In the context of the downward pressure on the economy and the downturn in the auto industry, the country attaches great importance to solving problems in the auto industry and takes the development of new energy vehicles as a breakthrough. At the same time, domestic new energy auto companies have sought to go public in the United States, which has caused netizens to continue to pay attention to new energy vehicles. The trend of energy vehicles and infrastructure construction, the network heat index fluctuates at a high level. As the impact of the epidemic on China diminishes, sales of new energy vehicles will increase year-on-year for the first time in July 2020, which is higher than that of traditional vehicles.艾媒报告|2019年中国电影市场运行状况及2020发展趋势研究报告
The box office in 2019 is closely related to the subject matter, schedule and actors. From the perspective of themes, among the top 50 domestic films in 2019, by category, the number of story-type films is the largest, with a total of 37. Among them, biographical films that reflect the mainstream ideology fit the theme of the era and resonate with the patriotism of the audience. And got a good box office income. From the perspective of the date, the “New Year” and “Summer Season”movies in 2019 have not been as powerful as in previous years, and this year coincides with the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. “National Day Archives” have more high-quality, high-profile theme movies. In October The number of moviegoers increased by 120% year-on-year.艾媒报告|2019年中国轻医美消费趋势研究报告
当前,中国轻医美市场供需迎来双增长,轻医美市场逐渐崛起。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计2020年中国轻医美市场用户规模将达到1520万人。便捷、安全成轻医美消费重要推力,随着轻医美消费意识日益提升,轻医美或成中国消费者求美的“第一选择”。在消费意识觉醒和消费需求驱动下,机构、医生在供给端强势助推轻医美行业更快速发展。医美机构加速拓展轻医美业务,轻医美诊所应运而生。与此同时,轻医美医生在流程操作、药械使用上更易实现规模化培养。在行业支持体系方面,互联网医美平台助推轻医美加速数字化升级,市场管理提效规范行业发展。在此背景下,中国轻医美消费市场迎来更好的发展空间。纵观当前中国轻医美消费新态势,供需协同并进以及行业支持体系日益完善,轻医美消费已逐渐成为求美新主流。
At present, the supply and demand of China's light medical beauty market is experiencing double growth, and the light medical beauty market is gradually rising. According to iiMedia Research, it is estimated that the user scale of China's light medical beauty market will reach 15.2 million in 2020. Convenience and safety have become an important driving force for the consumption of light medical beauty. With the increasing consumer awareness of light medical beauty, light medical beauty or become the “first choice“ for Chinese consumers seeking beauty. Driven by the awakening of consumer consciousness and consumer demand, institutions and doctors have strongly boosted the rapid development of the light medical beauty industry on the supply side. Medical beauty institutions to accelerate the expansion of light medical beauty business, light medical beauty clinic came into being. At the same time, it is easier for doctors to realize large-scale cultivation in process operation and medical device use. In terms of the industry support system, the Internet medical beauty platform promotes the digitalization and upgrading of medical beauty, and market management improves the efficiency and standardizes the development of the industry. In this context, China's light medical beauty consumer market usher in a better space for development. In view of the new trend of China's light medical beauty consumption, the coordinated development of supply and demand and the increasingly perfect industry support system, light medical beauty consumption has gradually become the new mainstream of seeking beauty.艾媒报告 |2019上半年中国人工智能产业研究报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌/案例:百度,小马智行,深兰科技,深兰科技,商汤科技,地平线机器人,大立科技,数多多,Cambricon, 数据堂,IBM, Magic Data,海深科技,阿里巴巴,华为,京东,滴滴出行,小i机器人,图灵机器人,科大讯飞,普强信息,云知声,出门问问,依图,海鑫科金,腾讯云
With the promotion of policy and the attention of capital, the AI industry will continue to develop rapidly, and the scale of China's AI core industry will exceed 150 billion yuan by 2020. At present, the commercialization of AI is mainly based on computer vision, intelligent voice, natural language processing and other technologies. It has a wide range of applications, including intelligent medical, intelligent driving, intelligent home and other scenarios. In 2018, China's AI sector raised 131.1 billion yuan, with a growth rate of more than 100%. Investors are optimistic about the prospects of AI industry, and capital will help the industry develop better. In the field of combination of artificial intelligence and travel, the research and development of technologies such as path planning, network car appointment, traffic management and automatic driving have solved the pain points of traditional travel inconvenience. Among them, Shenlan Science and Technology has realized the landing of artificial intelligence products in the sub-fields of intelligent transportation, intelligent environment, intelligent city and so on. Its Shenlan Panda Intelligent Bus has been put into trial operation in Guangzhou, Tianjin and other domestic cities. The combination of AI and security, medical, retail and other industries has solved some industry pain points, using machine learning algorithm, in-depth learning and NLP to promote the development of the industry. With the gradual advent of 5G commercial era, the efficiency of artificial intelligence technology connection will be further improved. In-depth learning, data mining, automatic programming and other fields will also be realized in more application areas.艾媒报告 |2018-2019中国新能源汽车产业研究与投资分析报告
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年中国新能源汽车产销量突破100万辆。在发展新能源汽车的市场策略方面,传统车企倾向于插电混动汽车,而新兴车企则更专注于纯电动汽车。2018上半年比亚迪新能源汽车销量为7.1万辆,成为最受中国消费者欢迎的国产新能源汽车品牌。总体上,中国新能源汽车性价比有待提升,消费者对新能源汽车的购买意愿不高。新能源汽车中消费者更青睐插电混合式动力汽车。
According to iiMedia Research, China's production and sales of new energy vehicles exceeded one million in 2018. China's production and sales of new energy vehicles have ranked first in the world for three consecutive years. China has formed a complete new energy passenger vehicle industry cluster. However, China's new energy automobile industry is still not perfect. Charging devices and license plates have become the subject of most intense public concern. According to iiMedia Research, nearly 70% of new energy vehicle owners said that the mileage of new energy vehicles decreased to different degrees. Car owners are most dissatisfied with the endurance of new energy vehicles. Lack of charging pile construction is the main reason why consumers do not choose new energy vehicles.