2020年4月30日,全球知名的新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询) 发布《2020H1中国酒店行业运行数据监测及标杆企业品牌研究报告》。报告根据艾媒数据中心、艾媒咨询商业情报数据库、艾媒商情舆情数据监测系统基础数据,对高端、中端、单体酒店和民宿等各类中国酒店行业进行全面分析,对锦江、全季、OYO、途家等品牌进行典型案例解读,以此分析直播电商的产品特性以及品牌方的发展趋势,判断2020-2021年中国酒店行业的发展趋势。受到本次疫情影响,中国酒店行业面临巨大危机,中端酒店体现了较好的灵活抗压能力,在未来的酒店消费升级市场中将具有一定的优势。而在疫情影响下,单体酒店、民宿营收严重下滑,行业或将面临重新洗牌。
Data show that in 2019, the number of domestic tourists in China increased by 8.40% year-on-year to 6,006 million. However, the new crown outbreak in 2020 will end the trend of hotel revenue growth and have a huge impact on the hospitality industry. Data show that in the first quarter of 2020, the entire hotel industry has been hit hard, the long-held small and medium-sized hotels will suffer a more severe impact.艾媒报告 |2019年中国酒店行业发展监测与商业投资决策分析报告
2018-2019年,中国酒店业在数量规模和档次上保持着金字塔形的市场结构。iiMedia Reserach(艾媒咨询)大数据监测显示,服务大众市场的比例达到92.6%,体现了酒店业服务大众消费的民生属性。这一时期,以旅游为主要场景的在线短租平台也逐渐获得消费者青睐。酒店行业结构将逐步完善成熟,投资者应针对不同档次酒店的发展特点,考虑酒店对市场投入的差异策略等因素进行投资。
The 2017 hotel industry's profit rate was only 1%, down 9.1% from the previous year, and the hotel industry is building new business and transforming into a large accommodation industry. iiMedia Reserach Big data monitoring shows that in 2018, the overall supply of Chinese hotels in the room growth rate reached 10.2%, the mid-end hotel rooms with 15.7% supply growth rate of the first hotel in all grades. At the same time, tourism as the main scene, Airbnb as the representative of the online short-rent platform gradually won the favor of consumers. At present, mid-end hotel has become the main body of development, the development of high-end hotels will pay more attention to the subdivision of personal consumption needs, to provide personalized and high-quality services. At the same time, the residential sharing model with Chinese characteristics will continue to innovate and develop. Investors should be in view of the development characteristics of different grades of hotels, consider the hotel on the market input of the difference strategy and other factors to invest.