艾媒咨询 | 2024-2025年中国零食集合店市场分析及发展趋势报告
随着人们生活水平的提高,对零食的需求也在增加。特别是在年轻人群中,零食已经成为他们日常消费的一部分。新兴的消费群体和消费观念为零食集合店这一创新业态的发展提供了巨大机会和包容性。2023年,中国量贩零食赛道进入高速发展期。零食集合店竞争趋向白热化,各品牌“跑马圈地”式的兼并和收购行为日益增多,门店数量不断增长。截至2023年10月,中国零食集合店门店数量已经突破2.2万家。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2023年中国零食集合店市场规模为809亿元,预计2025年有望达到1239亿元。
With the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for snacks is also increasing. Especially among young people, snacks have become a part of their daily consumption. The emerging consumer groups and consumption concepts provide enormous opportunities and inclusiveness for the development of snack collection stores. In 2023, China's mass selling snack track entered a period of rapid development. The competition among snack collection stores is fierce, with an increase in mergers and acquisitions of various brands, and a continuous increase in the number of stores. As of October 2023, the number of snack collection stores in China has exceeded 22000. According to data from iiMedia Research, the market size of Chinese snack collection stores in 2023 was 80.9 billion yuan, and it is expected to reach 123.9 billion yuan by 2025.艾媒咨询|2020-2021年中国移动社交行业研究报告
随着图片社交、声音社交、视频社交等产品形态的创新以及革新,移动社交市场将保持稳健发展态势,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国移动社交用户规模突破9亿人,较2019年增长7.1%。短视频与直播行业的火爆,使得人们交流的方式已从单纯的文字聊天,到图片分享,再到语音沟通,最后到用视频社交的转变。iiMedia Research (艾媒咨询)数据显示,受访移动社交用户交流方式中文字聊天占比约七成,仍为主流交流方式。在倾向交流方式调查中,12.5%受访用户表示倾向使用视频方式,倾向占比超过实际使用占比,用户对视频交流占比提升意愿明显。5G 网络带来的高质量、低延迟特性,势必会大大提升移动社交的产品体验和以及玩法的升级,而 AI 技术使得不同的社交模式具有可行性。未来,随着 5G + AI 技术的持续创新,社交产品场景将更加丰富和新颖,有望重塑用户的社交行为链条。
With the innovation and innovation of product forms such as image socialization, voice socialization, and video socialization, the mobile social market will maintain a steady development trend. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of mobile social users in China is exceed 900 million in 2020 which is an increase of 7.1% from 2019. The popularity of the short video and live broadcast industry has transformed the way people communicate from simple text chat, to picture sharing, to voice communication, and finally to video social interaction. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, text chat accounts for about 70% of the interviewed mobile social users' communication methods, which is still the mainstream communication method. In the survey on communication methods, 12.5% of the interviewed users indicated that they would prefer to use video methods, and the proportion of inclination exceeds the proportion of actual use, and users are obviously willing to increase the proportion of video communication. The high-quality, low-latency features brought by 5G networks will inevitably greatly enhance the product experience and gameplay upgrades of mobile social networking, and AI technology makes different social models feasible. In the future, with the continuous innovation of 5G + AI technology, social product scenarios will be richer and more novel, which is expected to reshape users' social behavior chain.艾媒咨询|2020年中国网络文学作家影响力榜单解读报告
2021年1月13日,《2020年中国网络文学作家影响力榜单解读报告》正式发布,其中男频影响力榜单中,猫腻凭借《大道朝天》登顶第一;天下归元则以《山河盛宴》问鼎女频榜单。本次上榜作家中,85后、90后作家是中坚力量。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,超过六成上榜男频作家影响力榜单的作家为85后及90后,女频榜单中该部分作家比例占比也达到54.0%。此外,多位95后作家也成功上榜。在新血液注入行业的同时,网络文学中生代和资历深厚的作家也仍旧保持强大影响力。三代作家共同贡献优质内容,促进网络文学行业更加繁荣发展。
On January 13, 2021, The Interpretation Report of 2020 China Internet Literature Writers Influence Ranking was officially released. Among the male channel ranking, Maoni topped the ranking by virtue of The Path Toward Heaven, while Tianxiaguiyuan won the ranking of female channel by virtue of Shan He Sheng Yan. Among the writers on the ranking, the post-85 and post-90 writers are the backbone. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, more than 60% of the writers on the male channel ranking are the post-85s and post-90s, and the one in female channel is 54.0%. In addition, a number of post-95 writers are also on the list. At the same time that new blood is injected into the industry, the Mesozoic and highly qualified Internet literature writers still maintain strong influence. The three generations of writers contribute high-quality content together to promote the prosperity and development of Internet literature industry.艾媒咨询|2020年中国密室逃脱行业发展现状及用户行为洞察分析报告
The number of online orders for escape rooms in China is generally on the rise. In the third quarter of 2019, only the number of online orders for escape rooms on the Meituan platform was 485 million, an increase of 2.41 times. IiMedia Research believes that the development of online trading platforms provides a channel for publicity and promotion for the escape room industry, which helps merchants to pre-distribute customers and improve operational efficiency.艾媒咨询|2020-2021年中国直播电商行业生态剖析及趋势预判
At the end of 2019, live e-commerce has become a new outlet. Especially due to the impact of the new crown epidemic in 2020, live e-commerce has become the most popular retail model and has a far-reaching impact. It is sought after by platform parties, capital parties, producers, users and other links in the industrial chain. However, with the rapid expansion of live broadcast e-commerce business, the problems faced by the industry have gradually increased. It is necessary to jointly promote the sound development of the industry through collaborative governance of all links.
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