艾媒咨询 | 2024-2025年中国情趣用品行业及消费行为调查分析报告
随着物质生活水平的提高和社会两性观念的开放,中国不同年龄段群体对情趣用品的需求进一步释放,情趣用品行业市场将进一步下沉。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国情趣用品行业及消费行为调查分析报告》数据显示,中国情趣用品的市场规模一直保持稳定上升的态势,2023年已达1794.3亿元。情趣用品行业在生产环节上已趋于成熟,市场增长率逐渐稳定。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着性观念的转变和电子商务的迅速发展,情趣用品行业在进入成熟期后也不会迅速衰退,2025年市场规模有望达2081.3亿元。
With the improvement of material living standards and the opening up of social gender concepts, the demand for sex toys in different age groups in China is further released, and the sex toys industry market will further sink. The latest "2024-2025 China Sex Toys Industry and Consumer Behavior Survey and Analysis Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, shows that the market size of China's sex toys has maintained a steady rise. In 2023, it will reach 179.43 billion yuan. The sex toy industry has matured in the production process, and the market growth rate has gradually stabilized. Analysts believe that with the change of sexual concepts and the rapid development of e-commerce, the sex toy industry will not decline rapidly after entering maturity, and the market size is expected to reach 208.13 billion yuan in 2025.艾媒咨询|2020年9-10月中国母婴行业运行及上市公司双月报告
Data shows that the current maternity clothing products are mostly concentrated in the price range below 30 yuan, and breastfeeding bras have also begun to become popular products. iiMedia Research believes that currently pregnant women are still more inclined to buy cheap products. However, with the continuous increase of post-95 mothers and the continuous change of user concepts, high-end and functional products will become the mainstream in the future.艾媒咨询|2020年中国情趣用品行业及消费行为调查分析报告
The popularity of e-commerce makes it easier for users to purchase sex toys and protect their privacy, while merchants can also use e-commerce data to better improve their products and enhance the user experience, and then from the supply and demand to promote the development of industry. According to the data, more than half of the respondents have bought sex toys, with most of them buying once every three months, followed by at least once a month, a relatively low frequency. It's worth noting that singles make the most frequent purchases, with more than half of users making at least one purchase a month; married people make at least one purchase every three months to once a year.艾媒咨询|2020年中国内衣行业发展现状及消费者习惯分析报告
其他企业/品牌:爱慕、古今、婷美,、猫人、Victoria’s Secret、黛安芬、爱美丽,、柏拉图、夏娃之秀、天猫、京东、淘宝、内外、氧气、茵曼,、倾惟、Ubras等。
2019年,中国内衣(含文胸、内裤、袜子、居家服)人均年支出增长到57.5美元(约350元)。消费者需求上升的同时,内衣质量的要求也上升,内衣卖家市场转变为买家市场。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)调研数据显示消费者对当前内衣品牌不满意的主要原因为款式单一、质量不够好、缺乏功能性等方面。
In 2019, the annual per capita expenditure on underwear (including bras, underwear, socks, and home clothes) in China increased to 57.5 US dollars (about 350 yuan). While consumer demand has risen, the requirements for underwear quality have also risen, and the underwear seller market has transformed into a buyer market. Survey data from iiMedia Research shows that the main reasons consumers are dissatisfied with current underwear brands are the single style, insufficient quality and lack of functionality.艾媒报告|2020中国直播电商入局行业及标杆品牌运行案例大数据监测报告
2020年4月26日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020中国直播电商入局行业及标杆品牌运行案例大数据监测报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对中国直播电商行业进行全面分析,分别针对食品、服装、化妆品、家电等直播电商的入局行业分析,以及对恰恰、珀莱雅等标杆品牌的典型案例解读,以此分析直播电商的产品特性以及品牌方的发展趋势,判断2020-2021年中国直播电商的行业发展趋势。受到本次疫情影响,直播电商展现的强大带货能力推动农产品、服装、汽车等传统实体行业加入直播电商,大大利好直播电商发展。艾媒咨询分析师认为,传统电商推动了消费行为的线上转移,为直播电商的发展提供了前期基础。而随着用户对视频、短视频等应用的使用时间不断增加,直播电商将会是短期内最重要的消费行为。
