中国食品科学技术学会×艾媒咨询 | 2023-2024年中国方便粉面食品行业发展研究报告
2023年9月4-6日,由中国食品科学技术学会主办的第二十三届中国方便食品大会暨方便食品展在北京召开。大会围绕“变局中的拓展与延伸”,探讨在内需不足的压力下,如何驱动行业向上提升。历经20余年的精心培育,方便食品大会已成为涵盖方便面(米粉、粉丝)、挂面、冷冻食品、调味面制品、自加热食品及方便休闲食品、咸味香精调味料、加工设备、冷链装备、产品包装等上下游全产业链的行业年度盛会,为中国方便食品产业的创新发展提供了强有力的科技支撑。会上,中国食品科学技术学会与iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)联合发布了《2023-2024年中国方便粉面食品行业发展研究报告》。
随着娱乐需求的增加,AI等技术不断迭代的环境下,中国虚拟人产业高速发展,而元宇宙的热潮加速推动虚拟人产业升级。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,虚拟偶像产业保持稳定增长态势,2021年,虚拟偶像的带动和核心市场规模分别为1074.9亿元和62.2亿元,预计2022年将分别达到1866.1亿元和120.8亿元。艾媒咨询分析师认为,虚拟偶像在产品设计方面有较强的可塑性,能根据用户需求进行改变,满足了用户的多元化需求。随着泛娱乐生态的繁荣发展,虚拟人物形象将会在音乐平台、游戏、直播等更多线上场景中应用。元宇宙为虚拟人发展提供了契机,虚拟人的商业价值不断被挖掘和释放。
在群众娱乐需求持续增长以及网络和影像音频技术不断迭代的环境下,中国虚拟偶像产业逐渐走入发展的高峰期。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国虚拟偶像核心产业规模为34.6亿元,同比增长70.3%,预计2021年将达到62.2亿元;另一方面,随着商业价值被不断发掘,越来越多产业与虚拟偶像联系在一起,虚拟偶像带动产业规模2020年为645.6亿元,预计2021年为1074.9亿元。调查显示,超过八成网民在日常有追星的习惯,其中63.6%网民有支持和关注虚拟偶像的相关动态。艾媒咨询分析师认为,虚拟偶像IP在内容和周边产品的开发上拥有更多的空间和可能性,随着潮流的变化和时代的发展迭代进化,引领不同阶段的审美,在形象开发和内容开发上拥有更强的延续性,有利于持续吸收流量关注,提升变现水平。
With the continuous growth of mass entertainment demand and the continuous iteration of network and video audio technology, China's virtual idol industry has gradually entered the peak period of development. According to the data of iimedia research, the scale of China's virtual idol core industry will reach 3.46 billion yuan in 2020, with a year-on-year growth of 70.3%, and it is expected to reach 6.22 billion yuan in 2021; On the other hand, with the continuous exploration of commercial value, more and more industries are connected with virtual idols. The scale of the industry driven by virtual idols will reach 64.56 billion yuan in 2020 and 107.49 billion yuan in 2021. The survey shows that more than 80% of netizens have the habit of chasing stars in their daily life, and 63.6% of them support and pay attention to the related developments of virtual idols. AI media consulting analysts believe that virtual idol IP has more space and possibilities in the development of content and peripheral products. With the change of trend and the development of the times, it leads the aesthetics in different stages, and has stronger continuity in image development and content development, which is conducive to continuously absorbing traffic attention and improving the level of realization.
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