerce platforms are the main channels for purchasing sugar-free beverages, and instant retail has become an additional volume for the development of all channels. In the future, the sugar-free beverage market will develop towards the direction of "big health" consumption. Relevant brands should establish their own technical barriers, highlight the differentiation and functional advantages of products, so as to meet the increasingly diverse needs of consumers.艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国家居市场消费行为调查数据
当前家居行业呈现积极变化。政策大力扶持,2025年安排3000亿元支持消费品以旧换新,刺激消费潜力释放。消费者偏好智能、环保、适老化产品,企业加速全球化布局,借助 AI 提升效率与体验,整体市场复苏且升级态势明显。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025年中国家居市场消费行为调查数据》数据显示,消费者在选购软装家居产品时,更倾向于舒适性、材质质感和环保性;选购硬装家居产品时,更加关注产品质量、安全性和安装便捷性。在家居风格方面,现代简约风格以45.15%的占比成为2025年中国消费者最偏好的家居风格,远超其他风格。其次是传统中式风格,占比35.87%。与此同时,有49.45%的消费者表示已经购买并使用过智能家居产品,说明智能家居市场已经拥有一定的用户基础;40.85%的消费者表示有计划购买或使用智能家居,进一步印证了该市场潜在需求较大,未来增长空间广阔。其中,智能灯光控制系统和智能安全控制系统被认为是消费者最感兴趣的智能家居功能,分别占比35.40%和35.24%。消费者对智能家居功能的兴趣不仅反映了对便捷生活的追求,也体现了对家庭安全和舒适环境的重视。艾媒咨询分析师认为,消费者多元且明确的需求,不仅勾勒出市场的当下轮廓,更为家居行业未来发展铺就了清晰道路。随着技术的不断进步和成本的降低,智能家居产品的普及率也有望进一步提高,为消费者打造更加智能化、个性化的居住空间。
Currently, the home furnishings industry is showing positive changes. With strong policy support, 300 billion yuan was allocated in 2025 to support the trade-in of consumer goods, stimulating the release of consumption potential. Consumers prefer intelligent, environmentally friendly, and age-friendly products. Enterprises are accelerating their global layout and leveraging AI to enhance efficiency and user experience. The overall market shows a clear trend of recovery and upgrading.According to the latest "Survey data on the consumption behavior of China's home furnishing market in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, when consumers purchase soft home furnishings products, they tend to prioritize comfort, material texture, and environmental protection. When purchasing hard home furnishings products, they pay more attention to product quality, safety, and installation convenience.In terms of home styles, the modern minimalist style, accounting for 45.15%, has become the most preferred home style among Chinese consumers in 2025, far surpassing other styles. The traditional Chinese style follows, accounting for 35.87%.At the same time, 49.45% of consumers said they have purchased and used smart home products, indicating that the smart home market already has a certain user base. 40.85% of consumers said they plan to purchase or use smart home products, further confirming that the market has great potential demand and broad growth space in the future. Among them, the intelligent lighting control system and the intelligent security control system are considered the smart home functions that consumers are most interested in, accounting for 35.40% and 35.24% respectively.Consumers' interest in smart home functions not only reflects their pursuit of a convenient life but also their emphasis on family safety and a comfortable environment. Analysts from iiMedia Research believe that consumers' diverse and clear demands not only outline the current picture of the market but also pave a clear path for the future development of the home furnishings industry. With the continuous advancement of technology and the reduction of costs, the penetration rate of smart home products is expected to further increase, creating a more intelligent and personalized living space for consumers.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国白酒行业发展状况及消费行为调研分析报告
中国白酒行业近年来经历了显著的变革与调整,不仅承载着深厚的文化内涵,也逐渐现代化和全球化。随着全球化进程的推进,白酒这一极具中国特色的酒类产品正逐步走向世界。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国白酒行业发展状况及消费行为调研分析报告》数据显示,在消费者了解白酒相关信息渠道调查中,电商平台(淘宝、京东等)占比最高,达到54.22%,艾媒咨询分析师认为,电商平台作为白酒销售和信息传播的重要渠道影响力日益增强,对白酒的推广和市场营销具有重要作用。中国白酒行业在传承中发展,在挑战中寻求机遇,展现出前所未有的生机与活力。Chinese liquor industry has undergone significant changes and adjustments in recent years, which not only carries profound cultural connotations, but also gradually modernizes and globalizes. With the advancement of globalization, liquor, a very Chinese characteristic wine product, is gradually going to the world. According to the latest "2024 China baijiu industry development status and consumer behavior research and analysis report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, e-commerce platforms (Taobao, Jingdong, etc.) account for the highest proportion of consumers in the survey of baijiu related information channels. It reached 54.22%. Analysts of IIMedia Consulting believe that the influence of e-commerce platforms as an important channel for liquor sales and information dissemination is increasing, which plays an important role in the promotion and marketing of liquor.
艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国外贸AI智能应用市场洞察分析报告
在全球经济一体化的大背景下,外贸行业竞争愈发激烈。随着人工智能(AI)技术的迅猛发展,其在各领域的应用不断深入,外贸行业也迎来了智能化变革的浪潮。AI 智能应用正逐渐渗透到外贸业务的各个环节,深刻改变着传统的贸易模式和运营方式,为外贸企业带来了新的机遇与挑战。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《 2025年中国外贸AI智能应用市场洞察分析报告》数据显示, 88.17% 的工作者已在使用 AI 相关工具或系统,表明 AI 在外贸领域的普及度极高,已然成为外贸工作的重要组成部分。同时,超六成中国工作者认可外贸 AI 在智能数据管理(客户信息、订单等)方面的功能优势,52.76% 的人认为提高数据分析、管理能力十分关键,这不仅凸显了数据管理于外贸业务的核心地位,也强烈预示着外贸行业未来对 AI 数据处理能力有着迫切需求。艾媒咨询分析师认为,AI 不仅已广泛融入外贸工作,其在数据处理与管理方面的能力更是备受关注,有望成为推动外贸行业发展、提升企业竞争力的关键力量。
Under the background of global economic integration, the competition in foreign trade industry is becoming more and more fierce. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, its application in various fields continues to deepen, and the foreign trade industry has ushered in a wave of intelligent change. AI intelligent applications are gradually penetrating into all aspects of foreign trade business, profoundly changing the traditional trade mode and operation mode, and bringing new opportunities and challenges to foreign trade enterprises. According to the latest "Analysis report on China's foreign trade AI intelligent application market insight in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, 88.17% of workers are already using AI-related tools or systems, indicating that AI is extremely popular in the field of foreign trade. It has become an important part of foreign trade work. At the same time, more than 60% of Chinese workers recognize the functional advantages of foreign trade AI in intelligent data management (customer information, orders, etc.), and 52.76% of them believe that it is critical to improve data analysis and management capabilities, which not only highlights the core position of data management in foreign trade business. It also strongly indicates that the foreign trade industry has an urgent need for AI data processing capabilities in the future. AI Consulting analysts believe that AI has not only been widely integrated into foreign trade work, its ability in data processing and management is more concerned, is expected to become a key force to promote the development of foreign trade industry and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国母婴市场发展状况与消费者调研报告
受三孩政策驱动,中国生育率有望得到提升,政策及相关配套措施落地将带动母婴消费新增量。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国母婴市场发展状况与消费者调研报告》数据显示,中国母婴行业市场规模逐年稳步增长,2023年达66478亿元,预计2027年将达到89149亿元,呈现显著的上升趋势。
Driven by the three-child policy, China's fertility rate is expected to be increased, and the landing of policies and related supporting measures will drive new increases in maternal and infant market. According to the latest "China Maternal and Infant Market Development and Consumer Research Report in 2024" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the market size of China's maternal and infant industry has grown steadily year by year, reaching 6,647.8 billion yuan in 2023. It is expected to reach 8914.9 billion yuan in 2027, showing a significant upward trend.艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国密室逃脱行业消费行为调查数据
密室逃脱作为一种新兴的线下娱乐业态,近年来市场规模不断扩大,其受欢迎程度持续攀升。消费群体也日益多元,市场正不断拓展受众边界。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025年中国密室逃脱行业消费行为调查数据》数据显示,消费者更期待密室逃脱游戏带来的氛围体验,占比达到33.61%。同时,超过一半的密室逃脱消费者(58.40%)愿意向朋友推荐店铺和主题,这表明密室逃脱行业具有较强的口碑传播潜力。密室逃脱行业在技术创新、消费体验升级和市场拓展方面展现出巨大潜力,未来有望成为娱乐市场中的重要组成部分。但密室逃脱行业也面临一些挑战,如游戏类型和内容的同质化问题。消费者对游戏类型的多样化和内容升级有较高期待,商家需要在剧情设计和谜题难度上不断创新。
As an emerging offline entertainment business format, the market scale of escape rooms has been continuously expanding in recent years, and their popularity has been steadily rising. The consumer group has also become increasingly diverse, and the market is constantly expanding its audience boundaries. According to the latest "Survey data on consumer behavior in China's escape room industry in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, consumers are more expecting the atmosphere experience brought by escape room games, accounting for 33.61%. At the same time, more than half of the escape room consumers (58.40%) are willing to recommend the store and theme to their friends, which indicates that the escape room industry has strong word-of-mouth communication potential. The escape room industry shows great potential in technological innovation, consumption experience upgrading and market expansion, and is expected to become an important part of the entertainment market in the future. However, the escape room industry also faces some challenges, such as the homogenization of game types and content. Consumers have high expectations for the diversification of game types and the upgrading of content, and merchants need to continuously innovate in plot design and puzzle difficulty.艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国母婴市场消费行为调查数据
