艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国知识付费行业发展情况与消费行为调研分析报告
当前,基于社交、生活、职业发展及兴趣爱好等方面的多元化需求,人们需要不断汲取大量的信息以及通过学习不断提升自身的综合素质,而知识付费成为了中国消费者获取信息和学习的重要渠道,越来越多消费者愿意为高质量的知识内容付费。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国知识付费行业发展情况与消费行为调研分析报告》数据显示,2024年中国知识付费消费者规模将继续保持平稳增长态势,预计达到6.1亿人。而在知识付费服务的类型偏好上,中国消费者展现出对技能培训类内容的强烈需求,占比达到了40.44%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着社会对技能型人才的持续需求和在线教育技术的不断进步,技能培训类知识付费内容将愈发受到消费者的欢迎。
At present, based on the diversified needs of social communication, life, career development and hobbies, people need to constantly absorb a large amount of information and continuously improve their comprehensive quality through learning.Knowledge payment has become an important channel for Chinese consumers to obtain information and learn, and more and more consumers are willing to pay for high-quality knowledge content. According to the latest "2024 China knowledge payment industry develement situation and consumer behavior research analysis report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the scale of China's knowledge payment consumers will continue to maintain a steady growth trend in 2024, and is expected to reach 610 million people. In terms of the type preference of paid knowledge services, Chinese consumers showed a strong demand for skills training content, accounting for 40.44%. Analysts from Imedia Consulting believe that with the continuous demand for skilled talents in society and the continuous progress of online education technology, paid content for skills training knowledge will be increasingly welcomed by consumers.艾媒咨询 | 2024年微信视频号用户画像与行为洞察报告
随着互联网技术的不断进步和社交媒体生态的演变,微信视频号作为新兴的视频平台,正逐渐成为品牌营销和商业化的新战场。微信视频号坐拥国内庞大的私域流量,其独特优势在于其植根于拥有完整社交链的微信生态,辐射超过13亿用户的社交圈,社交传播的内容具备高信任基因。因此,微信视频号诞生至今,已经成为连接用户与内容创作者的重要桥梁。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年微信视频号用户画像与行为洞察报告》数据显示,从2020年3月到2023年12月,中国短视频行业的用户基数呈现持续上升的态势。截至2023年12月,用户总数攀升至10.53亿,渗透率达到了96.40%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,逐年增长的用户规模表明短视频市场仍有巨大的发展潜力和空间。
With the continuous progress of Internet technology and the evolution of social media ecology, wechat video number, as an emerging video platform, is gradually becoming a new battlefield for brand marketing and commercialization. Wechat video number has huge private traffic in China. Its unique advantage is that it is rooted in the wechat ecosystem with a complete social chain, radiating the social circle of more than 1.3 billion users, and the content of social communication has a high trust gene. Therefore, since the birth of wechat video number, it has become an important bridge connecting users and content creators. The latest "2024 wechat video user portrait and Behavior insight report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, shows that from March 2020 to December 2023, the user base of China's short video industry has continued to rise. As of December 2023, the total number of users climbed to 1.053 billion, and the penetration rate reached 96.40%. Imedia Consulting analysts believe that the growing user scale year by year indicates that the short video market still has huge development potential and space.
iiMedia Research analysts believe that the video number has launched a number of commercial tools, including live delivery, audience rewards, paid content promotion and advertising mutual selection, etc., providing a rich way for content creators of different fan sizes to monetize. In the current Internet ecology, commercialization has become a key factor to maintain the long-term retention of creators. High-quality content produced by creators is at the core of video Number's ability to attract and maintain users' attention in the highly competitive short video field. Therefore, the accelerated pace of commercialization of video number is of great significance for the establishment of a sustainable content ecosystem.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国云游戏市场发展状况与消费偏好数据分析报告
随着“互联网+文化消费”的不断发展,云游戏社会认知度不断提高,得到市场消费者的广泛认可。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国云游戏市场发展状况与消费偏好数据分析报告》数据显示,在市场环境方面,中国电子竞技行业市场规模显著增长,从2016年458.3亿元稳步攀升至2020年1365.6亿元,而中国云游戏用户规模亦从2018年初的0.63亿人稳步攀升至2023年初的6.58亿人。这反映出了电子竞技行业的蓬勃发展和巨大潜力和电子竞技在中国文化娱乐产业中的重要地位。
With the continuous development of "Internet + cultural consumption", the social awareness of cloud games continues to improve and is widely recognized by consumers in the market. The latest "2024 China Cloud Game Market Development Status and Consumer Preference Data Analysis Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, shows that in terms of market environment, the market size of China's e-sports industry has grown significantly, steadily climbing from 45.83 billion yuan in 2016 to 136.56 billion yuan in 2020, while the number of cloud game users in China has also steadily climbed from 63 million in early 2018 to 658 million in early 2023. This reflects the booming development and huge potential of the e-sports industry and the important position of e-sports in China's cultural and entertainment industry.