Affected by the epidemic, China's economy in 2020Q1 compared with 2019Q1, after excluding price change factors, actually dropped by 6.8% year-on-year, which may affect China's economic growth slowdown throughout the year. In order to cope with the problem that the epidemic affects economic development, the state actively encourages all parties in the society to develop "new tools" to stimulate market vitality. iiMedia Research believes that this policy is a new benefit for live broadcast e-commerce. The ability to bring goods will also further drive more industries into the game.艾媒报告|2019-2021年全球内衣产业运行状况与中国内衣市场监测大数据报告
本报告研究设计企业/品牌/案例:Victoria’s Secret,Fruit of the Loom,Jockey,Maidenform, Vanity Fair,Aerie,PVH,Soma Intimates,耐克,Under Armour,阿迪达斯,Lululemon,H&M,Champion,曼妮芬,歌瑞尔,黛安芬,优衣库,都市丽人,加一尚品,古今,NEI WAI,蒛一,Oysho,Bothyoung,遐,Realwill,好奇蜜斯,爱美丽,Bragood,6ity8ight,爱慕,安莉芳,少女美屋,丝之莎,荷韵阁, La Perl,香蔻慕乐,汇洁股份,健盛集团,超盈国际控股,维珍妮,LB,WLFD
China's underwear industry started late; the concentration of the industry is relatively scattered. However, in terms of per capita consumption expenditure of underwear, China's per capita underwear expenditure price growth rate of 16.5%, the market size is expected to be about 200 billion yuan by 2019. iiMedia consulting analysts found three trends. First, the market size of China's girl sin wear underwear market is expected to reach 64.13 billion yuan in 2019. Secondly, the men's underwear market still has a greater potential for development, although foreign brands such as CK, FORBIDDEN, domestic underwear brands such as amulet also began to enter the men's underwear market, but this market still belongs to the blue sea of the market. Third, from the aspect of underwear publicity and sales, online brand and new retail mode began to become the mainstream, is the future of the underwear competition is an important power point.艾媒报告 |2019Q1中国情趣电商市场监测报告
中国情趣电商市场仍处于快速发展的阶段,有巨大的发展空间。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示2018年中国情趣电商市场规模达到306.6亿元,预计到2020年中国情趣电商市场规模将超过600亿元。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着性观念的解放及互联网电商的蓬勃发展,情趣用品产业也迎来了新的“转机”,中国情趣用品产业以极快的速度大步前行。目前情趣用品种类与品牌不断丰富,从避孕为主的计生产品,发展到润滑剂、延时喷雾等保健用品,再到飞机杯、按摩棒等智能硬件。情趣电商企业积极拓展业务模式,企业盈利状况转向良好,部分上市企业2018年实现扭亏为盈。目前情趣电商品牌大众接受度仍有待提高,平台总体网络口碑较低。艾媒大数据舆情监控系统数据显示,情趣电商总体网络口碑指数仅为28.3。520网络热度指数排行显示,各类情趣用品中,避孕药、避孕套、充气娃娃的网络热度指数依次排名前三。
The Chinese adult product e-commerce market is still in a stage of rapid development and there is huge room for its development. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the size of China's adult product e-commerce market reached 30.66 billion yuan in 2018. It is estimated that by 2020, the size of China's adult product e-commerce market will exceed 60 billion yuan. With the liberation of sexual attitudes and the booming development of adult product e-commerce, the sex toys industry has also ushered in a new ““transition““, and the Chinese sex toys industry has made great strides at an extremely fast pace. At present, the types and brands of sex toys are constantly enriched, developing from contraceptive-based family planning products to lubricants, time-lapse sprays and other health care products, to aircraft cups, massage sticks and other intelligent hardware. Adult product e-commerce companies actively expanded their business models, and their profitability turned well. Some listed companies turned losses into profits in 2018. At present, the popularity acceptance of adult product e-commerce brand is still to be improved, and the overall network reputation of the platform is low. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the overall online word-of-mouth index of adult product e-commerce is only 28.3. 520 network heat index ranking shows that among all kinds of sex toys, the network heat index of contraceptives, condoms and inflatable dolls ranks in the top three.
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