当下母婴产品市场机遇与挑战并存,市场规模呈稳定增长态势。但随着消费者越来越追求科学育儿,对母婴产品和服务的需求向高品质、个性化、多元化转变,不仅关注产品功能,更看重成分、配方等专业性,还期待在消费中获得情绪价值。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025年中国母婴市场消费行为调查数据》数据显示,母婴行业的主要消费群体是怀孕中后期和1岁以下的宝妈,合计占比超过50%。同时,消费者在怀孕及育儿过程中最关注的是科学育儿知识和孕期保健知识。母婴消费者在使用各类平台时,会更注重平台的专业性、资讯真实性和互动性。新生代妈妈引领的消费升级潮流,正重塑着市场格局。母婴产品市场将在创新与变革中持续进化,不断满足家庭对高品质育儿生活的向往,成为推动社会消费升级、助力家庭幸福的重要力量,孕育出更多商业机遇与社会价值。
Currently, the baby and maternity product market is faced with both opportunities and challenges, and the market size is showing a steady growth trend. However, as consumers increasingly pursue scientific parenting, their demands for baby and maternity products and services are shifting towards high quality, personalization, and diversification. They not only pay attention to product functions but also attach great importance to the professionalism of ingredients, formulas, etc., and also expect to obtain emotional value during consumption. According to the latest "Survey data on consumer behavior in China's maternal and infant market in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the main consumer groups in the baby and maternity industry are expectant mothers in the middle and late stages of pregnancy and mothers with babies under 1 year old, with a combined proportion of over 50%. At the same time, during pregnancy and parenting, consumers are most concerned about scientific parenting knowledge and pregnancy health care knowledge. When using various platforms, baby and maternity consumers pay more attention to the professionalism, authenticity of information, and interactivity of the platforms. The consumption upgrade trend led by new-generation mothers is reshaping the market pattern. The baby and maternity product market will continue to evolve through innovation and change, continuously meet families' yearning for a high-quality parenting life, become an important force in promoting social consumption upgrading and helping family happiness, and breed more business opportunities and social value.艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国说唱音乐市场消费行为调查数据
中国说唱音乐市场近年来呈现出快速增长的趋势,这主要得益于年轻消费群体对说唱音乐的极高热情。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025年中国说唱音乐市场消费行为调查数据》数据显示,有超过半数的说唱爱好者愿意为说唱音乐付费,反映出该市场潜力较大。其中,付费意愿最高的是数字专辑和参加音乐节,占比分别为51.55%和41.61%。同时,华语(标准国语)以54.45%的占比成为最受欢迎的说唱音乐语言,华语(地区方言)以48.86%的占比紧随其后,反映出华语类说唱音乐在中国的广泛受众基础。随着说唱音乐的流行,品牌合作、版权收入和衍生品销售成为主要收入来源,品牌对说唱音乐的青睐度不断提升,未来说唱音乐与品牌、影视、游戏等领域的合作将更加紧密,商业价值将进一步挖掘。
In recent years, the Chinese rap music market has shown a trend of rapid growth, which is mainly attributed to the extremely high enthusiasm of the young consumer group for rap music. According to the latest "Survey data on consumption behavior in China's Hip-Hop music market in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, more than half of rap music enthusiasts are willing to pay for rap music, reflecting the great potential of this market. Among them, the highest willingness to pay is for digital albums and attending music festivals, accounting for 51.55% and 41.61% respectively. At the same time, Chinese (Standard Mandarin) has become the most popular language in rap music with a proportion of 54.45%, and Chinese (regional dialects) follows closely with a proportion of 48.86%, reflecting the broad audience base of Chinese rap music in China. With the popularity of rap music, brand cooperation, copyright income, and derivative product sales have become the main sources of revenue. Brands' favorability towards rap music is continuously increasing. In the future, the cooperation between rap music and fields such as brands, film and television, and games will be closer, and the commercial value will be further explored.
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