2024年5月7日,备受瞩目的第八届中国品牌发展论坛系列活动在北京盛大举行。本次活动由《中国品牌》杂志社与中国品牌网共同主办,聚焦中国品牌在新时代下的创新与发展,探讨中国品牌在转型升级、中国品牌及品牌国际化等方面的新经验和新做法。艾媒咨询分析师受邀出席本次活动,并与《中国品牌》杂志社携手发布了备受瞩目的《2024中国品牌营销创新与消费趋势洞察报告》。随着经济的不断发展与互联网产业、数据科学的进步,市场消费趋势与品牌营销模式都在逐渐发生转变,AI技术、大数据科学等前沿技术为品牌营销提供了强效助力。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,品牌营销模式逐渐向细分人群、精准定位的方向转变,2023年中国移动广告市场规模为4646.6亿元,同比增长2.7%,预计2025年市场规模有望突破4800亿元。2024年,54.1%的消费者会在除生活必需品外的其他支出中购买兴趣爱好相关产品,且61.4%的消费者通过短视频平台了解国货品牌信息,简约风和国潮风的广告最受消费者青睐。随着国民人均收入的提高,越来越多消费者愿意为个人兴趣买单,青年消费者已走在时代前列。未来,AI赋能品牌营销、大数据精准营销以及多形式、多类别的全覆盖式营销策略将成为品牌营销发展新趋势。
On May 7th, 2024, the high-profile 8th China Brand Development Forum series of activities was held in Beijing. This event, co-sponsored by China Brand Magazine and China Brand Network, focuses on the innovation and development of Chinese brands in the new era, and discusses the new experience and new practices of Chinese brands in transformation and upgrading, Chinese brands and brand internationalization. Imedia Consulting analysts were invited to attend this event, and jointly released the high-profile "China Brand Marketing Innovation and Consumption Trend Insight Report in 2024" with "China Brand" magazine. With the continuous development of the economy and the progress of the Internet industry and data science, market consumption trends and brand marketing models are gradually changing, and cutting-edge technologies such as AI technology and big data science provide a strong boost for brand marketing. iiMedia Research data show that the brand marketing model gradually to the direction of segmentation, accurate positioning, 2023 China's mobile advertising market size of 464.66 billion yuan, an increase of 2.7%, is expected to 2025 market size is expected to exceed 480 billion yuan. In 2024, 54.1% of consumers will purchase hobby related products in addition to daily necessities, and 61.4% of consumers will understand domestic brand information through short video platforms, and simple style and national tide style advertisements are the most favored by consumers. With the increase of national per capita income, more and more consumers are willing to pay for personal interests, and young consumers have been in the forefront of The Times. In the future, AI enabled brand marketing, big data precision marketing and multi-form, multi-category full coverage marketing strategies will become a new trend in the development of brand marketing.艾媒咨询|2024年中国月饼行业消费趋势洞察研究报告
月饼是中国传统美食,吃月饼是中秋节最重要的仪式之一。近年来,月饼的消费场景越趋日常化,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2023年中国月饼销售规模达271.3亿元,同比增长11.3%,2025年有望增至332.8亿元。中国月饼行业的生产趋于标准化、规范化以及传统节日氛围的强化、国民购买力的增强都是市场需求扩大的因素。未来随着直播电商、外贸出口、品牌定制、跨界联动等新趋势的出现,月饼市场将迎来新增长点。
Mooncakes are a traditional Chinese delicacy, and eating mooncakes is one of the most important rituals of the Mid-Autumn Festival. In recent years, the consumption scenario of mooncakes has become more and more everyday. iiMedia Research (iMedia Consulting) data shows that the sales scale of Chinese mooncakes reached 27.13 billion yuan in 2023, an increase of 11.3% year-on-year, and is expected to increase to 33.28 billion yuan in 2025. The production of China's mooncake industry tends to be standardised and regulated, the strengthening of the traditional festival atmosphere and the strengthening of the national purchasing power are all factors for the expansion of market demand. In the future, with the emergence of new trends such as live e-commerce, foreign trade exports, brand customisation and cross-border linkages, the mooncake market will usher in new growth points.艾媒咨询|2024年中国饰品行业发展状况与消费行为洞察报告
随着居民消费水平的提高,消费整体呈现恢复向好态势,饰品行业供需两端双向回暖。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国饰品行业发展状况与消费行为洞察报告》数据显示,2023年中国社会消费品零售总额累计值为47.2万亿元,同比增长7.2%。其中金银珠宝类商品零售累计值增长至3310亿元,增长率为9.8%。在宏观经济环境和消费需求的共同影响下,我国饰品行业消费市场将继续扩大。当前,居民消费正处于持续升级阶段,国内消费市场呈现出“品质消费需求旺盛”的特点,实用性、美观性、实惠性已成为消费者购买饰品时的主要考量因素。同时,饰品行业的消费群体愈发年轻,90后乃至千禧一代已逐渐成为黄金珠宝饰品的主力消费群体,这将推动饰品行业在产品设计和营销模式方面进行升级与革新。截至2023年,众多时尚珠宝品牌纷纷推出与热门动漫游戏联名的产品,以个性潮流的设计与年轻消费者实现情感共鸣。未来,将会有更多的珠宝品牌通过联名的方式为品牌赋予更多可能性。
