艾媒咨询 | 2024年中国知识付费行业发展情况与消费行为调研分析报告
当前,基于社交、生活、职业发展及兴趣爱好等方面的多元化需求,人们需要不断汲取大量的信息以及通过学习不断提升自身的综合素质,而知识付费成为了中国消费者获取信息和学习的重要渠道,越来越多消费者愿意为高质量的知识内容付费。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024年中国知识付费行业发展情况与消费行为调研分析报告》数据显示,2024年中国知识付费消费者规模将继续保持平稳增长态势,预计达到6.1亿人。而在知识付费服务的类型偏好上,中国消费者展现出对技能培训类内容的强烈需求,占比达到了40.44%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着社会对技能型人才的持续需求和在线教育技术的不断进步,技能培训类知识付费内容将愈发受到消费者的欢迎。
At present, based on the diversified needs of social communication, life, career development and hobbies, people need to constantly absorb a large amount of information and continuously improve their comprehensive quality through learning.Knowledge payment has become an important channel for Chinese consumers to obtain information and learn, and more and more consumers are willing to pay for high-quality knowledge content. According to the latest "2024 China knowledge payment industry develement situation and consumer behavior research analysis report" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis institution in the global new economy industry, the scale of China's knowledge payment consumers will continue to maintain a steady growth trend in 2024, and is expected to reach 610 million people. In terms of the type preference of paid knowledge services, Chinese consumers showed a strong demand for skills training content, accounting for 40.44%. Analysts from Imedia Consulting believe that with the continuous demand for skilled talents in society and the continuous progress of online education technology, paid content for skills training knowledge will be increasingly welcomed by consumers.艾媒咨询|2024-2025年中国智能学习机市场趋势研究报告
随着技术的不断发展,智能学习机产品技术日益成熟,广泛应用于多个教育学习场景,其广阔的应用前景将推动中国智能学习机行业规模快速增长。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国智能学习机市场趋势研究报告》数据显示,2023年中国教育智能硬件市场规模达807亿元,同比增长29.53%;预计2025年中国教育智能硬件市场规模将超1000亿元。
With the continuous development of technology, the technology of intelligent learning machine products is becoming increasingly mature and widely used in multiple educational and learning scenarios. Its broad application prospects will drive the rapid growth of China's intelligent learning machine industry. According to the latest "Research Report on the Trends of China's Intelligent Learning Machine Market from 2024 to 2025" released by iiMedia Research, a third-party data mining and analysis firm in the global new economy industry, the size of China's education intelligent hardware market reached 80.7 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 29.53%; It is expected that the scale of China's education intelligent hardware market will exceed 100 billion yuan by 2025.
Analysts from iMedia Consulting believe that Chinese educational intelligent products are bringing more possibilities and innovation to traditional education methods. The deep integration of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence with education is an important step towards the high-quality development of the intelligent learning machine field in the future.艾媒咨询|2021年中国素质教育及细分行业市场现状及消费行为数据研究报告
With the increase of basic education population, talent demand and per capita disposable income in the future, the market scale of quality education will gradually expand. It is expected that the compound growth rate of the industry will reach 20.5% and the market scale will reach 631.32 billion yuan in 2022. AI media consulting analysts believe that the quality education industry has a broad market space, and the industry track may be more subdivided in the future. For example, science and technology, sports and art will be further classified and become more targeted. Taking sports as an example, many enterprises will enter such subdivided tracks as football and archery, forming many small and beautiful categories. In the process of the development of various categories, leaders will gradually appear. (“iiMedia Report | Research Report on China's market status and consumption behavior data of quality education and industry segments in 2021”full version has 81 pages in total, please click the Browse HD Report button on the right side of the article to browse the report)艾媒咨询|2021中国婴幼早教市场现状与投资趋势价值分析报告
