艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国网约车产业运行状况与用户消费行为调研报告
随着网约车平台的普及和低门槛的就业因素,网约车越来越成为获取灵活就业收入的重要途径。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国网约车产业运行状况与用户消费行为调研报告》数据显示,中国共享经济市场规模经历了显著的增长,至2023年达到113123亿元。这一增长趋势反映了共享经济在中国的快速发展和市场潜力的释放。随着网约车等创新模式的涌现和市场环境的优化,共享经济将继续为中国经济贡献新的增长点。
With the popularity of online car-hailing platforms and the low threshold of employment factors, online car-hailing has increasingly become an important way to obtain flexible employment income. According to the latest "China Ride-hailing Industry Operation Status and User Consumption Behavior Survey Report 2024" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the market scale of China's sharing economy has experienced significant growth, reaching 1,1312.3 billion yuan in 2023. This growth trend reflects the rapid development of the sharing economy in China and the release of market potential. With the emergence of innovative models such as ride-hailing and the optimization of the market environment, the sharing economy will continue to contribute new growth points to the Chinese economy.
Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that with the rapid popularization of online car hailing services in the Chinese market and the improvement of user acceptance, the scale of China's online car hailing market is expected to continue to grow.艾媒咨询|2019-2020年中国顺风车专题研究报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计到2020年中国顺风车用户规模将达2.49亿人,中国顺风车需求长期存在着且呈现日渐增多的趋势。另外,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,近一年内有三成以上受访网民有使用过顺风车服务,中短途城际出行、日常上下班等成为其选择顺风车出行的主要场景。其中,超过20%的受访网民认为顺风车能有效提高出行效率、降低出行成本,超过10%的受访网民认为顺风车能缓解交通拥挤,并在普惠大众出行方面具有显著的价值意义,40.8%的受访网民对顺风车行业安全环境较为满意。艾媒咨询分析师认为,顺风车低价高效的特点与日常通勤、城际出行等场景相契合,伴随顺风车价值凸显,顺风车或成社会日常主要出行方式。未来,车主车辆信息审核力度将进一步加强,平台安全功能、人车准入标准和相关法律法规将进一步完善。
As the data of iiMedia Research showed, it is estimated that the scale of Chinese tailwind users will reach 249 million in 2020, and the demand for tailwind vehicles in China has a long-term and increasing trend. In addition, according to the data of iiMedia Research, more than 30% of the netizens interviewed in the past year have used the ride service, and medium and short distance intercity travel, daily commuting and so on have become the main scenes for them to choose the ride. Among them, more than 20% of the netizens surveyed believe that the ride can effectively improve the travel efficiency and reduce the travel cost. More than 10% of the netizens surveyed believe that the ride can alleviate the traffic congestion and has significant value in the aspect of inclusive public travel. 40.8% of the netizens surveyed are satisfied with the safety environment of the ride industry. iiMedia Research consulting analysts believe that the low-cost and efficient features of downwind are consistent with daily commuting, intercity travel and other scenes. Along with the prominent value of downwind, downwind or become the main daily travel mode of the society. In the future, the review of vehicle owner information will be further strengthened, and the platform safety function, access standards for people and vehicles and relevant laws and regulations will be further improved.艾媒舆情|2019中国网约车安全状况舆情监测报告
On November 9, 2019, a knife wounding occurred in Nanjing. The perpetrators and victims were the drivers and passengers of Didi Express. In recent years, the safety of online car hires has been frequent and attracted the attention of netizens. The incident of Nanjing driver's knife-injury incident has brought online car hire to the focus of public opinion.