With the improvement of residents' consumption level, consumption as a whole has shown a positive trend of recovery, and the supply and demand of the jewelry industry have recovered in both directions.According to the latest "2023-2024 China Jewelry Industry Development Status and Consumer Behavior Insight Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis agency for the global new economy industry, In 2023, the cumulative value of China's total retail sales of consumer goods will be 47.2 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.2%. Among them, the cumulative retail value of gold, silver and jewelry increased to 331 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 9.8%. Under the combined influence of the macroeconomic environment and consumer demand, the consumer market of China's jewelry industry will continue to expand. At present, residents' consumption is in the stage of continuous upgrading, and the domestic consumer market is characterized by "strong demand for quality consumption", and practicality, aesthetics and affordability have become the main considerations for consumers when purchasing jewelry. At the same time, the consumer group of the jewelry industry is getting younger and younger, and the post-90s generation and even millennials have gradually become the main consumer group of gold jewelry, which will promote the upgrading and innovation of the jewelry industry in terms of product design and marketing model. As of 2023, many fashion jewelry brands have launched co-branded products with popular anime and games, and achieved emotional resonance with young consumers with personalized and trendy designs. In the future, there will be more jewelry brands that will give more possibilities to the brand through co-branding.艾媒咨询|2024年中国家清产品消费趋势洞察报告
中国家清产品市场规模在2015至2023年间整体呈上升趋势,2023年已达556.1亿元,预计2028年达到700.3亿元。经济快速发展带来消费升级,数字化转型拓宽了消费者获取信息和购买渠道,中国家清产品市场展现出一个动态、多元且具有一定潜力的景象。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国家清产品消费趋势洞察报告》数据显示,随着消费者对健康、安全及环保的要求不断提高,安全性已成为57.4%的消费者在选择家居清洁产品时的首要考量,其次是气味和环保性。面对消费者对可持续生活方式的追求,中国家清产品企业根据消费者需求对产品进行细分和品牌创新,在继续提供优质传统服务的基础上,加速迈入绿色革命时代,致力于在生产流程中融入节能减排的环保理念,以抢占市场先机。
The market size of China's household cleaning products showed an overall upward trend from 2015 to 2023, reaching 55.61 billion yuan in 2023, and is expected to reach 70.03 billion yuan by 2028. Rapid economic development has led to consumption upgrades, and digital transformation has broadened consumer access to information and purchasing channels. The market for China's household cleaning products presents a dynamic, diverse, and potentially promising landscape. According to the latest Research Report Insight Report on the Consumption Trends of Household Cleaning Products in China in 2024 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, as consumers' demands for health, safety, and environmental protection continue to rise, safety has become the top factor for 57.4% of consumers when choosing household cleaning products, followed by scent and environmental friendliness. In the face of consumers' pursuit of a sustainable lifestyle, China Jiaqing products enterprises carry out product segmentation and brand innovation according to consumer demand, and accelerate into the era of green revolution on the basis of continuing to provide high-quality traditional services, and is committed to integrating energy saving and emission reduction environmental protection concepts in the production process to seize market opportunities.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国新式茶饮行业发展现状与消费趋势调查分析报告
随着中国新式茶饮市场空间逐渐饱和,行业进入存量竞争阶段,品牌内卷程度加剧。除了采取降价策略,各企业通过开拓品类、创新营销、品牌出海等多元手段寻求破局。截至2023年9月末,蜜雪冰城海外门店已有4000家;2024年7月,喜茶、霸王茶姬陆续亮相巴黎,为奥运助力,借助国际赛事营销提升全球影响力。2024年8月,茶颜悦色在长沙开出首家零食生活杂货店,零售生意成为新式茶饮品牌竞争的新阵地。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计未来几年中国新式茶饮市场规模将维持小幅但稳定的增长态势,到2028年有望突破4000亿元。
With the gradual saturation of China's new tea drink market, the industry has entered the stage of stock competition, and brand competition has intensified. In addition to price cuts, companies seek changes by developing new products, innovative marketing, and going to sea. By the end of September 2023, MIXUE has 4,000 overseas stores; In July 2024, HEYTEA and CHAGEE appeared in Paris to enhance their global influence with the help of Olympic marketing. In August 2024, CHAYANYUESE opened a snack grocery store, and the retail business has become a new frontier in the competition for new tea brands. iiMedia Research data show that it is expected that in the next few years, the size of China's new tea market will maintain a small growth, and is expected to exceed 400 billion yuan by 2028.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国香水行业研究及消费者洞察报告
