在众多社会服务中,夜间用药成为人们最关注的夜间社会服务之一,近年来,各地相关行政管理机构也陆续出台相关扶持政策,鼓励商家上线夜间送药平台、发展24小时药店,提供夜间送药服务,推动解决“夜间买药难”问题。近日,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布《2021年中国夜间用药年度观察报告》,基于2021年初至2021年末的监测数据,对中国夜间用药市场持续追踪。报告显示,年初有61.2%的用户夜间生病选择忍,而年底这一数字降至52.1%,据推算年末夜间用药受益群体新增约4000万人。报告指出,日渐成熟的中国外卖送药平台,成为解决夜间用药的重要参与者。通过一年的发展,在美团买药“小黄灯”计划等24小时药店惠民工程的推动下,线上24小时药店数量增加、夜间买药配送速度更快、服务保障更加成熟,用户知晓度有了较大提升,夜间买药难的问题得到有效缓解。
Among many social services,night medication has become one of the night social services that people pay most attention to. In recent years,relevant administrative agencies around the country have also successively issued relevant support policies to encourage businesses to launch night medication delivery platforms,develop 24-hour pharmacies,provide night medication delivery services, and promote the solution of the problem of "difficulty in buying drugs at night". Recently, iiMedia Research released the annual observation report on nighttime medication in China in 2021,which continuously tracks China's nighttime medication market based on the monitoring data from the beginning of 2021 to the end of 2021. The report shows that at the beginning of the year, 61.2% of users chose to tolerate illness at night,while at the end of the year,the figure fell to 52.1%. It is estimated that about 40 million people will benefit from night medication at the end of the year.The report points out that the increasingly mature Chinese takeout delivery platform has become an important participant in solving the problem of night medication. Through one year's development,driven by the 24-hour pharmacy benefit project such as the "small yellow light" plan of meituan drug purchase, the number of online 24-hour pharmacies has increased,the speed of drug purchase and distribution at night is faster,the service guarantee is more mature,the user awareness has been greatly improved,and the problem of difficult drug purchase at night has been effectively alleviated.艾媒咨询|2021年夜间用药行业研究报告
国内人口基数增长以及人们对于健康管理意识的增强,使得夜间用药市场的需求度也保持在较高的水平。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,约89.9%受访者表示近一年有过夜间生病或者家人朋友需要用药的经历,并且,群众对夜间用药种类的需求丰富,并且在夜间各个时段的急性疾病需求都普遍较高。为此,04年起政府已经倡导24小时药店以满足用户需求。但是研究发现,“晚上买药难”是夜间生病人士普遍提及的关键词,即时配送平台兴起或成解决夜间用药新机遇。
The growth of the domestic population base and the increase of people's awareness of health management have kept the demand for night medication in the market at a relatively high level. According to data from iiMedia Research, about 89.9% of the interviewees said that they have had the experience of getting sick at night or needing medication at night in the past year. Moreover, the masses have a rich demand for medication at night, and acute illnesses at various times during the night. Disease needs are generally high. For this reason, since 2004, the government has advocated 24-hour pharmacies to meet user needs. However, the study found that "difficult to buy medicine at night" is a key word commonly mentioned by people who are sick at night. The rise of instant delivery platforms may be a new opportunity to solve night medicine.艾媒咨询|2020中国第三方手机输入法场景应用专题研究报告
近年来,中国第三方手机输入法用户规模持续增长,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年中国第三方手机输入法用户规模达7.29亿人,同比增长3.9%,2020年达到7.55亿人。艾媒咨询分析师认为,受到疫情的影响,在线办公、在线教育用户对第三方输入法需求激增,以及随着移动互联网的影响扩大,中老年人对语音输入需求也不断扩大,2020年第三方手机输入法有望进一步下沉。目前AI创新功能的用户认知及使用已初具规模,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,超六成第三方手机输入法用户表示熟悉AI创新功能。基于语音识别技术发展较高的成熟度,AI语音输入功能已获得用户认可,AI语音输入功能使用偏好比例接近六成。艾媒咨询分析师认为,受到疫情的影响,AI功能认知度和使用率提升,尤其体现在在线办公和在线教育场景。