Analysts from iiMedia Consulting believe that the cloud gaming market has strong momentum and huge potential, and with technological progress and marketing promotion, the scale of cloud gaming users will continue to expand.艾媒咨询|2023年中国预制菜产业发展蓝皮书
报告全文内容共计375页、207126字、251个图表。艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国家装行业消费者需求调研报告
当前,随着生活水平的提升与消费需求的变化,家装行业已逐渐成为备受关注的消费领域,市场规模在不断增长。根据全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国家装行业消费行为调研报告》数据显示,超过七成的消费者在装修时既会考虑硬装又会考虑软装,足以看出消费者对其房屋装修的重视程度。在此背景下,家装市场吸引了众多参与者,各家机构和工作室争先恐后出不穷,其中最受消费者青睐的是半包装修(52.71%),其次是全包装修(32.76%)。就购买的家具类型而言,目前消费者最多购买支撑类家具(85.10%)、贮藏类家具(84.62%)等。在智能家装方面,中国消费者最感兴趣的是智能马桶的水温调节功能,高度关注智能门锁的指纹识别功能。艾媒咨询分析师认为,尽管家装市场前景广阔,但竞争也异常激烈,并且消费者对行业整体服务和智能化程度的要求也逐步增高。企业要想在这个市场中脱颖而出,需持续深入地洞察消费者需求,不断创新设计和材料,推出更多符合消费者期待的家装产品和服务。
At present, with the improvement of living standards and changes in consumer demand, the home improvement industry has gradually become a consumer field that has attracted much attention, and the market scale is growing. According to the latest "2024 China Home Decoration Industry Consumer Behavior Research Report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis agency for the global new economy industry, more than seventy percent of consumers will consider both hard and soft decoration when decorating, which is enough to see how many consumers attach importance to their home decoration. In this context, the home improvement market has attracted many participants, with various institutions and studios scrambling to emerge, among which the most popular among consumers is semi-packaged repair (52.71%), followed by full packaging repair (32.76%). In terms of the type of furniture purchased, at present, consumers buy the most support furniture (85.10%), storage furniture (84.62%), etc. In terms of smart home improvement, Chinese consumers are the most interested in the water temperature adjustment function of smart toilets, and they are highly concerned about the fingerprint recognition function of smart door locks. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that although the home improvement market has broad prospects, the competition is also extremely fierce, and consumers' requirements for the overall service and intelligence of the industry are gradually increasing. In order to stand out in this market, companies need to continue to gain in-depth insight into consumer needs, continuously innovate designs and materials, and launch more home improvement products and services that meet consumer expectations.艾媒咨询|2024年中国家清产品消费趋势洞察报告
中国家清产品市场规模在2015至2023年间整体呈上升趋势,2023年已达556.1亿元,预计2028年达到700.3亿元。经济快速发展带来消费升级,数字化转型拓宽了消费者获取信息和购买渠道,中国家清产品市场展现出一个动态、多元且具有一定潜力的景象。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国家清产品消费趋势洞察报告》数据显示,随着消费者对健康、安全及环保的要求不断提高,安全性已成为57.4%的消费者在选择家居清洁产品时的首要考量,其次是气味和环保性。面对消费者对可持续生活方式的追求,中国家清产品企业根据消费者需求对产品进行细分和品牌创新,在继续提供优质传统服务的基础上,加速迈入绿色革命时代,致力于在生产流程中融入节能减排的环保理念,以抢占市场先机。
The market size of China's household cleaning products showed an overall upward trend from 2015 to 2023, reaching 55.61 billion yuan in 2023, and is expected to reach 70.03 billion yuan by 2028. Rapid economic development has led to consumption upgrades, and digital transformation has broadened consumer access to information and purchasing channels. The market for China's household cleaning products presents a dynamic, diverse, and potentially promising landscape. According to the latest Research Report Insight Report on the Consumption Trends of Household Cleaning Products in China in 2024 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, as consumers' demands for health, safety, and environmental protection continue to rise, safety has become the top factor for 57.4% of consumers when choosing household cleaning products, followed by scent and environmental friendliness. In the face of consumers' pursuit of a sustainable lifestyle, China Jiaqing products enterprises carry out product segmentation and brand innovation according to consumer demand, and accelerate into the era of green revolution on the basis of continuing to provide high-quality traditional services, and is committed to integrating energy saving and emission reduction environmental protection concepts in the production process to seize market opportunities.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国微短剧市场及出海市场分析报告
微短剧作为中国新型的影视行业,在短视频产业持续发力的背景下日趋成熟,微短剧行业已成为新的流量密码。随着国内短剧市场竞争愈发激烈,已有部分国内企业将微短剧影视作品输送向海外。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国微短剧市场及出海市场分析报告》数据显示,95.11%的受访者表示观看或接触过中国出海微短剧,多个国家未来愿意付费获取娱乐服务的用户比例都超过现有用户比例。
As a new type of film and television industry in China, micro dramas are becoming increasingly mature in the context of the continuous development of the short video industry, and the micro drama industry has become a new traffic password. With the increasingly fierce competition in the domestic short drama market, some domestic enterprises have exported their micro short drama film and television works overseas. According to the latest "Analysis Report on China's Micro Drama Market and Overseas Market from 2024 to 2025" released by iiMedia Research, 95.11% of respondents stated that they have watched or been exposed to Chinese overseas micro dramas, and the proportion of users willing to pay for entertainment services in multiple countries in the future exceeds the proportion of existing users.