国民消费水平的提升、消费场景的拓宽以及“他经济”的崛起都有力促进了中国香水市场空间的扩容,香水赛道迅猛发展。2023年中国香水市场规模已达207亿元,预计2029年有望达到515亿元。产业链分布上,上游的全球香料香精市场仍处于国外寡头垄断的格局,市场呈现高度集中化。而中游市场上,国际知名品牌仍占主流地位,中国本土品牌也不断涌现。下游渠道上,香水电商渠道销量表现强势,线下体验店将为未来品牌重要布局。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国香水行业研究及消费者洞察报告》数据显示,中国近七成香水消费者为女性,50毫升与30毫升规格的香水产品最受市场欢迎,选择占比分别为36.3与20.0%。目前,香水的消费场景正在拓宽,香水的使用不再囿于社交与工作的场合,而是更多地被视为一种情绪上的“悦己体验”。相关品牌应紧跟消费热点,开发具有情绪疗愈功能的香水产品,增加产品使用的仪式感和悦己价值,从而满足消费者对情绪体验与生活品质的追求。
The improvement of people's living standards, the expansion of consumption scenarios, and the rise of the "him economy" have all contributed to the expansion of China's perfume market, driving the perfume industry to grow rapidly. In 2023, the scale of China's perfume market reached 20.7 billion yuan, and is expected to reach 51.5 billion yuan by 2029.In terms of the industrial chain distribution, the upstream global fragrance and flavor market is still dominated by foreign oligopolies, with a highly concentrated market. In the middle stream market, international well-known brands still occupy the mainstream position, while Chinese domestic brands are also emerging. In the downstream channel, the online perfume channel has strong sales performance, and offline experience stores will be an important layout for future brands. According to the latest report on the 2024-2025 China Perfume Industry Research and Consumer Insights released by iiMedia Research (iiMedia Research), a global new economy industry third-party data mining and analysis institution, nearly 70% of Chinese perfume consumers are women, and the 50ml and 30ml specifications of perfume products are the most popular in the market, with a choice ratio of 36.3% and 20.0%, respectively. Currently, the consumption scenarios of perfume are expanding, and the use of perfume is no longer limited to social and work occasions, but is increasingly seen as a "self-indulgent experience" in terms of emotions. Relevant brands should follow consumer trends and develop fragrances with emotional healing functions to increase the sense of ritual and self-indulgence in product use, thereby meeting consumers' pursuit of emotional experiences and quality of life.艾媒咨询 | 2024-2025年中国小屏手机市场趋势与消费行为需求研究报告
From 2011 to 2023, China's smartphone shipments increased from the initial 95 million units to 276 million units, and domestic smartphone shipments showed a steady growth trend and are expected to reach 287 million units in 2024, an increase of 3.6%. Small-screen mobile phones are favored by consumers, and more than 50% of consumers focus on small-screen mobile phones. The core advantages of small-screen mobile phones are easy to carry (73.5%), easy to operate (54.4%) and comfortable to hold (45.2%). Consumers' satisfaction with small-screen mobile phones averages 4.2 points. At present, small-screen mobile phones can basically meet the all-round requirements of consumers and have broad market prospects. With the advancement of technology and the diversification of consumer demand, small-screen mobile phones are gradually moving from the middle market to the high-end market, becoming a new bright spot in the smart phone market. Technological innovation is the key factor to promote the high-end of small-screen mobile phones. At the same time, with the progress of technology, small screen mobile phones are no longer an island, but become the core of a multi-device interconnection intelligent ecosystem, this trend not only enhances the functionality of small screen mobile phones, but also brings consumers a more rich and convenient intelligent experience.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国家政服务业发展及行业投资机遇分析报告
随着社会经济不断发展、三孩生育政策实施以及人口老龄化程度加快,家政服务业市场需求日益增长,行业服务细分凸显,新技术新模式的结合日益紧密。《促进家政服务业提质扩容2024年工作要点》政策的颁布,引发了社会各界高度关注和广泛热议,成为事关“调结构、稳增长、促就业、优民生”的新业态。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国家政服务行业发展及行业投资机遇分析报告》显示,中国家政服务行业市场规模近年来始终保持稳定的增长态势,2023年市场规模为11641亿元,预计2026年有望突破13000亿元。随着行业发展逐渐规范化,未来家政服务将向着服务需求多样化、服务质量标准化、需求即时化的方向发展。