2020年中国早教行业市场规模达3038亿元,同比增长13.6%,预计2021年市场规模将达到3276亿元。首先是中国早教行业宏观环境的利好,政府在相关政策法规中多次提及发展早教教育。同时,社会对优质人才的需求以及国民早教意识的提高,使得国民在教育上的投资占比逐年提高,进而推动着早教行业的发展。其次,人工智能等技术的融合应用也为早教行业带来革新。随着疫情后中国经济的复苏,市场需求将推动早教行业的规模进一步扩大,行业在资本市场的投融资热度也将有所上升。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,近半数早教内容集中于对儿童兴趣方面的培养,主要包括音乐、书法与艺术等。其中,64.1%的家长注重课程内容的丰富性与专业性,55.7%的家长表示重视早教机构的师资力量和品牌。中国早教行业相比国外仍有较大差距,市场发展潜力巨大。伴随着新一代父母对子女教育重视程度的提升,早教市场规模将大幅度上升。
The market size of China's early childhood education industry in 2020 will reach 303.8 billion yuan, an increase of 13.6% year-on-year. It is expected that the market size will reach 327.6 billion yuan in 2021. The first is the favorable macro environment of China's early childhood education industry. The government has repeatedly mentioned the development of early childhood education in relevant policies and regulations. At the same time, the society's demand for high-quality talents and the increasing awareness of national early education have caused the proportion of national investment in education to increase year by year, which in turn promotes the development of the early education industry. Secondly, the integrated application of artificial intelligence and other technologies has also brought innovation to the early education industry. With the recovery of China's economy after the epidemic, market demand will promote the further expansion of the early education industry, and the industry's investment and financing enthusiasm in the capital market will also increase. According to data from iiMedia Research, nearly half of early education content focuses on the cultivation of children's interest, mainly including music, calligraphy and art. Among them, 64.1% of the parents paid attention to the richness and professionalism of the course content, and 55.7% of the parents stated that they valued the strength and brand of early education institutions. Compared with foreign countries, China's early education industry still has a big gap, and the market has great potential for development. As the new generation of parents pay more attention to their children's education, the scale of the early education market will increase substantially.艾媒咨询|2020-2021年中国在线一对一少儿英语行业师资储备专题研究报告
随着经济全球化发展,英语成为了重要沟通工具与竞争优势。中国在线教育市场处于高速发展阶段,未来该行业有望进一步加速扩张。首先是居民收入水平的提高,使得教育类相关费用支出保持较高水平。伴随着互联网的普及和网络技术工具的升级,使得在线少儿英语行业 1对1授课形式的大范围应用在技术上得到支持。2020年中国市场规模达4858亿元。同时,中国在线教育用户规模一直保持高速增长的状态,目前用户规模已达3766万人。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,超八成用户对目前在线1对1少儿英语师资水平表示满意,近七成用户建议严格把关教师教学水平。超五成用户非常看好在线1对1少儿英语行业发展,三成用户比较看好但认为平台水平有待提升。随着市场上出先更多同类型的在线1对1少儿英语平台,未来寻找优质的获客渠道,提高获客精准度是平台形成差异化竞争的关键。同时,外教规模和质量将是在线教育平台的发展关键。
With the development of economic globalization, English has become an important communication tool and competitive advantage. China's online education market moves to the stage of rapid development, and the industry is expected to further accelerate its expansion in the future. The first is the increase in the income level of residents, which keeps expenditures related to education at a relatively high level. With the popularization of the Internet and the upgrading of network technology tools, the large-scale application of one-to-one teaching in the online children's English industry has been technically supported. In 2020, the Chinese market will reach 485.8 billion yuan. At the same time, the number of online education users in China has been maintaining rapid growth, and the number of users has now reached 37.66 million. According to data from iiMedia Research, more than 80% of users are satisfied with the current online 1-to-1 children's English teacher level, and nearly 70% of users suggest that they strictly control the teaching level of teachers. Over 50% of users are very optimistic about the development of the online education industry, while 30% of users are more optimistic, although they believe that the level of the platform needs to be improved. With the emergence of more similar online 1-to-1 children's English platforms in the market, looking for high-quality customer acquisition channels in the future and improving customer acquisition accuracy are the keys to platform differentiation. At the same time, the scale and quality of foreign teachers will be the key to the development of online education platforms.艾媒咨询|2020上半年中国在线直播行业研究报告