In recent years,the scale of third-party mobile input method users in China has continued to grow.As the data of iiMedia Research showed, The scale of third-party mobile input method users in China reached 729 million in 2019, a year-on-year increase of 3.9%, and reached 755 million in 2020 . IiMedia Consulting analysts believe that due to the impact of the epidemic,online office and online education users’ demand for third-party input methods has surged, With the expansion of the mobile Internet,the demand for voice input by middle-aged and elderly people will also continue to expand. The mobile phone input method is expected to sink further. At present, the user awareness and use of AI innovative functions have begun to take shape. According to data from iiMedia Research, more than 60% of third-party mobile phone input method users are familiar with AI innovative functions. Based on the high maturity of voice recognition technology, the AI voice input function has been recognized by users, and the preference ratio of AI voice input function is close to 60%. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that due to the impact of the epidemic, the awareness and utilization of AI functions have increased, especially in online office and online education scenarios.艾媒咨询|2020年秋季中国第三方手机输入法市场监测报告
随着移动终端的普及和智能化,第三方手机输入法的用户规模不断扩大,iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2019年中国第三方手机输入法用户规模为7.29亿人,增长率为3.9%,预计2020年用户规模将达7.48亿人。第三方手机输入法市场集中度进一步提高,百度输入法和搜狗输入法占据近九成市场份额,头部市场竞争激烈。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,25岁以下年轻用户除性能外,还追求皮肤类型、辅助功能等丰富的内容生态,占比分别为33.3%、23.8%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,为适应年轻用户个性化、多样化需求,内容生态建设成为手机输入法未来发展的重要方向。技术创新方面,语音速记功能在需求激增的在线办公和教育场景中受到用户青睐,占比分别为29.5%、25.6%。未来随着AI技术的成熟,第三方手机输入法智能化程度将不断加深,并逐渐由工具型向服务型转变。
With the popularity and intelligence of mobile terminals, the user scale of third-party mobile input methods continues to expand. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the number of third-party mobile input method users in China in 2019 is 729 million, with a growth rate of 3.9 %, the number of users is expected to reach 748 million in 2020. The market concentration of third-party mobile input methods has further increased. Baidu input method and Sogou input method occupy nearly 90% of the market share, and competition in the head market is fierce. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in addition to performance, young users under the age of 25 pursue a rich content ecosystem such as skin type and auxiliary functions, accounting for 33.3% and 23.8% respectively. iiMedia consulting analysts believe that in order to meet the individual and diversified needs of young users, the construction of content ecology has become an important direction for the future development of mobile input methods. In terms of technological innovation, the voice shorthand function is favored by users in online office and education scenarios where demand has surged, accounting for 29.5% and 25.6% respectively. In the future, with the maturity of AI technology, the degree of intelligence of third-party mobile input methods will continue to deepen, and third-party mobile input methods will gradually change from tool-based to service-based.艾媒报告 |2019中国3·15消费者权益调查报告网民健康篇
According to iiMedia Research data, the current demand of logistics enterprises for smart logistics mainly includes logistics data, logistics cloud and logistics equipment. In 2018, the smart logistics market will exceed 400 billion yuan. It is expected that by 2025, the smart logistics market will exceed trillion yuan. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that with the development of IoT, AI and other technologies, as well as the higher requirements for logistics in new retail, intelligent manufacturing and other fields, the scale of intelligent logistics market will continue to expand. At the same time, the development of new retail, the upgrading of consumer consumption and the increase of user experience expectations have contributed to the gradual expansion of demand in the real-time distribution industry. It is expected that the number of users in China's distribution industry will reach 421 million in 2019, and there is still potential for continued growth.