With the continuous development of social economy, the implementation of the three-child policy and the acceleration of population aging, the market demand for domestic service industry is growing day by day, the industry service segmentation is highlighted, and the combination of new technologies and new models is becoming closer. The promulgation of the policy of "Promoting the Key Points of Improving the Quality and Expansion of the Domestic Service Industry in 2024" has aroused high attention and heated discussion from all sectors of society, and has become a new business form related to "structural adjustment, stabilizing growth, promoting employment and improving people's livelihood". The latest "2024-2025 China Domestic Service Industry Development and Industry Investment Opportunity Analysis Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, shows that China's domestic service industry market size has maintained a steady growth trend in recent years, in 2023 market size is 1.164.1 billion yuan, is expected to exceed 1.30 billion yuan in 2026. With the gradual standardization of the industry, the domestic service will develop towards the direction of diversified service demand, standardization of service quality and instant demand in the future.艾媒咨询 | 2025年中国说唱音乐市场消费行为调查数据
中国说唱音乐市场近年来呈现出快速增长的趋势,这主要得益于年轻消费群体对说唱音乐的极高热情。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2025年中国说唱音乐市场消费行为调查数据》数据显示,有超过半数的说唱爱好者愿意为说唱音乐付费,反映出该市场潜力较大。其中,付费意愿最高的是数字专辑和参加音乐节,占比分别为51.55%和41.61%。同时,华语(标准国语)以54.45%的占比成为最受欢迎的说唱音乐语言,华语(地区方言)以48.86%的占比紧随其后,反映出华语类说唱音乐在中国的广泛受众基础。随着说唱音乐的流行,品牌合作、版权收入和衍生品销售成为主要收入来源,品牌对说唱音乐的青睐度不断提升,未来说唱音乐与品牌、影视、游戏等领域的合作将更加紧密,商业价值将进一步挖掘。
In recent years, the Chinese rap music market has shown a trend of rapid growth, which is mainly attributed to the extremely high enthusiasm of the young consumer group for rap music. According to the latest "Survey data on consumption behavior in China's Hip-Hop music market in 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, more than half of rap music enthusiasts are willing to pay for rap music, reflecting the great potential of this market. Among them, the highest willingness to pay is for digital albums and attending music festivals, accounting for 51.55% and 41.61% respectively. At the same time, Chinese (Standard Mandarin) has become the most popular language in rap music with a proportion of 54.45%, and Chinese (regional dialects) follows closely with a proportion of 48.86%, reflecting the broad audience base of Chinese rap music in China. With the popularity of rap music, brand cooperation, copyright income, and derivative product sales have become the main sources of revenue. Brands' favorability towards rap music is continuously increasing. In the future, the cooperation between rap music and fields such as brands, film and television, and games will be closer, and the commercial value will be further explored.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国品牌营销与千禧青年消费趋势研究报告
当前移动互联网用户规模保持小幅度增长,逐渐趋向饱和,中国移动广告市场已进入平稳发展期,营销服务商面临新的挑战和机遇。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国品牌营销与千禧青年消费趋势研究报告》数据显示,2023年中国移动广告市场规模为4646.6亿元,同比增长2.7%,2025年有望突破4800亿元。近年来,营销服务商紧跟技术趋势,将AI等技术应用于文案撰写、图像处理、视频创意生成等领域,为品牌方提供更高效、个性化的营销方案。另一方面,消费者对产品的需求愈加多元和个性化,对产品的实用和设计提出了更多的要求。越来越多消费者开始为个人兴趣买单,追求个性化的消费观念,品牌方、营销服务商面临新的挑战。
At present, the scale of mobile Internet users has maintained a slight growth and is gradually becoming saturated, China's mobile advertising market has entered a period of steady development, and marketing service providers are facing new challenges and opportunities. According to the latest "Research Report on Brand Marketing and Millennial Youth Consumption Trends in China, 2024-2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis agency for the global new economy industry, China's mobile advertising market will be 464.66 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 2.7%, and is expected to exceed 480 billion yuan in 2025. In recent years, marketing service providers have kept up with technology trends and applied AI and other technologies to copywriting, image processing, video idea generation and other fields to provide brands with more efficient and personalized marketing solutions. On the other hand, consumers' demand for products is becoming more diverse and personalized, and they care about the practicality of products, and put forward requirements for product design. More and more consumers are beginning to pay for their personal interests and pursue personalized consumption concepts, and brands and marketing service providers are facing new challenges.
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