艾媒报告 |2019年中国直销行业发展状况与政策舆论环境监测报告
本报告研究涉及企业/品牌包括:权健、华林酸碱平、无限极、然健环球、康宝莱、天狮、佳莱、绿之韵集团、铸源、和治友德、康婷、清晨、玫琳凯、金诃藏药、炎帝生物、NATURES SUNSHINE、安利、完美、隆力奇、尚赫
2018年,权健、无限极、康宝莱等负面舆情频发令直销行业再次成为舆论焦点。2019年1月1日,国家将继续加大直销行业处罚力度,15家直销企业被商务部勒令整改。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,直销违规事件影响了69.6%消费者的相关选购需求,其中,30.4%消费者表示再也不会购买涉案企业商品。短期看来,直销行业持牌企业增长率将放缓,同时直销行业中的母婴、保健品类产品监管将加强。
The latest data of the State Administration for industry and Commerce show that in 2017, the National Chamber of Commerce, industry and market supervision total 52 cases of direct sales violations, a fine of 32 million yuan. Among them, false publicity has become the most common business problem in the operation of direct selling enterprises. 2018 to Quanjian, Infinity, Compaulay, health Global, waring acid and alkali equality of a number of direct sales enterprises suspected of violations, contusion the purchase confidence of 69.6% of consumers. Among them, abandoning the purchase of all products involved in the Enterprise (30.4%) and abandoning the purchase of direct selling industry involved in the category (41.3%) became the choice of the majority. In the future, the regulatory environment will be further tightened, with the growth of licensed companies slowing. At the same time, the reform of direct selling enterprise management mode becomes an inevitable requirement.