Analysts from iMedia Consulting believe that the overseas expansion of Chinese micro dramas will bring more possibilities and development directions to Chinese film and television companies. Finding themes that embody Chinese values and deepening emotional connections between audiences at home and abroad is an important step for the high-quality development of the micro drama overseas market in the future.艾媒咨询|2023-2024年中国零售行业发展趋势报告
Research data shows that the market size of China's warehousing member supermarket industry has remained above 20 billion yuan from 2012 to 2023, with a year-on-year growth of 8.7%. In 2022, the market size of China's convenience store industry reached 423.7 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 10.5%; The market size of China's snack collection stores in 2023 was 80.9 billion yuan. As of October 2023, the number of snack collection store stores in China has exceeded 22000.
iiMedia Research analysts believe that With the increasing richness of material life in society, consumers are no longer limited to the quality of their products when shopping, but gradually show an increasing demand for personalized products and services.艾媒咨询 | 2024-2025年中国化妆品市场运行状况及发展趋势研究报告
在消费结构升级、审美观念和悦己意识增强等多种因素的推动下,国内化妆品消费持续增长。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国化妆品市场运行状况及发展趋势研究报告》数据显示,2023年中国化妆品行业市场规模约为5169.0亿元,同比增长6.4%,2025年有望增至5791.0亿元。近年来,国产化妆品品牌凭借高性价比与渠道精细化运营实现了迅速增长。在消费者对高端国际品牌整体祛魅的趋势下,国货品牌应将产品与营销的转型创新视为企业发展及再增长的关键,以满足市场的需求,提高企业竞争力。
Driven by many factors such as the upgrading of consumption structure, the enhancement of aesthetic concept and self-pleasing consciousness, domestic cosmetics consumption continues to grow. According to the latest "Research Report on the Operation Status and Development Trend of China's Cosmetics Market in 2024-2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the market size of China's cosmetics industry in 2023 is about 516.09 billion yuan, an increase of 6.4%. It is expected to increase to 579.10 billion yuan by 2025. In recent years, domestic cosmetics brands have achieved rapid growth with high cost performance and refined channel operation. Under the trend of consumers' overall disenchantment of high-end international brands, domestic brands should regard the transformation and innovation of products and marketing as the key to the development and re-growth of enterprises, so as to meet the needs of the market and improve the competitiveness of enterprises.艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国数字中台市场研究报告
随着云计算、大数据、物联网、人工智能等技术的创新发展,传统产业数字化转型不断加快,数据安全和隐私问题成为用户和企业的关切点,企业对灵活、高效解决方案的需求持续增加,生态合作将成为行业发展趋势。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国数字中台市场研究报告》数据显示,2022年中国数字经济总体规模达50.2万亿元,同比增长10.3%。随着传统产业数字化转型不断加快,数字经济基础设施实现跨越式进步,预计2025年达70.8万亿元。中国零售企业在物料管理、销售管理中使用到信息系统较多;零售企业使用的数字化工具主要有数字系统(75.9%)和数字营销(57.6%);有75.4%的零售企业在接受数字中台服务商服务后经营效率提升6%-25%。数字中台市场集中度较高,大厂技术设施健全,优势明显。当前中台的行业格局由竞争转向竞合,以协同生态为核心,集众所长,企业中台趋向云化、智能化、生态化、全渠道化。
With the innovative development of cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other technologies, the digital transformation of traditional industries is accelerating, data security and privacy issues have become the concern of users and enterprises, and enterprises' demand for flexible and efficient solutions continues to increase, and ecological cooperation will become the development trend of the industry. According to the latest China digital market research report in 2024 released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution of the global new economy industry, the overall scale of China's digital economy reached 50.2 trillion yuan in 2022, with a year-on-year growth of 10.3%. As the digital transformation of traditional industries continues to accelerate, the digital economy infrastructure has achieved leapfrog progress, and it is expected to reach 70.8 trillion yuan by 2025. Chinese retail enterprises utilize a wide range of information systems in material management and sales management. The primary digital tools employed by retail enterprises include digital systems (75.9%) and digital marketing (57.6%). After receiving services from digital middle-platform service providers, 75.4% of retail enterprises have witnessed a 6% to 25% increase in operational efficiency. The digital middle-platform market exhibits a high degree of concentration, with large companies boasting comprehensive technical facilities and notable advantages. Currently, the middle-platform industry landscape is shifting from competition to cooperation, centered on collaborative ecosystems. It integrates the strengths of various parties, driving enterprise middle-platforms towards cloudification, intelligence, ecologization, and omni-channel development.
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