随着移动设备的普及、移动互联网用户的扩大,在线直播行业飞速发展,进入多维发展、多强并行的成熟阶段。网络直播行业在经历高速增长后经历了2018-2019年的行业沉淀阶段,而2020年在疫情期间“宅经济”的刺激行业又恢复了强势增长劲头。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计2020年用户规模将有望达到5.26亿。目前,在线直播行业在模式和内容上都有很大的创新。“直播+”模式以直播媒介输出社会价值,与传统产业相结合,模式重构传统场景、创新商业模式,促进在线直播向细分领域拓展,同时也激活了社会就业生态。在内容创新上,除了UGC内容,越来越多的直播平台已经开始涉足PGC内容。数据显示,直播+渗透至各个领域,但娱乐消遣仍为主流,趣味挑战成为泛娱乐平台直播用户的偏好创新形式。未来,在线直播将发挥下沉优势,为传统企业数字化转型起助推作用。
With the popularization of mobile devices and the expansion of mobile Internet users, the online streaming industry has developed rapidly and entered a mature stage of multi-dimensional development and multi-strong parallel. After experiencing rapid growth, the online streaming industry experienced a precipitation stage from 2018 to 2019, while in 2020, the industry stimulated by the "home economy" during the epidemic period regained strong growth momentum. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the scale of users is expected to reach 526 million in 2020. At present, the online streaming industry has made great innovations in both mode and content. The “live streaming +” model outputs social value through live broadcast media, combines with traditional industries, reconstructs traditional scenes and innovates business models, promotes the expansion of online live broadcast to subdivided fields, and also activates the social employment ecology. In terms of content innovation, in addition to UGC content, more and more live-streaming platforms have begun to set their hands on PGC content. Data show that “live streaming +” has penetrated into all fields, but entertainment is still the mainstream, and fun challenge has become the preferred innovative form of live streaming users on pan-entertainment platforms. In the future, online streaming will give full play to its sinking advantage and play a facilitating role in the digital transformation of traditional enterprises.艾媒咨询|后疫情时代中国在线教育行业研究报告
在后疫情时代下,中国在线教育的市场规模受疫情正面刺激不断扩大,中国在线青少儿英语市场规模在2020年第一季度达260亿元,用户规模约580万人,市场渗透率达22%。在线教育市场红利也吸引了大量资本,2019年融资总额达115亿元。报告显示,提升产品质量吸引用户并促进高效运营是在线教育行业的优势,同时应抓住下沉市场潜力大和技术革新的机遇来迎接挑战。在后疫情时代下,随着政策的支持和5g、AI等技术的推动,中国在线教育的市场规模进一步扩大,根据iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,预计2020年中国在线教育市场规模将达到4858亿元。截至2020年4月,中国在线青少儿英语市场规模达260亿元,用户规模约580万人,市场渗透率达22%。经过疫情期在线教育的爆发式增长,在用户习惯不断养成的背景下,预计到2021年底,中国在线青少儿英语市场渗透率将达到37%,2022年将达51%。近年来,在线教育市场红利吸引了越来越多的投资注入,2019年,中国在线教育行业共发生融资事件150起,融资总额达115亿元。由于2020新冠疫情的正面刺激,中国在线教育行为和习惯得以普及,尤其是K12阶段和职业教育阶段两个方面市场将得到巨大的释放,展现出巨大的市场前景,2025年中国在线教育市场规模有望超8000亿元。报告分析显示,在线教育行业需提升产品质量吸引用户并促进高效运营,抓住下沉市场潜力大和技术革新的机遇,迎接中国在线教育行业发展的挑战。
During the post-epidemic period, with the support of policies and the promotion of 5G, AI and other technologies, the market scale of China's online education is further expanded. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, the market scale of China's online education is expected to reach 485.8 billion yuan in 2020. By April 2020, China's online youth English market has reached 26 billion yuan, with about 5.8 million users and a market penetration rate of 22%. After the explosive growth of online education during the epidemic period, it is estimated that the penetration rate of Online English for young children in China will reach 37% by the end of 2021 and 51% by 2022 under the background of the continuous formation of user habits. In recent years, the dividend of online education market has attracted more and more investment. In 2019, China's online education industry witnessed a total of 150 financing events with a total financing amount of 11.5 billion yuan. Thanks to the positive stimulus of coVID-19 in 2020, online education behaviors and habits become more and more popular in China. In particular, the market of K12 and vocational education will be greatly released, showing a huge market prospect. By 2025, the size of China's online education market is expected to exceed 800 billion yuan. According to the analysis of the report, the online education industry needs to improve product quality to attract users and promote efficient operation, seize the opportunity of potential sinking market and technological innovation to meet the development challenges of China's online education industry.
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